CNBC make it 2024-07-05 07:25:27

26-year-old worked as a nanny, barista and donut shop staffer—4 years later, she’s a breakout pop star

For breakout pop star Chappell Roan, the journey to success has been full of twists, turns and detours.

Roan, whose given name is Kayleigh Rose Amstutz, signed to Atlantic Records at age 17 after gaining popularity on YouTube. She released her debut EP “School Nights” in 2017 and, a year later, moved to Los Angeles from her hometown of Willard, Missouri.

In April 2020, she released a song called “Pink Pony Club,” inspired by a night at a gay club. It gained traction on social media, USA Today called it one of the 10 best songs of 2020 and entertainment news website Vulture crowned it the Song of the Summer in 2021. Commercially, however, it underperformed Atlantic’s expectations and the label released her, Roan told Pitchfork last year.

After a few months as a barista, Roan started working part-time jobs like nanny, production assistant and donut shop staffer to pay the bills, she told People last year. All the while, she grew a small following for her music on TikTok.

“My music [was] nothing really massive … We’re not talking [Doja Cat’s] ‘Say So’ when that blew up, nothing like that happened,” she said. “TikTok was just a way to display my personality and the inner workings, but I feel like it was hell most of the time trying to get it together as an independent artist and also having a part-time job.”

Today, the 26-year-old is a breakout pop star with four singles reaching the Billboard Hot 100, appearances on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” and CBS’ “The Late Show,” a pizza party with Elton John and a new album on the way.

“It feels like I was right all along,” Roan said on “The Tonight Show” last month. “It feels like I did it. I mean, I feel kind of like I made it already.”

‘It’s really hard to keep up’

Roan’s path from struggling independent artist to emerging sensation was likely helped along by a connection: Her producer at Atlantic was Dan Nigro, who also works with Olivia Rodrigo. Roan was an opening act during Rodrigo’s Sour Tour in 2022, before signing with Island Records last year.

As Rodrigo became more established, so did Roan. Earlier this year, Roan opened for a portion of Rodrigo’s Guts World Tour, giving her a 32% boost in streaming over a single weekend, Billboard reported in February. Her ensuing single “Good Luck, Babe!” came out in April, with immediate success on streaming platforms like Spotify and Billboard’s Top 100.

The sudden jump threw Roan into stardom, presenting a new set of career challenges. “I just want to be honest with the crowd: I just feel a little off today,” she said during a performance last month in Raleigh, North Carolina. “I think my career is just kind of going really fast and it’s really hard to keep up. I’m just being honest … I’m having a hard time today.”

Feeling overwhelmed at work can be a relatable concept, and experts have plenty of tips for handling it in a healthy, productive way. “I’ve found that changing the grammar in your self-talk can boost your mental toughness and resilience,” performance coach Steve Magness wrote for CNBC Make It in 2022. “It’s very easy and simple: Switch ‘I’ to ‘you.’”

Using first-person pronouns can draw you into negative emotions, Magness explained. Instead, tell yourself, “you can recover from this mistake,” or “you will come out of this job search with your dream role.”

Or, try ex-Navy SEAL Jocko Willink’s strategy. When he feels overwhelmed, he makes a giant to-do list and spends a few days knocking off every single task to get out of his mental slump, he told Make It in 2019.

“I like to go on the hardcore offense,” said Willink, noting that each catch-up workday often lasts roughly 12-14 hours. “It’s a lot better for me to suffer hard for three days and grind than to suffer the continual burden that’s weighing on your back for months on end.”

Disclosure: NBCUniversal is the parent company of NBC and CNBC.

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NBA champion Jayson Tatum has a new $314 million contract, but says he won’t spend any of it

Jayson Tatum is fresh off of signing the richest contract in NBA history, but don’t expect the reigning champion to spend any of that $314 million.

The 26-year-old last year told Graham Bensinger that he has a longstanding agreement with his mom Brandy Cole, who also manages his finances, that he will only spend the money he earns from endorsements.

“Her and my accountant agreed,” he said of the deal they made before he was drafted by the Boston Celtics in 2017. “They didn’t know I’d make as much as I did off the court.”

The All-Star’s sponsors include Nike, Gatorade, Google and Subway, and he brought in an estimated $13 million from endorsements in 2024, according to Forbes.

The mother-son duo said they are careful about preserving his basketball earnings because of the financial insecurities they experienced before Tatum entered the NBA.

For most of my life I didn’t have money … I remember what it’s like to struggle and not have.
Jayson Tatum
NBA Champion

“For most of my life I didn’t have money,” Tatum said. “I didn’t have an investment account, checking account, a credit card. I remember what it’s like to struggle and not have.”

“We’re not that far removed from living check to check,” Cole added in the interview. “He knows what he never wants to go back to.”

Cole processes the wire transfers for Tatum’s big purchases. She knows her son “likes nice things, he likes nice watches,” and that “technically I can’t say no” to anything he wants to buy. But sometimes when she sees what he chooses to spend money on, she can’t help but react.

“When he tells me the price, I’m like ‘What does this watch do?‘” Cole said. “And then he’s like ‘But it’s not the Celtic money!’ That’s his little running joke.”

Still, Cole tries to keep her son in line when she can.

“Sometimes I take trips with my friends,” Tatum said. “We’ll go out to LA, Vegas or Miami and she’ll call me in the morning and go ‘Who is Mr. Jones and why did you give him $12,000?’” 

For Tatum, who says he’s mostly gotten his spending “in moderation now,” part of enjoying his wealth comes from remembering what it was like to not have much. As long as he’s sticking to the terms of the deal he made when he was 19, Tatum gives himself a little bit of flexibility to have fun.

“In my mind, I’ve gotta spend all that money,” he said. “It’s gotta go, I’ve gotta enjoy it.”

Want to be a successful, confident communicator? Take CNBC’s new online course Become an Effective Communicator: Master Public Speaking. We’ll teach you how to speak clearly and confidently, calm your nerves, what to say and not say, and body language techniques to make a great first impression. Sign up today and use code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off through July 10, 2024.

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If you always use 12 phrases, you’re more emotionally intelligent than most

Do you think and speak in ways that mark you as being emotionally intelligent

After spending more than 25 years researching and writing books about emotional intelligence, I know that you should hope the answer is yes.

As I discuss in my most recent book “Optimal,” being emotionally intelligent means you’re more likely to be a high performer, be engaged in what you do, feel satisfied with your work, and be in a good mood on the job. 

What this looks and sounds like in practice breaks down along four domains of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

Within these domains, there are a dozen specific abilities, or “competencies,” that distinguish star performers at work, both on teams and as leaders. Those include emotional self awareness, emotional self control, adaptability, achievement orientation, positive outlook, empathy, organizational awareness, influence, conflict management, inspirational leadership, coaching and mentoring, and teamwork.

Here are 12 phrases that emotionally intelligent people tend to think or say on a regular basis — each reflects a strength in one of the 12 competencies. 

1. ‘I can handle this’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Self management (self control)

No matter how stressful or upsetting your life, excellence in self-management — and in emotional self-control in particular — means you can keep disruptive emotions like anger or anxiety from getting in the way of what you have to do in the moment. And if you do get upset, you recover quickly.

2. ‘I can get better and so can you’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Self management (positive outlook)

Rather than assuming you or someone else is only as good at a particular skill or task as they seem at the moment, you realize everyone — you included — can get better with guidance and practice. 

This positive outlook lets you roll with the punches in life and lets you see the opportunities even in setbacks.

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3. ‘I’m excited about this change’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Self management (adaptability)

You’re able to navigate uncertainty and adapt to changes instead of being rigid in how you respond. You’re eager to learn new ways of doing and being.

4. ‘This is what really matters’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Self management (achievement orientation)

Keeping your eye on your big-picture goal, despite the distractions of the day, helps you achieve it.

5. ‘I have these thoughts because … ’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Self awareness

Having self-awareness means you understand what triggers your moods and how they make you think, feel, and want to act. You can recognize, for example, when your thoughts stem from feelings of anger, anxiety, or sadness.  

Self-awareness is a prerequisite for better emotional self-control and self-management more broadly. 

6. ‘I get it—and I care about you’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Social awareness (empathy)

There are three kinds of empathy: 

  • Knowing how someone thinks about what’s going on
  • Sensing their feelings
  • Having concern for that person

Together, these three aspects of empathy build closeness and trust in any relationship.

7. ‘So that’s how things work around here’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Social awareness (organizational awareness)

Knowing who makes the decisions you care about offers you a key to the crucial dynamics of your organization. If you understand who’s involved and how things work, you’re often able to have influence. 

8. ‘What if you tried doing it this way?’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Relationship management (influence)

You know how to convince someone to see things your way. You don’t command, but rather suggest, how a person might do something better. 

9. ‘That means so much because … ’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Relationship management (inspirational leadership)

Outstanding leaders get the best efforts out of others by speaking about a shared purpose from the heart to the heart, in a way that resonates.

10. ‘We can work this out’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Relationship management (conflict management)

Talent at handling conflict means you don’t ignore it, can listen to all perspectives, and come up with win-win solutions.

11. ‘We have each other’s backs’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Relationship management (teamwork)

Feeling like we belong and having a sense of psychological safety on our team means we can give our best efforts and take risks to be innovative without fear of being ostracized or put down.

No matter what your role on the team, you know how to pitch in and collaborate, sharing both responsibilities and rewards. 

12. ‘This could help you’ 

Emotional intelligence competency: Relationship management (coaching and mentoring)

Coaching or mentoring is a key part of helping develop leaders for the future, strengthening your team and organization in the long run. You do it by giving feedback, offering support, and motivating people to learn and grow. 

Keep honing your emotional intelligence 

The more these phrases come up in your mind, the more emotionally intelligent you already are and the better your performance is likely to be. 

Each of us has strengths and limits across these 12 must-have EI competencies. To find out yours I recommend a “360” assessment — where people you know and trust rate you anonymously. It’s the best way to see your own EI profile. You can try the Emotional and Social Competence Inventory.

You might not be a natural in every competency that makes up emotional intelligence. But understanding EI as a broad set of skills and abilities and getting a snapshot of where you stand on each one will help you see what you can build on and where you have room to grow.

Daniel Goleman is a psychologist who shares his insights into the strengths of outstanding performers in the online learning program he designed to strengthen your emotional and social competencies. Daniel received his PhD in psychology and personality development from Harvard University. He is also the author of several books, including “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” and most recently ”Optimal: How to Sustain Personal and Organizational Excellence Every Day.”

Want to be a successful, confident communicator? Take CNBC’s new online course Become an Effective Communicator: Master Public Speaking. We’ll teach you how to speak clearly and confidently, calm your nerves, what to say and not say, and body language techniques to make a great first impression. Sign up today and use code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off through July 10, 2024.

Dream of moving abroad? This Central American destination is the No. 1 country for expats

Expats who live and work in Panama are among the happiest in the world, according to the latest Expat Insider report from InterNations, the global community for people who live abroad.

Panama was named the No. 1 country for expats out of 53 countries in this year’s report, which surveyed more than 12,500 people in February about how satisfied they feel with their lives in a foreign country.

A majority, 82% of people who move to Panama say they’re happy with their lives, compared with 68% of expats around the world. Most people said they moved to the Central American country for financial reasons, to retire or for a better quality of life.

Newcomers are most satisfied with the low cost of living, which they can more than comfortably cover, and 71% report they feel they’re paid fairly (compared with 58% globally), according to survey data. They also noted that it’s easy to move there as a foreigner and find ample and affordable housing.

In their free time, many expats said they enjoyed Panama’s tropical climate and leisure options across its beaches, mountains and rainforests.

The InterNations report ranked 53 global countries across five indices: quality of life, ease of settling in, working abroad, personal finance and an “expat essentials” index, which covers housing, administration, language and digital life.

These are the top 10 countries for expats to live and work abroad, according to InterNations data:

  1. Panama
  2. Mexico
  3. Indonesia
  4. Spain
  5. Colombia
  6. Thailand
  7. Brazil
  8. Vietnam
  9. Philippines
  10. United Arab Emirates

Mexico dropped from the top spot in last year’s rankings but still ranks No. 2 for expats in 2024. It commands high marks among people who say it’s incredibly easy to move there and feel settled in. Some 86% of people say the Mexican population is friendly and welcoming to newcomers.

Expats in Mexico also say it’s easy to get used to the local culture and find local friends once there, making them feel “at home” all the faster.

Their biggest downsides, however, include dealing with local bureaucracy, banking, health-care access and transportation.

Indonesia surged in the rankings to be named the No. 3 best country for expats thanks to its low costs, friendly people and good work-life balance, residents reported in the survey.

Expats are especially satisfied with their decisions to work in Indonesia, saying they’re happy with their jobs, personal career opportunities, and short working hours. Respondents said their full-time workweeks were just under 39 hours per week, compared with a global average of 42.5 hours per week.

Foreigners reported experiencing issues with the digital life in Indonesia, with poor results for satisfaction around its high-speed internet, cashless payment options, online administrative services, and access to general online services like social media.

Expats in Indonesia rated its health care and air quality poorly, though they favorably rated other quality of life factors like good weather, culinary variety and a fun nightlife.

On the other end of the spectrum, expats say they’re least satisfied with their lives in Kuwait for its low quality of life, Turkey for its challenges in the jobs and careers landscape, and Finland for its high cost of living, according to the report.

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How much it really costs to buy a $1 home in Italy

The 15 U.S. states with the highest cost of living for single people

You’ll need to earn nearly $60,000 annually to live alone in Massachusetts, the most expensive state in the U.S. when it comes to basic costs, according to a recent SmartAsset analysis.

That figure includes estimates for how much a single-person household needs to cover housing, transportation, health care, taxes and other common expenses, as tracked by the MIT Living Wage calculator.

These expenses vary widely by state, however, especially housing, taxes and food. The biggest spread in annual cost for a single-person household is $58,009 in Massachusetts compared with $39,386 in West Virginia.

Based on a 40-hour work week, that works out to an hourly wage of about $28 in Massachusetts and about $19 in West Virginia needed to cover basic expenses.

Here’s a look at the 15 U.S. states with the highest cost of living, based on how much a single person needs to cover basic costs:

  1. Massachusetts: $58,009
  2. Hawaii: $56,841
  3. California: $56,825
  4. New York: $55,878
  5. Washington: $53,242
  6. Colorado: $51,644
  7. New Jersey: $51,504
  8. Maryland: $51,460
  9. Oregon: $50,553
  10. Rhode Island: $50,418
  11. Connecticut: $50,194
  12. Virginia: $49,973
  13. New Hampshire: $49,045
  14. Arizona: $48,677
  15. Georgia: $48,448

Housing is by far the biggest factor in most people’s budgets. At a median of $17,000, housing costs in the 15 most expensive states are nearly double that of the 15 least expensive states.

Unsurprisingly, housing costs are higher in states with large cities, like California and New York. Big cities tend to attract people because of job opportunities, which increases the demand for homes and subsequently drives up prices.

The difference in cost of living between states is also related to food and tax costs, which vary by as much as $2,000 and $1,500, respectively.

Note that these expense estimates only cover necessities, so they don’t include discretionary spending like entertainment or investment contributions.

Unfortunately, minimum wage won’t cover basic expenses in any state, even for states that far exceed the federal minimum hourly wage of $7.25. This includes California’s newly enacted $20 per hour minimum wage for fast food workers, which doesn’t cover the $27.32 needed to pay for a single full-time worker’s basic expenses in that state, according to MIT’s data.

MIT’s Living Wage calculator is based on data from various federal agencies, adjusted for inflation as of December 2023.

Want to be a successful, confident communicator? Take CNBC’s new online course Become an Effective Communicator: Master Public Speaking. We’ll teach you how to speak clearly and confidently, calm your nerves, what to say and not say, and body language techniques to make a great first impression. Sign up today and use code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off through July 10, 2024.

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