rfi 2024-07-21 20:12:06


France recalls Olympic-branded water bottles over contamination fears

French authorities have recalled Olympics-branded water bottles for children containing excessive levels of endocrine disruptor Bisphenol A, a week ahead of the Paris Games’ opening.

The reusable bottles made by the Vilac company have “levels of Bisphenol A not in line with regulations” on products designed for contact with foods, government website Rappel Conso (Consumer Recall) said Friday.

The white-coloured flasks with beige, blue or red tops are branded with the Olympic rings, the Paris 2024 mascot or the Olympic flame.

People who have bought them should return them to the place of purchase, authorities said.

  • Nestlé admits to treating bottled mineral water in breach of French regulations
  • French brand recalls yoghurts contaminated with E coli bacteria

The bottles were sold in France from late August last year until the beginning of June.

Bisphenol A, once widely used in making food containers, has been banned in France since 2015.

Labelled an endocrine disruptor by France’s food safety agency Anses, it is believed to be linked to health problems including breast cancer and infertility.

India – Internet

India wages war on online scammers with new cybercrime centre

India plans to launch a dedicated cybercrime centre to crack down on online scams, which are estimated to have cost victims nearly 200 million euros in the first four months of this year alone.

The Cyber Fraud Mitigation Centre, billed by national media as a “game-changer“, will will act within minutes of a crime being committed, officials have promised.

The new body, expected to be launched within 100 days of India’s new government taking office, will also seek to block the flow of stolen funds to scammers. 

It will gather officials alongside social media and software experts to tackle cybercrime in India, where 740,000 complaints were filed between January and April for losses totalling 17.6 billion rupees, or 191 million euros.

Most of the victims had fallen prey to online trading and investment frauds, gaming apps, password manipulations, fake lending portals and extortion.

Cybercrime wave

May alone saw 7,000 cases daily. Meanwhile annual complaints rose from 26,049 in 2019 to almost a million in 2022.

A 708 percent jump in banking frauds in the past two years involving hundreds of millions of euros has also alarmed law enforcers, who say 45 percent of the attacks originate from Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos.

Earlier this month, police reported an online heist of 18 million euros from a Delhi branch of state-backed Nainital Bank and said cyber criminals breached its vault by taking control of the bank manager’s username and password.

Nigerian con artist ‘Mike’ arrested for €54m in online scams

The stolen money was deposited in 89 separate banking accounts, a police spokesperson said.

It came after an office worker in Hyderabad, the southern city where thousands of Indian software experts work for Google, Microsoft and Amazon, was cheated of 1,170 euros by scammers posing as police who threatened her with arrest.

And in June, Sri Lankan police arrested 200 suspects accused of defrauding victims and banking the proceeds in Britain, the United Arab Emirates and India. Sixty of them were Indians while the remaining suspects were from China, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal.

Scam hotline

India ranked 10th in the world for cybercrime in a recent global index published in the PLoS One journal.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who embarked on his third term last month, has promised to protect India’s 820 million internet users.

Victims can already directly report scams via a four-digit telephone helpline and website.

Delhi said that between July 2023 and May this year it had taken down 325,000 illegal bank accounts, blocked 3,000 URLs and 595 mobile phone apps, and deactivated 530,000 SIM cards as part of its latest crackdown.

Deepfakes and deception hinder India’s elections

Paris Olympics 2024

Air pollution found to be above safe levels at Paris Olympic sites

Some 95 percent of sports venues in the Paris region exceed the World Health Organisation’s air quality recommendations, according to a French watchdog.

Almost all the sports grounds in the greater Paris region are overexposed to air pollution, according to Respire (“Breathe”), which looked into into air quality at sites around the French capital.

Its results, released this week, showed that “almost all” of the worst polluted sites were close to the Paris ring road.

The “vast majority” of 112 sports centres studied in Paris and its suburbs have air pollution above the maximum levels recommended by the WHO, according to the study, which used data from French air monitoring service Airparif.

“Spikes in pollution can prevent sports people from reaching elite performance levels and cause asthma attacks and even dizzy spells,” the report said, especially during the summer months where pollution levels are at their highest.

Pollution hotspots

The open-air sports ground at Porte d’Asnières between Paris and Levallois-Perret was the most polluted in 2023. The ring road is only 10 metres or so from the athletics track and football pitches. 

“There are lots of cars and lots of dust flying around, so it’s not good at all,” said Adèle, who goes running there twice a week.

“I cough, it itches in my throat and then it can turn into an asthma attack,” she told news broadcaster Franceinfo.

Another local resident, Anatole, plays football near the ring road every week. He said the pollution affects his performance: “I don’t play as long and if I smell the pollution, I can get a bit dizzy.”

Report sounds warning over extreme heat at Paris Olympics

Athletes at risk

“When you do sport, you breathe in four to ten times more pollutants than when you are at rest,” said Tony Renucci, director of Respire.

That can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. 

“If we have pollution peaks during the Olympics, we’ll have to ask ourselves whether we should postpone certain disciplines,” he warned.

Mapping pollution in Paris metro reveals three stations in the red

In a sign organisers have taken note of the capital’s air problems, the Olympic Village, which is also built close to the ring road in the northern Paris suburb of Saint-Ouen, is equipped with air purifiers – a first. 

Five experimental outdoor air filters have been installed in a bid to filter out dangerous particles.

The village welcomed the first of 10,000 Olympians on Thursday ahead of the start of the Paris Games on 26 July.


French police disperse demonstrators from port blockade over reservoir construction

French police removed demonstrators from the western port of La Rochelle with tear gas this Saturday, as environmentalists and small farmers mobilised against massive irrigation reservoirs under construction.

Around 200 people had entered the La Pallice port terminal at dawn, including farmers with old tractors, setting up a street party with music and drinks outside a major grain trader’s facility.

More than a dozen police vans and an armoured vehicle pushed them out during the morning in a cloud of tear gas, while other police vehicles blocked off access to the port.

  • Protest convoy slams ‘water grab’ by French agriculture sector

The protest in the city on France’s Atlantic coast was intended to show that new “reservoirs aren’t being built to grow food locally, but to feed international markets,” said Julien Le Guet, a spokesman for the Bassines Non Merci (Reservoirs, No Thanks) movement.

Activists say the reservoirs – set to be filled from aquifers in winter to provide summer irrigation – benefit only large farmers at the expense of smaller operations and the environment.

Several dozen are under construction in western France, with backers saying that without them farms risk vanishing as they suffer through repeated droughts.

Protests become more violent

Last year, mass clashes between thousands of demonstrators and police in Sainte-Soline, around 90 kilometres inland from La Rochelle, left two protesters in a coma and injured 30 officers.

France’s top court later overturned an attempted government ban on the Soulevements de la Terre (Uprisings of the Earth) group involved in organising the protests.

Throughout this week more than 3,000 police have been deployed around a “Water Village” protest camp in Melle, a few kilometres from Sainte-Soline, with authorities warning of a risk of “great violence”.

  • Protest convoy against government irrigation scheme reaches Paris after 8 day march

Organisers of two marches in La Rochelle itself on Saturday – banned by city authorities – said they rallied around 6,000 people, with police numbering them at 3,500.

“Many individuals are equipped with balaclavas and protective masks,” a police source told the AFP news agency, while the local prefecture warned that “several hundred radical individuals” were on the scene.

Some bus shelters, an insurance office and a supermarket were damaged and five people arrested by early afternoon.

The law enforcement response was “totally out of proportion,” said Agnes Denis, who had travelled from Dijon in eastern France to join the protest with her partner.

“People’s voices need to be heard, because if it’s stopped every time we’ll end up with a brawl, and that’s not what we’re here for,” she added.


France condemns Russia’s conviction of US journalist on ‘fabricated’ spying charges

France has slammed Russia’s conviction of American reporter Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in jail for ‘espionage’, with the foreign ministry calling the court ruling ‘appalling’.

On Saturday, French foreign ministry spokesman Christophe Lemoine said in a statement that Paris “calls on Russian authorities to free Evan Gershkovich as well as all political prisoners, Russian or foreign”.

France “condemns [his] appalling conviction to 16 years in a penal colony,” he said, charging that “Russia’s authoritarian drift continues to intensify”.

Wall Street Journal correspondent Gershkovich – who pleaded not guilty – became the first journalist in Russia to be charged with spying since the Cold War when he was detained in 2023.

  • French national due in Moscow court to appeal spying accusations
  • Frenchman jailed for eight years in Iran on spying charges

No evidence from Kremlin

The Kremlin has provided no public evidence for the espionage allegations, saying only that Gershkovich was caught “red-handed” spying on a tank factory in the Ural mountains region while working for the CIA.

He has spent almost 16 months in detention on charges the US government and his employer have said are fabricated.

But Gershkovich’s trial itself was wrapped up with rare speed, having started only in late June.

One glimmer of hope around his conviction is that Russia has previously said its policy is not to trade people before they have been convicted.

That suggests Friday’s sentence could pave the way for the 32-year-old journalist to be swapped in a deal with Washington, though the Kremlin remains tight-lipped.

Kenya crisis

After cabinet sackings, Kenya’s youth protesters call for President Ruto to go

Nairobi – Despite President William Ruto’s decision to dismiss nearly his entire cabinet following nationwide protests by young people, the anti-government demonstrations have evolved into demands for his resignation.

The Kenyan government has repeatedly rejected these calls, frequently deploying aggressive police tactics in response.

Protesters have also demanded that members of parliament be dismissed for years of misgovernment.

They condemned members of the National Assembly for approving the contentious 2024 Finance Bill, which many Kenyans view as harsh and indifferent to ordinary citizens.

The demonstrators issued other demands too, including the repeal of recent tax increases, which Ruto has agreed to meet.

The president appointed 11 replacement ministers on Friday, six of whom served in the previous cabinet. The crucial post at the head of the finance ministry, however, remains empty.

  • Kenya president dismisses most of cabinet following anti-government protests

Protest ban blocked

Attempts by authorities to stop the protests have been unsuccessful so far. On Thursday, a Kenyan court blocked a police move to ban protests in the centre of the capital, Nairobi.

Kenya’s acting police chief Douglas Kanja had announced late Wednesday that no demonstrations would be allowed in Nairobi’s central business district and surroundings “to ensure public safety”.

The area has been the epicentre of many of the marches and the scene of violent and sometimes deadly chaos – particularly on 25 June, when protesters stormed parliament and police fired live bullets at demonstrators.

But a Nairobi High Court judge on Thursday issued a “conservatory order” to prevent the ban from being enforced, pending a final ruling on the case.

The court said it will hold another hearing on 29 July.

Economic risks

Ruto has been scrambling to contain the worst crisis of his nearly two-year rule.

Businesses in major Kenyan towns remained closed as business owners feared looting, and analysts warn that continued demonstrations could lead to severe economic problems.

They argue that business operations have already been hindered for weeks, potentially leading to a significant economic downturn affecting not only the Kenyan shilling but also infrastructure and other amenities.

In response to the protests, Ruto has called for a six-day national dialogue.

He said that the dialogue would include 150 representatives from all sectors of society, including young people, religious leaders and civil organisations.

But protesters rejected the appeal, saying their demands were clear and did not require discussion.

‘Excessive force’

Meanwhile rights watchdogs have accused the government of abducting and killing protesters as they exercised their democratic rights.

The Kenya constitution “guarantees every person the right to assemble, demonstrate, picket, and present petitions to public authorities peacefully and unarmed”, Amnesty International Kenya said in a statement describing “unnecessary and excessive force” on the part of law enforcement. 

  • Kenya rights groups decry abductions as government cracks down on protests

Human rights organisation Haki Africa called for police to be held accountable for extrajudicial violence.

It urged political leaders to listen to young people, who show no signs of abandoning the protests.


Olympic torch continues its final relay across France

Hundreds of French towns and cities have hosted the Olympic flame since the torch relay began on 8 May in Marseille. RFI was in Eaubonne, northwest of Paris to catch the action on 19 July.

From the Louvre Museum to the Eiffel Tower, from Paris’ posh districts to working-class neighbourhoods, hundreds of people have carried the Olympic torch through the French capital for two days of celebrations before the Summer Games kick off next Friday 26 July.

Joyful crowds have lined up along the route of the Olympic torch and join in the festivities over the past ten weeks, since the relay reached France in Maresille by ship in May.

“I got super emotional,” BMX world champion Matthias Dandois said after carrying the torch in front of the Eiffel Tower.

”I’m from Paris, and I grew up playing so much sport and watching the Olympics, and it was a dream to be a part of it.”

  • In pictures: Olympic torch relay finally reaches Paris, 12 days before Games
  • Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo takes plunge in Seine, signalling river is ready for Olympic events

About 10,000 people were chosen to carry the flame across France from Marseille to the opening ceremony on July 26.

Many are athletes. Others were picked because they represent art, culture and gastronomy, volunteer for charities or are deeply involved in community life.

Dressed in white, they run at a slow pace to the cheers of spectators.

The torch will continue its journey in northern France and through the Paris region before heading back to the French capital.

The Olympic cauldron will be lit after the opening ceremony on the River Seine on July 26.

Algeria election 2024

Algerian opposition denounces ‘unfair conditions’ in upcoming election

Political challengers in Algeria are sounding the alarm over a presidential election scheduled for 7 September, which will see incumbent Abdelmadjid Tebboune seek a second term in office. It comes five years after he was elected in a vote widely rejected by the opposition.

Prominent opposition figure Louisa Hanoune, the leader of the Workers’ Party, this week withdrew her candidacy, citing “unfair conditions”. Her party will boycott the vote entirely.

Hanoune, who entered the race two months ago, denounced what she alleged were attempts to exclude her party from the race and prevent voters from choosing freely between parties.

In a press release, she stressed that democracy depends on respecting fundamental freedoms that allow people to voice their will.

Hanoune, 70, stood in three presidential elections between 2004 and 2014.

During 2019 protests that culminated in President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s resignation, she was imprisoned on charges of conspiracy against the state and military.

After spending approximately 10 months in detention, she was acquitted and released in May 2020.

Activist Amira Bouraoui sentenced to 10 years in prison by Algerian court

Lack of strong opponents

President Tebboune, 79, announced his bid for re-election in a television interview last week.

Several other challengers have declared their intention to run in the September poll, which Tebboune called three months ahead of schedule.

The official list of approved candidates is expected on 27 July, following a vetting process by the electoral commission.

“No other personality has emerged” as a strong contender, according to Hasni Abidi, a political scientist and director of the Centre for Studies and Research on the Arab and Mediterranean World.

While the president lacks a clear political agenda, “the state is governed in a collegial manner, which favours his re-election”, Abidi told RFI.

Algeria’s complex political dynamics mean that the influence of the military and entrenched elites often plays a significant role in shaping electoral outcomes.

The last presidential elections in 2019 were widely boycotted. With all five candidates linked to Bouteflika, the opposition objected that the new poll would not rid the country of its old political elite.

Tebboune, a former prime minister under Bouteflika, took over after winning 58 percent of the vote – though low turnout meant that translated to just 20 percent of Algeria’s registered voters.

Algeria ruling party wins parliamentary poll with record low turnout

The Sound Kitchen

What’s in a name?

Issued on:

This week on The Sound Kitchen you’ll hear the answer to the question about the Eurosatory weapons show. There’s “On This Day”, “The Listener’s Corner” with Paul Myers, and bushels of good music – all that and the new quiz and bonus questions too, so click on the “Play” button above and enjoy! 

Hello everyone! Welcome to The Sound Kitchen weekly podcast, published every Saturday – here on our website, or wherever you get your podcasts. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you’ve grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day”, quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so be sure and listen every week.

Erwan and I are busy cooking up special shows with your music requests, so get them in! Send your music requests to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr – tell us why you like the piece of music, too – it makes it more interesting for us all!

The ePOP video competition is open!

The ePOP video competition is sponsored by the RFI department “Planète Radio”, whose mission is to give a voice to the voiceless. ePOP focuses on the environment, and how climate change has affected “ordinary” people. You are to create a three-minute video about climate change, the environment, pollution – told by the people it affects.

You do not need expensive video equipment to enter the competition. Your phone is fine. And you do not need to be a member of the RFI Clubs to enter – everyone is welcome. And by the way – the prizes are incredibly generous!

Go to the ePOP page to read about past competitions, watch past videos, and read the regulations for your entry.  You can also write to us at thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr, and we’ll forward your mail to Planète Radio.

The competition closes on 12 September, but you know how “time flies”, so get to work now! We expect to be bombarded with entries from the English speakers!

Facebook: Be sure to send your photos for the RFI English Listeners Forum banner to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

More tech news: Did you know we have a YouTube channel? Just go to YouTube and write RFI English in the search bar, and there we are! Be sure to subscribe to see all our videos.

Would you like to learn French? RFI is here to help you!

Our website “Le Français facile avec RFI”  has news broadcasts in slow, simple French, as well as bi-lingual radio dramas (with real actors!) and exercises to practice what you have heard.

Go to our website and get started! At the top of the page, click on “Test level”. According to your score, you’ll be counselled to the best-suited activities for your level.

Do not give up! As Lidwien van Dixhoorn, the head of “Le Français facile” service told me: “Bathe your ears in the sound of the language, and eventually, you’ll get it.” She should know – Lidwien is Dutch and came to France hardly able to say “bonjour” and now she heads this key RFI department – so stick with it!

Be sure you check out our wonderful podcasts!

In addition to the breaking news articles on our site with in-depth analysis of current affairs in France and across the globe, we have several podcasts that will leave you hungry for more.

There’s Paris Perspective, Spotlight on France, Spotlight on Africa, and of course, The Sound Kitchen. We have an award-winning bilingual series – an old-time radio show, with actors (!) to help you learn French, called Les voisins du 12 bis. And there is the excellent International Report, too.

As you see, sound is still quite present in the RFI English service. Keep checking our website for updates on the latest from our staff of journalists. You never know what we’ll surprise you with!

To listen to our podcasts from your PC, go to our website; you’ll see “Podcasts” at the top of the page. You can either listen directly or subscribe and receive them directly on your mobile phone.

To listen to our podcasts from your mobile phone, slide through the tabs just under the lead article (the first tab is “Headline News”) until you see “Podcasts”, and choose your show. 

Teachers take note! I save postcards and stamps from all over the world to send to you for your students. If you would like stamps and postcards for your students, just write and let me know. The address is english.service@rfi.fr  If you would like to donate stamps and postcards, feel free! Our address is listed below. 

Another idea for your students: Br. Gerald Muller, my beloved music teacher from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, has been writing books for young adults in his retirement – and they are free! There is a volume of biographies of painters and musicians called Gentle Giants, and an excellent biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, too. They are also a good way to help you improve your English – that’s how I worked on my French, reading books that were meant for young readers – and I guarantee you, it’s a good method for improving your language skills. To get Br. Gerald’s free books, click here.

Independent RFI English Clubs: Be sure to always include Audrey Iattoni (audrey.iattoni@rfi.fr) from our Listener Relations department in your RFI Club correspondence. Remember to copy me (thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr) when you write to her so that I know what is going on, too. NB: You do not need to send her your quiz answers! Email overload!

This week’s quiz: On 22 June, I asked you a question about the world’s largest arms show – the Eurosatory weapons show – which was just ending up here in France. RFI English journalist Jan van der Made went out to take a look, and wrote an article about it for you: “Israel and Russia barred as world’s largest arms show opens in Paris”.

You were to re-read Jan’s article and send in the answer to this question: why is the arms fair called “Eurosatory”?

The answer is, to quote Jan’s article: “Eurosatory is named after Satory, a town near Versailles that is home to Paris’s 24th infantry regiment and the GIGN (an elite French crisis intervention group) headquarters.

The first Eurosatory show was held there in 1967, but due to its expansion over the years, the show moved to the Villepinte exhibition halls north of the French capital.”

In addition to the quiz question, there was the bonus question: “What is your favorite food, and why?”, which was suggested by Momotaz Begum Nazu from Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Do you have a bonus question idea? Send it to us!

The winners are: Riaz Ahmad Khan, the president of the RFI Listeners Club in Sheikhupura, Pakistan. Riaz is also the winner of this week’s bonus question. Congratulations Riaz, on your double win.

Also on the list of lucky winners this week are Ferhat Bezazel, the president of the RFI Butterflies Club Ain Kechera in West Skikda, Algeria, and RFI Listeners Club member Zenon Teles, the president of the Christian – Marxist – Leninist – Maoist Association of Listening DX-ers in Goa, India.

Last but not least, there are RFI English listeners Nilu Dhakal from Mechi, Nepal, and Laily Akhter Nessa from Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Congratulations, winners!

Here’s the music you heard on this week’s programme: The theme from The Pink Panther by Henry Mancini; “No Apparent Reason” by Alex Norris, performed by Ralph Irizarry and Timbalaye; “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov; “The Cakewalk” from Children’s Corner by Claude Debussy, performed by the composer, and “Canon” by Siouxsie Sioux, Budgie, and Steven Severin, performed by Siouxsie and The Banshees.

Do you have a music request? Send it to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

This week’s question … you must listen to the show to participate. After you’ve listened to the show, re-read our article “Rwanda heads to the polls to likely re-elect Kagame for fourth term”, which will help you with the answer.

You have until 9 September to enter this week’s quiz. The winners will be announced on the 14 September podcast. When you enter be sure to send your postal address with your answer, and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Send your answers to:



Susan Owensby

RFI – The Sound Kitchen

80, rue Camille Desmoulins

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux



By text … You can also send your quiz answers to The Sound Kitchen mobile phone. Dial your country’s international access code, or “ + ”, then  33 6 31 12 96 82. Don’t forget to include your mailing address in your text – and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

To find out how you can win a special Sound Kitchen prize, click here.

To find out how you can become a member of the RFI Listeners Club, or form your own official RFI Club, click here. 

French politics

Macron ally Braun-Pivet re-elected as speaker of France’s National Assembly

The rancour in French politics showed no sign of abating on Friday following the re-election of Yaël Braun-Pivet as speaker of the National Assembly.

Braun-Pivet, who held the post during the previous parliament, won 220 votes on Thursday night during a third round of voting to beat off the challenge of the veteran left-wing candidate André Chassaigne and Sébastien Chenu from the National Rally party.

Chassaigne, 74, denounced the result as a deal between President Emmanuel Macron’s party and the Republican party.

“The Republicans, through an alliance with Madame Yaël Braun-Pivet, voted for this president in exchange for positions of responsibility in the National Assembly that will be far above how much weight they actually carry,” Chassaigne said in an interview on the French radio station franceinfo on Friday.

“It’s a Pyrrhic victory,” said Chenu. “It is against nature … between Macron’s supporters and the Republican party who got themselves elected a fortnight ago by saying they were the opposition to Emmanuel Macron and they have just voted for Yaël Braun-Pivet. It circumvents the will of the voters.” 

During a short acceptance speech on Thursday night, 53-year-old Braun-Pivet said she recognised she was under pressure to offer cohesion after parliamentary elections had failed to produce a party with a majority in the 577-seat lower house.

“What we can say to each other is that we have an immense responsibility,” she told MPs. “There are major issues at stake and our decisions, our actions can change our lives.

“We have to listen to these messages from the voters and come up with solutions, using new methods. This assembly is more representative of the French people, but also more divided. It is necessary to find compromises.”

Macron took to social media on Thursday night to offer his congratulations.

“All those who know you know that you will ensure respect for the plurality of opinions and the expression of the diversity of sensibilities,” he said.


Braun-Pivet, who had been serving as the minister for overseas territories, became the first woman to  hold the post of speaker when she was selected for the role of organising and moderating parliamentary debates in June 2022.

  • Macron forced to find allies to build ruling majority as new French parliament opens

The horse trading will continue on Friday to pick Braun-Pivet’s six deputy speakers along with 12 secretaries and three financial administrators.

Each parliamentary group is entitled to propose candidates for the various roles, as well as for the chairs of eight standing parliamentary committees ranging from finance and foreign affairs to defence and culture.


Leaders on the left have called for the far right to be denied any positions of power within parliament, while some centrists say they will seek to block candidates from either the National Rally or the left-wing France Unbowed.

Such stances flout convention, by which the leadership of the National Assembly is typically drawn from a mix of parliamentary groups. 

The first vice-presidency and at least one financial administrator job traditionally go to members of the opposition, while rules expressly require that the opposition chairs the finance committee. Seats on the committees, meanwhile, are divided proportionally between groups.

With more than 140 seats, the National Rally heads the third-biggest group in the assembly and has already said it wants the top job on the finance committee.


Olympic security jitters rise as French police deal with string of attacks

A series of violent attacks have French police on edge as the opening of the Paris Olympics approaches on 26 July. While the incidents do not appear to be connected, police suspect at least some are linked to terrorism.

France is on its highest state of security as it gears up to host millions of visitors, athletes and world leaders during the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Police on Friday arrested a man on terror charges accused of trying to murder a taxi driver with a knife while expressing support for Palestinian militant group Hamas.

The man, known to authorities as someone who had been radicalised, stopped a taxi in the city of Le Mans on Tuesday night while brandishing a gun.

He reportedly forced the driver out of the car, bound him and attacked his neck with the blade.

The driver managed to escape to a local resident’s home, where he was eventually treated by emergency services.

The assailant was arrested early on Friday morning in Yvelines, west of Paris, and is being investigated on charges of terrorism, attempted murder and kidnapping.

Police officer stabbed

Meanwhile, French prosecutors said on Friday that an attacker who stabbed a French police officer near the Champs-Elysées in Paris is also suspected of having killed a teenager earlier in the day.

A police officer shot the suspect on Thursday after he attacked another officer with a knife. The wounded officer is expected to survive.

The assailant – identified to news agencies by a source in the prefecture as a 27-year-old Senegalese national previously known to police – later died of his injuries.

  • Paris Olympic organisers calm fears over security breaches in global IT meltdown
  • France seeks help from allies to bolster security during Paris Olympics

The public prosecutor’s office in the western Paris suburb of Nanterre revealed that the attacker is suspected of having fatally stabbed a 16 year old in an apartment in Courbevoie, northwest of the capital, earlier that day.

The attacker’s parents told police that their son had been squatting the apartment. He had psychiatric problems and had already run away from the family home as well as from a psychiatric hospital, they said.

Soldier attacked

Earlier this week, a soldier was stabbed and wounded by a man armed with a knife at a railway station.

The suspect is a man with a history of psychiatric problems and violence.

Meanwhile, the authorities are also investigating whether a man who rammed a car into the terrace of a café on Wednesday evening did so deliberately.

The attacks took place just over a week before the opening of the Olympic Games, for which some 35,000 police and gendarmes and 18,000 French military personnel will be mobilised on average every day.

(with newswires)

Paris Olympics 2024

Paris Olympic organisers calm fears over security breaches in global IT meltdown

Olympic Games organisers in Paris calmed fears on Friday that a global IT glitch had compromised sensitive security data just over a week from the planned lavish opening ceremony along the river Seine.

“Paris 2024 is aware of global technical issues affecting Microsoft software,” said a spokesperson. “These issues are impacting Paris 2024’s IT operations.

“Technical teams have been fully mobilised to mitigate the impacts of these issues and we have activated contingency plans in order to continue operations,” the spokesperson added.

Microsoft said the issue began on Thursday evening with users of its Azure cloud platform running cybersecurity software CrowdStrike Falcon.

George Kurtz, CrowdStrike’s CEO, said in a post on several social media platforms that a fix had been rolled out for the problem. He described the problem as a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts.


In Paris, the faulty systems affected the distribution of badges allowing athletes, officials and reporters access to the Olympic facilities.

Next Friday evening, around 10,000 athletes will set sail in a flotilla of vessels to travel six kilometres along the river Seine as part of the opening ceremony.

Tony Estanguet, who heads the organising committee, added: “This does not call into question the security of access to critical and essential information.

“On the other hand, it has slowed down operations to welcome new athletes and all the delegations.  But we are adapting.”

Flight chaos

From Amsterdam to Zurich, Singapore to Hong Kong, airport operators flagged technical issues that were disrupting their services.

Some airports told planes they could not land, while in others airline staff began checking in passengers manually.

Spanish airport operator Aena AENA.MC reported a computer systems incident at all Spanish airports led to flight delays.

“We are working to solve it as soon as possible, the airport operator said in a post on social media. “Meanwhile, operations are continuing with manual systems.”

Troy Hunt, a cybersecurity consultant, said the scale of the IT failure was unprecedented.

(With newswires)

Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Dance off: Performers threaten to pull out of Paris Olympics opening ceremony

Key sections of the opening ceremony for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games were in jeopardy on Friday after a performing artists union announced a boycott of the extravaganza along the river Seine on 26 July unless organisers cleared up discrepancies in contract deals.

Around 3,000 dancers, musicians and actors will take to the banks of the river Seine and its bridges as part of the gala in which 10,000 athletes will be ferried six kilometres in a flotilla of vessels between Pont d’Austerlitz and the Pont d’Iena.

The Syndicat français des artistes interprètes (SFA) says around 300 people had been signed up for the Olympics and Paralympics on different deals to the majority of the performers.

And despite repeated requests for answers and revamped arrangements from the recruiting agency Paname 24, the SFA says it will tell its members to pull out of next week’s show as well as the opening ceremony for the Paralympic Games on 28 August.

 “We regret to have to announce filing a strike notice for July 26 as well as for the upcoming rehearsals for the opening ceremony for the Paralympic Games,” the union said in a statement.

“We proposed an open discussion to find solutions acceptable to all, within the time constraints linked to the approach of the ceremonies,” the SFA added. “But to date, Paris 2024 and Paname 24 seem to be playing for time, by not scheduling any new meetings.”


The gridlock comes as large swathes of the capital have become no-go zones for cars and unauthorised pedestrians as temporary stands are constructed for opening ceremony next Friday evening.

Traditionally, the event has been a single site spectacular. Paris organisers floated the idea of an array of venues at the handover ceremony following the Tokyo Games.

And the organising committee eventually anointed Thomas Jolly as artistic director for the spectacle after they opted to take the ceremony outside a stadium for the first time.

“Out in the city, we’ll be able to have 10 times more people involved compared to an opening ceremony at the Stade de France,” said Paris 2024 organising committee boss Tony Estanguet.

And despite revising the figures from initial projections of 600,000 to around 400,000 people, Estanguet and his lieutenants have bugled the originality of the exploit. 

“We, the cohorts of actors, dancers, acrobats at the opening ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, are keen to take part in a ceremony of celebration,” said the SFA.

“And yet, while the slogan: “Faire mieux ensemble” (Doing better together) is being displayed everywhere in the streets of Paris today, we note that our conditions of employment have not been discussed together, nor for the better!”

The SFA says some artists from outside Paris are being offered expenses for lodgings when fellow performers on the same contracts will not receive cash for housing costs.


The union is also angry that money given to artists for the recording and broadcasting of their performances, range between €60 for occasional workers in the entertainment industry to €1,610 for employees who have benefited from successful collective negotiations.

A spokesperson for the Paris 2024 organising committee, said the issue of working conditions was taken very seriously.

“Paname 24 complies with the dancers’ collective bargaining agreements,” the spokesperson added. “Fees are said to be even higher than the conventional minimum.

“After verification, we were able to ascertain that our service provider Paname 24 has complied strictly with the law, applying the collective agreements applicable to the profession of dancer.” 

On Tuesday, Paris airport workers called off a strike that would have disrupted travel just ahead of the Olympic Games after unions reached a deal with airport managers ADP.

Workers helping with Olympic delegations and their baggage will get bonuses, ADP bosses said.

  • Paris airports labour dispute threatens Olympics arrivals

Along with the capital’s train stations, ADP-operated Charles de Gaulle and Orly airports will be the main gateways into France for foreign visitors to the Olympics, as well as athletes and their equipment.

Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Olympic blues as closures kick in to set the Seine for Paris 2024 opening gala

Large sections of Paris were closed off on Friday as Olympic organisers ramped up the preparations for the spectacular opening ceremony along the river Seine on 26 July.

Six kilometres of the river Seine between Pont Austerlitz to the east and the Champs de Mars have been designated for the first launch ceremony outside the main Olympic stadium.

The procession involving a flotilla of boats and around 7,000 athletes will skirt around the two islands at the centre of the city – the Île Saint Louis and the Île de la Cité – before passing under several bridges.

The cruise will take in Olympic venues such as Parc Urbain La Concorde, the Esplanade des Invalides and the Grand Palais before ending near the Eiffel Tower.

“Athletes will be the heart and soul of the ceremony,” said a Paris 2024 spokesperson.

“By opening with the parade of athletes, Paris 2024 is breaking with tradition,” the spokesperson added.

“Athletes will be featured on stage during the introduction to and throughout the ceremony as part of Paris 2024’s constant aim to hold Games created for and by athletes.”

However, the closure of central riverside districts to most vehicles as well as metro stations has inflicted complications for drivers as well as residents and tourists.

“The Olympics have brought us nothing but misery,” said taxi driver Rabah Ouanes.

The 53-year-old complained on Thursday about deteriorating conditions because of construction work on the roads.

 “I have lots of clients who get in and then abandon their journey when they see they’re not getting anywhere.”


Off the road, traditional hotspots were feeling the chill of the two-tiered security perimeter.

“Our clients are down by 50 percent,” moaned Renaud, a senior waiter at Les Deux Magots cafe in Saint-German-des-Prés, which was sucked into the new security perimeter set up on Thursday.

“Normally we have people queueing out the door,” he told the French news agency AFP.

Around 10km to the north-east of Saint-German-des-Prés, the first athletes arrived at the newly built Olympic Village in the Saint-Ouen.

Comprising around 40 different low-rise housing blocs, the complex has been built as a showcase of innovative construction techniques using low-carbon concrete, water recycling and reclaimed building materials.

“We are super excited to check how it’s looking,” Australian hockey player Stephanie Kershaw said en route to her room in the village. “We can’t wait to get started.”

 Members of the Argentinian, Brazilian and Kenyan delegations as well British and American athletes were also due to settle in on Thursday.

On Wednesday, France’s Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, attempted to calm fears of a terrorist attack during the opening ceremony.

He told journalists that security services had not established what he described as credible threats.

Around 500,000 people are expected to pack along the Seine to witness the ceremony. Some will view proceedings from seats in specially constructed stands along the river banks.

 Martine Dubois, a 74-year-old living in Saint-Germain-des-Pres, branded the Games a real inconvenience.

“The metro stop I use has been closed for security reasons,” she complained. “All the barriers make you feel like you’re living in a prison.”

European Union

Ursula von der Leyen is re-elected, vows to advance EU’s green ambitions

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen won a second term on Thursday, after Green lawmakers agreed to back her following her pledge to stay the course on Europe’s green transition while cushioning its burden on industry.

Von der Leyen was re-elected by members of the European Parliament for another five-year term in charge of the European Union’s executive body with 401 votes in favour.

She needed 361 votes from a total of 720 lawmakers.

Addressing the parliament in Strasbourg before the vote, the centre-right von der Leyen laid out a programme focused on prosperity and security.

She also stressed the need not to backtrack on the “Green Deal” transformation of the EU economy to fight climate change, a key pledge for Greens who were earlier undecided on whether to support her.

“The next five years will define Europe’s place in the world for the next five decades. It will decide whether we shape our own future or let it be shaped by events or by others,” von der Leyen said ahead of the secret ballot on her candidacy.

One of Europe’s most powerful women

Ursula von der Leyen was born on 8 October 1958, in Brussels, Belgium, to German parents.

Daughter of German politician Ernst Albrecht, she initially studied economics before switching to medicine, graduating from Hanover Medical School and earning a doctorate in 1991. After living in the US from 1992 to 1996, she returned to Germany and joined the Christian Democratic Union in 1990. Von der Leyen held various political roles, eventually becoming minister of family affairs in 2005 and then minister of labour and social affairs in 2009.

She went on to make history as the first woman to serve as Germany’s minister of defence from 2013 to 2019. In that role she sought to reform the German armed forces and address NATO commitments amid crises like the annexation of Crimea and the 2015 refugee wave.

In 2019, she succeeded Jean-Claude Juncker and become the first female president of the European Commission. Her first term included challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic to vaccine procurement scrutiny and the Russia-Ukraine war. She supported sanctions against Russia and military aid to Ukraine, while navigating Europe’s energy crisis caused by reduced Russian gas supplies. She also sought to focus on gender equality and climate change.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz congratulated von der Leyen for securing another term.

Her re-election is “a clear sign of our ability to act in the European Union, especially in difficult times”, Scholz wrote on social media.

Expanding Europe’s defences

After pledging to support Ukraine for as long as it takes in its fight against Russia, von der Leyen said Europe’s liberty was at stake and it must invest more in defence.

The former German defence minister pledged to create “a true European Defence Union”, with flagship projects on air and cyber defence.

She also blasted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s recent visit to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow as an “appeasement mission”, winning broad applause from lawmakers.

Defence policy in Europe has traditionally been the domain of national governments and NATO.

EU unveils €1.5 billion defence programme as Ukraine war persists

But following Russia’s attack on Ukraine and amid uncertainty over how much Europe will be able to rely on the United States for its protection should Donald Trump win the US presidential election in November, the European Commission is seeking to push more joint European defence projects.

Von der Leyen also pledged to stick to the goals set out in the European Green Deal, a climate package that was one of the main policies of her first term.

She promised a raft of climate policies including a legally binding EU target to cut emissions by 90 percent by 2040.

She also pledged new measures to help European industries stay competitive while they invest in curbing emissions.

(with newswires)

EU-UK relations

UK hosts Macron-inspired summit aimed at ‘resetting’ European relations

New UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer hosted dozens of European leaders on Thursday as he gets to work repairing relationships strained by the Conservative Party’s tumultuous Brexit years.

UK Opposition Leader Keir Starmer made a firm commitment on Thursday that a future Labour government under his leadership would maintain Britain’s adherence to the European Convention on Human Rights. He emphasized a more compassionate approach to addressing irregular migration issues.

This stance marks a clear departure from the previous Conservative government led by Rishi Sunak. Sunak had considered withdrawing from the convention, largely due to pressure from his party’s right wing. The former Prime Minister had argued against “foreign courts” interfering with Britain’s plans to deport migrants to Rwanda.

In a separate but related development, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed strong disapproval of any behind-the-scenes negotiations with Russia that exclude Ukraine. His comments came in response to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Speaking at a summit held at Britain’s historic Blenheim Palace, Zelensky urged his European counterparts to maintain a united front in supporting Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression. The Ukrainian leader stressed the importance of solidarity among European nations in the face of the ongoing conflict.

Resetting relations

Starmer, who led Labour to a landslide election win over the Tories two weeks ago, has pledged to “reset” Britain’s relationship with European allies as they grapple with challenges ranging from supporting Kyiv after Russia’s invasion to breaking up people-smuggling gangs.

“The EPC [European Political Community] will fire the starting gun on this government’s new approach to Europe, one that will not just benefit us now, but for generations to come,” Starmer said before the one-day summit at the stately home near Oxford, southern England.

The EPC, a new ‘platform for political coordination‘ was initially proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron in June 2022.

It was meant to allow non-EU states, and specifically Ukraine, that was facing the Russian invasion since February of that year, to engage in closer cooperatoin with Brussels. 

The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, and European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, supported the proposal. The inaugural meeting of the EPC was held in Prague on 6 October. This ‘EU+ summit’ was hosted by the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and attended by representatives of 43 countries,  ie delegations from the EU-27, the Western Balkans and other countries, including the United Kingdom, Ukraine and Turkey.

  • Macron’s European Political Community summit opens in Prague

Starmer will tell fellow leaders that the UK will take “a more active and greater convening role on the world stage, to strike genuine partnerships that have impact on people’s lives,” the government said.

He will also say that border security will be “at the heart of the government’s reset with Europe”.

(With newswires)


Trump rallies supporters for ‘incredible victory’ on accepting nomination

Donald Trump has predicted an “incredible victory” upon accepting the Republican presidential nomination from a party euphoric over his escape from assassination and buoyed by the apparent implosion of Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

The 78-year-old former president commanded the stage for more than 90 minutes – well above average by convention standards – as he offered a deeply personal account of his near-death experience before pivoting to grievances over the Democrats’ handling of the economy, immigration and other issues.

“We will have an incredible victory, and we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country,” Trump said at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

It was his first speech since a 20-year-old man shot at him, causing a wound to one ear and killing a bystander during a rally last weekend.

In an emotional retelling of the shooting, where Trump said he had “God on my side”, the ex-president asked for a moment of silence to honour the victim, firefighter Corey Comperatore.

Before a hushed crowd, he kissed the slain firefighter’s helmet on the stage.

“I’m not supposed to be here tonight,” Trump said quietly, prompting supporters to shout out “Yes you are!”

‘American apocalypse’

Minutes earlier Trump took the stage to chants of “USA” from a crowd which has spent the week talking of him in near-divine terms.

Warm-up acts included shirt-ripping 1980s wrestling icon Hulk Hogan and conspiracy theorist and far-right media guru Tucker Carlson, who described Trump’s survival as a historic moment.

But while the speech had been touted as the launch of a less abrasive, more unity-seeking Trump, he soon reverted to his familiar painting of America as an apocalyptic ruin that needs saving.

Promising to complete a wall on the US-Mexico border, he said an “invasion” of immigrants had brought “destruction” and “misery” to a “nation in decline”.

He vowed to end Biden’s massive spending on fighting climate change, calling it a “scam”.

Trump also reiterated his false claim that Democrats cheated in his defeat to Biden in the 2020 election.

And, despite aides promising that Trump would not even say Biden in the speech, Trump did refer to his opponent by name and “the damage” he has done.

  • Trump to cap Republican National Convention with highly anticipated nomination speech

Trump flips the script

Despite a torrent of scandals, impeachment for his unprecedented attempt to overturn the 2020 election, and 34 felony convictions in May at a New York criminal trial, Trump is on the rise in polls ahead of November.

Now, with Republicans more in step behind him than ever, he is bullish about a shock return to power.

Attempting to flip the script on accusations he intends to rule as an authoritarian leader, Trump insisted that he is “the one saving democracy” and referred to his criminal investigations as “witch hunts.”

“We must not criminalise dissent,” he said.

  • Trump makes triumphant appearance at party convention after shooting

Crisis in the Biden camp

Trump’s speech in Milwaukee contrasted with the crisis engulfing Biden.

The 81-year-old Democratic president looked close late Thursday to being forced by his own party to withdraw and make way for Vice President Kamala Harris or another candidate, as fears spiral that his faltering physical health will lead to a loss in November.

With Biden still reeling from the aftermath of his disastrous debate performance against Trump last month, polls show a gap gradually opening in the long-close race.

The Republican campaign has even been talking up Trump’s chances in Democratic strongholds like Minnesota and Virginia.

(with AFP)

French elections 2024

France’s new parliament faces key decisions in first session

France’s newly elected National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, meets on Thursday for the first time. The country is still struggling to form a government after snap elections failed to produce a majority, but MPs are on a deadline to fill key parliamentary posts.

As required by France’s constitution, the new parliament will hold its opening session on the second Thursday after elections concluded – which falls in this case on 18 July. 

The incoming assembly will be formally opened in a session presided over by its oldest member, 81-year-old José Gonzalez of the National Rally party, assisted by the six youngest MPs.

But tradition aside, the first session is far from a formality. 

It will see lawmakers elect the president of the assembly, the equivalent of a speaker of the house, who is charged with setting the agenda and running debates. 

An important role in any parliament, it’s especially so now – when the house is divided, a caretaker government is in charge and President Emmanuel Macron stands weakened.

What is France’s new caretaker government and what will it mean?

Open race

The vote to choose a speaker is “the first occasion to put the unity – or otherwise – of the various political groups to a full-scale test”, says political consultant Bernard Sananès, head of Elabe polling institute.

It will measure the balance of power between the four main blocs that emerged from the snap elections: the left-wing New Popular Front, Macron’s centrist alliance Ensemble, the far-right National Rally and the right-wing Republicans. No camp has enough seats for a majority.

Yet would-be speakers must be backed by an outright majority of MPs in the first two rounds of a secret ballot – failing which, the winner is whoever gets the most votes in a third round.

No front-runners have yet emerged to fill the post, which until now was occupied by Yaël Braun-Pivet of the president’s centrist coalition.

She is expected to stand to keep the post, but with Macron’s camp now only the second-largest bloc in the new parliament, she’s far from guaranteed the votes.

While the New Popular Front, the broad left-wing alliance that won the most seats in this month’s polls, has signalled it plans to put forward a single candidate, so far its various factions have failed to agree on a name.

That’s largely due to disagreements between hard-left France Unbowed, the largest party in the bloc, and the centre-left Socialist Party, its second-biggest faction.

“We’ll see whether they agree on a joint candidate, which has been floated but hasn’t materialised so far,” Sananès told RFI

“Everyone will be counting their troops and things may look a bit clearer, let’s hope, by the end of the week.”

Other top jobs up for grabs

The speaker’s chair isn’t the only one waiting to be filled. 

The president of the assembly shares leadership duties with six vice-presidents, 12 secretaries and three financial administrators, all of whom are due to be selected on 19 July. 

Each parliamentary group is entitled to propose candidates for the various roles, as well as for the chairs of eight standing parliamentary committees ranging from finance to foreign affairs, defence to culture.

Those posts will be filled on 20 July, and a battle is already taking shape over which groups will claim the plum roles.

Leaders on the left have called for the far right to be denied any positions of power within parliament, while some centrists say they’ll seek to block candidates from either the National Rally or France Unbowed.

That’s at odds with convention, by which the leadership of the National Assembly is typically drawn from a mix of parliamentary groups. 

The first vice-presidency and at least one financial administrator job traditionally go to members of the opposition, while rules expressly require that the opposition chairs the finance committee. Seats on the committees, meanwhile, are divided proportionally between groups.

With more than 140 seats, the National Rally heads the third-biggest group in the assembly and has already said it wants the top job on the finance committee.

French election leaves far-right National Rally down but not out

Leadership limbo

The tussle to fill parliamentary positions is set to crystallise the various allegiances that could end up determining who forms France’s next government.

The choice of a new prime minister lies with President Macron, who has indicated he wants to resolve the uncertainty as soon as possible.

With the Paris Olympics starting in little over a week, however, others say it’s not the time to rush into a handover.

The constitution requires parliament to sit for 15 days, taking the first session up to 2 August. After that it is not due to meet again until the beginning of October, raising the possibility that France could remain in limbo throughout the summer.

“The French public isn’t used to waiting so long to get a government,” says pollster Sananès. 

“Their votes sent a message that there are urgent matters to deal with, things they’re angry about. And so if we were to find ourselves not naming a government until the end of the summer as some suggest, even if you can understand it given the Olympics, French people may get increasingly impatient.”


France rugby stars accused of rape placed under house arrest in Argentina

France international rugby players Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jegou were on Thursday facing a second day under house arrest as they await trial for on charges of raping a 39-year-old woman following France’s match against Argentina on 6 July in Mendoza.

Auradou, 20, and Jegou, 21, were arrested on 8 July in Buenos Aires as the France squad was on the verge of leaving for a match against Uruguay in Montevideo.

The woman accused them of raping her multiple times and beating her in a room at the Diplomatic Hotel in Mendoza, north-western Argentina.

Auradou and Jegou, who play for the French top flight sides Stade Palois and Stade Rochelais respectively, deny the accusation. They say they had consensual sexual relations with the woman.

“Given the level of evidence and the absence of procedural risk, it is possible to grant house arrest with personal bond for each of them,” said a spokesperson for the prosecutor’s office in Mendoza.

“In addition, they will both be fitted with electronic bracelets.”

The pair were charged with aggravated gang rape on 12 July. They face between eight and 20 years in prison if convicted.


On Tuesday, Florian Grill, the president of the French Rugby Federation, rejected suggestions that the tour of South America had been poorly managed.

“There is an extremely precise tour framework which has existed for years, based on autonomy and accountability,” said Grill.

“This framework was not respected by the players. It’s not the staff who are to blame.”

Auradou and Jegou’s alleged attack took place in the aftermath of the first Test against Argentina.

Both players had been called up to the senior squad after their stellar performances during France’s surge to the crown at the 2023 World Rugby under-20 Championship.

The pair each made their senior debuts in the 28-13 win at the Estadio Malvinas Argentinas.

The alleged attack was taking place in the same post-match haze during which full-back Melvyn Jaminet posted a message on social media containing a racist comment.

 “The first Arab I meet on the street, I’m going to head butt him,” said the 25-year-old who plays for the French side RC Toulon.


The video was picked up by La France insoumise politician Sébastien Delogu and widely shared on social media.

Though Jaminet has apologised, he faces an end to his international and domestic career after the emergence of the video.

Jaminet will face club bosses in Toulon next week to discuss his remarks.

Carlo Alberto Brusa, a lawyer for the 25-year-old, told the French newspaper Midi Olympique: “All his friends say Melvyn has black, Arab or Muslim friends. There is not an ounce of racism in Melvyn’s mind.

“If there was any hint of racism in my client, people would naturally have been talking about it since the video.”

However, even if Jaminet were to avoid severe domestic and international punishments, he is likely to face a changed environment around the France squad.

“We’re going to increase the penalties, which will now be financial but could go as far as temporary or permanent exclusion from the French teams,” Grill insisted.

“There will be zero tolerance. There will be a before and after Mendoza.”


World marks International Mandela Day at turning point for South Africa

On 18 July every year, the world marks International Nelson Mandela Day as an occasion to reflect on the life and legacy of the iconic South African freedom fighter. In recent years, many South Africans use the international celebration as a chance to do good in disadvantaged communities. 

International Mandela Day was first celebrated in 2010 as an opportunity to highlight the idea that everyone has the power to make a difference in the world – no matter how small their beginnings. 

The occasion is seen as a chance for people to do good in their communities, an effort that has particular resonance among South Africans this year, in the wake of tempestuous elections and political upheaval that has seen the ruling ANC humbled into forming a national unity coalition after 30 years of government control. 

  • South Africa heads for coalition talks after ANC loses 30-year majority

Across South Africa, clean-up operations are usually the order of the day, where each person is expected to consecrate 67 minutes of their time for a good cause.

For example, in 2021 – following several days of looting across the country – clean-up operations were the obvious choice.

In Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, several communities came together to clear away businesses covered in debris and rubbish after being vandalised.

This year, Mandela Day falls on the eve of the opening of parliament by President Cyril Ramaphosa, to usher in the seventh post-apartheid administration.

The occasion will be unique, as Ramaphosa will be addressing the nation as a president of a government of national unity for the first time. 

  • Ramaphosa re-elected as South African leader after historic coalition deal

The symbolism that Mandela Day and the 2024 parliamentary address coincide is not lost on South Africans, who are celebrating 30 years of democracy, but still face the challenges of poverty, unemployment and crime.


Kenyan security forces begin patrols in Haitian capital Port-au-Prince

Kenyan police have begun patrolling Port-au-Prince, as Haiti’s Prime Minister Garry Conille announced new emergency measures to combat the country’s gang wars.

Armoured vehicles reportedly patrolled the area around the National Palace and other parts of Port-au-Prince on Wednesday with Kenyan forces and Haitian police on board.

Several loud bangs were heard as the vehicles passed by, although it remains unclear if they were shots fired by police or the armed gangs who control some 80 percent of the capital.

Prime Minister Gary Conille briefly spoke to the nation the same day, announcing that the authorities had declared a state of security emergency in 14 communes that are “under the control of gangs”.

This “will allow the government to have the necessary tools and instruments to act, confront the bandits and restore the authority of the state”, he said.

Shortly before the premier’s announcement, a government source told French news agency AFP that the communes in question were located in the country’s west and centre.

Conille said that he had authorised “the national police, the Haitian army and the Kenyan force to launch operations in the affected areas, based on the plans we have established”.

“The final objective is to take back all the areas that are controlled by the gangs, house by house, neighbourhood by neighbourhood and city by city.”

  • 200 more Kenyan police officers deployed to tackle Haiti violence
  • First contingent of Kenyan security forces leave for Haiti

International security mission

Kenya stepped up to lead the long-sought international force last year to help Haiti tackle its soaring insecurity.

The UN-backed mission – with an initial duration of one year – will total 2,500 personnel from countries that also include Bangladesh, Benin, Chad, the Bahamas and Barbados.

Kenya has now sent around 400 personnel to Haiti – 200 on 25 June and 200 on Tuesday – with promises of another 600 in the coming weeks.

The United States has ruled out sending forces, but is contributing funding and logistical support to the mission.

Haiti has long been wracked by gang violence, but conditions sharply worsened at the end of February when armed groups launched coordinated attacks in Port-au-Prince, saying they wanted to overthrow then prime minister Ariel Henry.

The violence in the Haitian capital has affected food security and humanitarian aid access, with much of the city in the hands of gangs accused of abuses including murder, rape, looting and kidnappings.

(with AFP)

The Sound Kitchen

What’s in a name?

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This week on The Sound Kitchen you’ll hear the answer to the question about the Eurosatory weapons show. There’s “On This Day”, “The Listener’s Corner” with Paul Myers, and bushels of good music – all that and the new quiz and bonus questions too, so click on the “Play” button above and enjoy! 

Hello everyone! Welcome to The Sound Kitchen weekly podcast, published every Saturday – here on our website, or wherever you get your podcasts. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you’ve grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day”, quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so be sure and listen every week.

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The ePOP video competition is open!

The ePOP video competition is sponsored by the RFI department “Planète Radio”, whose mission is to give a voice to the voiceless. ePOP focuses on the environment, and how climate change has affected “ordinary” people. You are to create a three-minute video about climate change, the environment, pollution – told by the people it affects.

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There’s Paris Perspective, Spotlight on France, Spotlight on Africa, and of course, The Sound Kitchen. We have an award-winning bilingual series – an old-time radio show, with actors (!) to help you learn French, called Les voisins du 12 bis. And there is the excellent International Report, too.

As you see, sound is still quite present in the RFI English service. Keep checking our website for updates on the latest from our staff of journalists. You never know what we’ll surprise you with!

To listen to our podcasts from your PC, go to our website; you’ll see “Podcasts” at the top of the page. You can either listen directly or subscribe and receive them directly on your mobile phone.

To listen to our podcasts from your mobile phone, slide through the tabs just under the lead article (the first tab is “Headline News”) until you see “Podcasts”, and choose your show. 

Teachers take note! I save postcards and stamps from all over the world to send to you for your students. If you would like stamps and postcards for your students, just write and let me know. The address is english.service@rfi.fr  If you would like to donate stamps and postcards, feel free! Our address is listed below. 

Another idea for your students: Br. Gerald Muller, my beloved music teacher from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, has been writing books for young adults in his retirement – and they are free! There is a volume of biographies of painters and musicians called Gentle Giants, and an excellent biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, too. They are also a good way to help you improve your English – that’s how I worked on my French, reading books that were meant for young readers – and I guarantee you, it’s a good method for improving your language skills. To get Br. Gerald’s free books, click here.

Independent RFI English Clubs: Be sure to always include Audrey Iattoni (audrey.iattoni@rfi.fr) from our Listener Relations department in your RFI Club correspondence. Remember to copy me (thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr) when you write to her so that I know what is going on, too. NB: You do not need to send her your quiz answers! Email overload!

This week’s quiz: On 22 June, I asked you a question about the world’s largest arms show – the Eurosatory weapons show – which was just ending up here in France. RFI English journalist Jan van der Made went out to take a look, and wrote an article about it for you: “Israel and Russia barred as world’s largest arms show opens in Paris”.

You were to re-read Jan’s article and send in the answer to this question: why is the arms fair called “Eurosatory”?

The answer is, to quote Jan’s article: “Eurosatory is named after Satory, a town near Versailles that is home to Paris’s 24th infantry regiment and the GIGN (an elite French crisis intervention group) headquarters.

The first Eurosatory show was held there in 1967, but due to its expansion over the years, the show moved to the Villepinte exhibition halls north of the French capital.”

In addition to the quiz question, there was the bonus question: “What is your favorite food, and why?”, which was suggested by Momotaz Begum Nazu from Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Do you have a bonus question idea? Send it to us!

The winners are: Riaz Ahmad Khan, the president of the RFI Listeners Club in Sheikhupura, Pakistan. Riaz is also the winner of this week’s bonus question. Congratulations Riaz, on your double win.

Also on the list of lucky winners this week are Ferhat Bezazel, the president of the RFI Butterflies Club Ain Kechera in West Skikda, Algeria, and RFI Listeners Club member Zenon Teles, the president of the Christian – Marxist – Leninist – Maoist Association of Listening DX-ers in Goa, India.

Last but not least, there are RFI English listeners Nilu Dhakal from Mechi, Nepal, and Laily Akhter Nessa from Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Congratulations, winners!

Here’s the music you heard on this week’s programme: The theme from The Pink Panther by Henry Mancini; “No Apparent Reason” by Alex Norris, performed by Ralph Irizarry and Timbalaye; “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov; “The Cakewalk” from Children’s Corner by Claude Debussy, performed by the composer, and “Canon” by Siouxsie Sioux, Budgie, and Steven Severin, performed by Siouxsie and The Banshees.

Do you have a music request? Send it to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

This week’s question … you must listen to the show to participate. After you’ve listened to the show, re-read our article “Rwanda heads to the polls to likely re-elect Kagame for fourth term”, which will help you with the answer.

You have until 9 September to enter this week’s quiz. The winners will be announced on the 14 September podcast. When you enter be sure to send your postal address with your answer, and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Send your answers to:



Susan Owensby

RFI – The Sound Kitchen

80, rue Camille Desmoulins

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux



By text … You can also send your quiz answers to The Sound Kitchen mobile phone. Dial your country’s international access code, or “ + ”, then  33 6 31 12 96 82. Don’t forget to include your mailing address in your text – and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

To find out how you can win a special Sound Kitchen prize, click here.

To find out how you can become a member of the RFI Listeners Club, or form your own official RFI Club, click here. 

International report

Turkey’s Erdogan seeks dialogue with Syria’s Assad amid tensions over refugees

Issued on:

Facing mounting domestic tensions over Syrian refugees, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is reaching out to Syrian President Bashar Al Assad for dialogue. The initiative, reportedly supported by Moscow, is complicated by Turkey’s significant military presence in Syria.

Erdogan’s call for talks comes after widespread riots against Syrian refugees in Turkish cities. He aims to facilitate the return of Syrians who have fled to Turkey since the Syrian civil war began in 2011.

Soli Ozel, an international relations expert at Istanbul’s Kadir Has University, says the situation is volatile.

“The country is like a tinderbox regarding refugees, especially as economic conditions deteriorate. Syrians have become easy scapegoats, and there’s widespread frustration with their presence, justified or not. This has become a significant political issue,” Ozel said.

He also stresses that key to any solution is a credible plan for the orderly departure of Syrian refugees to reassure the Turkish public.

Erdogan’s party suffered losses in local elections in March, largely due to growing hostility towards over three million Syrian refugees in Turkey and rampant inflation approaching triple digits. These factors have intensified pressure on Erdogan to address the refugee situation.

  • Turkey vows to keep borders shut despite new exodus of Syrians

Russia’s position

Russia, under Putin, supports Erdogan’s diplomatic outreach, seeing it as a potential end to Turkish backing of Syrian rebels and a conclusion to the civil war.

This aligns with Moscow’s priorities, since resolving the Syrian conflict would allow Russia to redirect military resources to Ukraine.

However, Turkey’s extensive military presence in Syria complicates potential talks. Turkish forces are engaged in operations against Kurdish groups, which Ankara claims are linked to domestic separatists. The Turkish military also protects Syrian rebel forces along the border.

Aydin Selcen, a former Turkish diplomat and now a foreign policy analyst with Medyascope, suggests that Ankara’s willingness to negotiate could provide Syria with an opportunity to secure Turkish withdrawal.

“Assad relies heavily on external support and even internal factions” he said.

“Unable to forcibly remove Turkish troops, Assad’s only option is to request their withdrawal as a precondition for talks.”

Despite this, Erdogan insists on maintaining Turkey’s military presence until Syria can effectively secure its borders.

Sinan Ulgen of the Istanbul-based Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies said: “Turkey’s primary concern is preventing the border region from becoming a security threat post-withdrawal. Turkey needs assurances from Syria before considering troop removal.”

  • Turkey’s Syrian refugees face local hostility as economic problems mount

Humanitarian crisis?

The news of Erdogan’s pursuit of dialogue with Damascus sparked unrest in rebel-held northeast Syria, with protesters targeting Turkish bases out of fear of potential abandonment by Ankara.

Erdogan maintains that any agreement with Damascus would safeguard returning Syrian refugees and rebels. However, Fabrice Balanche, a regional expert from Lyon University, warns of an impending humanitarian crisis.

“If the regime regains control of rebel areas, most residents will attempt to flee to Turkey. Turkey cannot accommodate four million additional refugees,” Balanche cautions.

“These people are acutely aware that remaining under regime control, even with promised amnesties, puts them at risk of targeting by security forces, conscription, or worse. There’s no real protection.”

Despite ongoing tensions in Turkey over the Syrian refugee presence, Erdogan is seeking Putin’s assistance to soften Assad’s stance on negotiations.

The Turkish leader has proposed hosting a trilateral summit this summer, though there’s been no positive response so far.

The current situation highlights the complex interplay of regional politics, humanitarian concerns and diplomatic manoeuvering in addressing the Syrian conflict and its far-reaching consequences.

  • Syria’s Assyrians flee to Turkey

The Sound Kitchen

Macron’s big European Parliament loss

Issued on:

This week on The Sound Kitchen you’ll hear the answer to the question about the European Parliament elections. There’s “The Listener’s Corner” and Erwan Rome’s “Music from Erwan – all that and the new quiz and bonus questions too, so click on the “Play” button above and enjoy! 

Hello everyone! Welcome to The Sound Kitchen weekly podcast, published every Saturday – here on our website, or wherever you get your podcasts. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you’ve grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day”, quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so be sure and listen every week.

Erwan and I are busy cooking up special shows with your music requests, so get them in! Send your music requests to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr – tell us why you like the piece of music, too – it makes it more interesting for us all!

The ePOP video competition is open!

The ePOP video competition is sponsored by the RFI department “Planète Radio”, whose mission is to give a voice to the voiceless. ePOP focuses on the environment, and how climate change has affected “ordinary” people. You are to create a three-minute video about climate change, the environment, pollution – told by the people it affects.

You do not need expensive video equipment to enter the competition. Your phone is fine. And you do not need to be a member of the RFI Clubs to enter – everyone is welcome. And by the way – the prizes are incredibly generous!

Go to the ePOP page to read about past competitions, watch past videos, and read the regulations for your entry.  You can also write to us at thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr, and we’ll forward your mail to Planète Radio.

The competition closes on 12 September, but you know how “time flies”, so get to work now! We expect to be bombarded with entries from the English speakers!

Facebook: Be sure to send your photos for the RFI English Listeners Forum banner to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

More tech news: Did you know we have a YouTube channel? Just go to YouTube and write RFI English in the search bar, and there we are! Be sure to subscribe to see all our videos.

Would you like to learn French? RFI is here to help you!

Our website “Le Français facile avec RFI”  has news broadcasts in slow, simple French, as well as bi-lingual radio dramas (with real actors!) and exercises to practice what you have heard.

Go to our website and get started! At the top of the page, click on “Test level”. According to your score, you’ll be counselled to the best-suited activities for your level.

Do not give up! As Lidwien van Dixhoorn, the head of “Le Français facile” service told me: “Bathe your ears in the sound of the language, and eventually, you’ll get it.” She should know – Lidwien is Dutch and came to France hardly able to say “bonjour” and now she heads this key RFI department – so stick with it!

Be sure you check out our wonderful podcasts!

In addition to the breaking news articles on our site with in-depth analysis of current affairs in France and across the globe, we have several podcasts that will leave you hungry for more.

There’s Paris Perspective, Spotlight on France, Spotlight on Africa, and of course, The Sound Kitchen. We have an award-winning bilingual series – an old-time radio show, with actors (!) to help you learn French, called Les voisins du 12 bis. And there is the excellent International Report, too.

As you see, sound is still quite present in the RFI English service. Keep checking our website for updates on the latest from our staff of journalists. You never know what we’ll surprise you with!

To listen to our podcasts from your PC, go to our website; you’ll see “Podcasts” at the top of the page. You can either listen directly or subscribe and receive them directly on your mobile phone.

To listen to our podcasts from your mobile phone, slide through the tabs just under the lead article (the first tab is “Headline News”) until you see “Podcasts”, and choose your show. 

Teachers take note! I save postcards and stamps from all over the world to send to you for your students. If you would like stamps and postcards for your students, just write and let me know. The address is english.service@rfi.fr  If you would like to donate stamps and postcards, feel free! Our address is listed below. 

Another idea for your students: Br. Gerald Muller, my beloved music teacher from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, has been writing books for young adults in his retirement – and they are free! There is a volume of biographies of painters and musicians called Gentle Giants, and an excellent biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, too. They are also a good way to help you improve your English – that’s how I worked on my French, reading books that were meant for young readers – and I guarantee you, it’s a good method for improving your language skills. To get Br. Gerald’s free books, click here.

Independent RFI English Clubs: Be sure to always include Audrey Iattoni (audrey.iattoni@rfi.fr) from our Listener Relations department in your RFI Club correspondence. Remember to copy me (thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr) when you write to her so that I know what is going on, too. NB: You do not need to send her your quiz answers! Email overload!

We have a new RFI Listeners Club member to welcome: Tahmidul Alam Orin from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Welcome,Tahmidul! So glad you have joined us!

You too can be a member of the RFI Listeners Club – just write to me at english.service@rfi.fr and tell me you want to join, and I’ll send you a membership number. It’s that easy. When you win a Sound Kitchen quiz as an RFI Listeners Club member, you’ll receive a premium prize.

This week’s quiz: On 15 June, I asked you a question about the European Parliament elections, where the far-right National Rally party trounced President Macron’s centrist bloc. Macron then preceded to dissolve and call snap elections for France’s lower house of Parliament, which was a surprise to us all – even his Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, it seems.

You were to refer to Jessica Phelan’s article “Why did Macron call snap elections and what does it mean for France?”, and send in the answer to this question: What percentage of the votes did Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party win, and what percentage of the votes did Macron’s centrist bloc win in the European Parliament elections?

The answer is, to quote Jessica’s article: “With 31.4 percent of the vote to the Macronists’ 14.6 percent, National Rally leader Jordan Bardella called the results a “stinging rejection” of the president.”

In addition to the quiz question, there was the bonus question, suggested by Father Steven Wara from Bamenda, Cameroon: “What do you do to help others have a secure and happy life?”   

Do you have a bonus question idea? Send it to us!

The winners are: RFI Listeners Club member Jayanta Chakrabarty from New Delhi, India. Jayanta is also this week’s bonus question winner. Congratulations, Jayanta!

Also on the list of lucky winners this week are two RFI Listeners Club members from Dhaka, Bangladesh: Monzurul Alam Ripon and Atikul Islam, who is also the president of the Narshunda Radio Listeners Family Club, and hailing from Hedehusene, Denmark, Hans Verner Lollike.

Last but not least, there’s RFI English listener Nizhom Yeasmin Kona from Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Congratulations, winners!

Here’s the music you heard on this week’s programme: The James Bond Theme written by David Arnold; “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov; “The Cakewalk” from Children’s Corner by Claude Debussy, performed by the composer; “I Love to Laugh” from the film Mary Poppins, music and lyrics written by Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman with George Stiles, and sung by Ed Wynn, Julie Andrews, and Dick Van Dyke, and John Coltrane’s “Naima”, performed by Eric Dolphy.

Do you have a music request? Send it to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

This week’s question … you must listen to the show to participate. After you’ve listened to the show, re-read our article “What are the next steps now that France finds itself with a hung parliament?”, which will help you with the answer.

You have until 26 August to enter this week’s quiz. The winners will be announced on the 31 August podcast. When you enter be sure to send your postal address with your answer, and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Send your answers to:



Susan Owensby

RFI – The Sound Kitchen

80, rue Camille Desmoulins

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux



By text … You can also send your quiz answers to The Sound Kitchen mobile phone. Dial your country’s international access code, or “ + ”, then  33 6 31 12 96 82. Don’t forget to include your mailing address in your text – and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

To find out how you can win a special Sound Kitchen prize, click here.

To find out how you can become a member of the RFI Listeners Club, or form your own official RFI Club, click here. 

Spotlight on Africa

Kagame poised to extend rule for fourth term as Rwanda heads to polls

Issued on:

2024 is a big election year for the world and especially for Africa, and in July all eyes are on Rwanda. 

Rwandans will cast their ballots on Monday in an election where President Paul Kagame is expected to secure another term, facing the same opponents he defeated in 2017.

Kagame, who has effectively led Rwanda since the 1994 genocide, confronts challenges from two other candidates: Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR) and independent candidate Philippe Mpayimana.

The 66-year-old incumbent is lauded for steering Rwanda’s economic resurgence post-genocide, with GDP growth averaging 7.2 percent from 2012 to 2022. However, his administration faces criticism for suppressing political dissent domestically and alleged involvement in neighbouring Congo’s conflicts.

Kagame’s previous electoral victories have been overwhelming, securing over 93 percent of votes in 2003, 2010, and 2017, with his last win nearing an unprecedented 99 percent.

In contrast, his current rivals Habineza and Mpayimana garnered less than one percent each in the previous election.

Rwanda’s National Electoral Commission received a total of nine presidential candidacy applications. 

Phil Clark, Professor of International Politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS University of London talks to Spotlight on Africa about what’s at stake in the election.

Episode mixed by Nicolas Doreau.

Spotlight on Africa is a podcast from Radio France Internationale. 

International report

Erdogan and Putin meet at Shanghai summit, reaffirm strong bilateral ties

Issued on:

Turkey’s bid to join the BRICS trading group is the latest move in the Turkish President’s delicate balancing act between Western and Eastern allies.

The recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Almaty, Kazakhstan, provided a platform for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet in person.

Their encounter was marked by a display of cordiality, with both leaders appearing at ease and Putin emphasizing the significance of their bilateral relationship.

Active engagement

Putin, standing alongside Erdogan, stated, “We continue to actively engage on crucial matters of international politics.” He further added, “Our communication is constant, and our respective ministries and departments regularly share information and align our stances on key issues.” Erdogan was observed nodding in agreement with these remarks.

  • Turkey set on rebuilding bridges with China to improve trade
  • How Turkey’s support for Ukraine is a double-edged sword

According to reports, a notable topic on the leaders’ agenda was Turkey’s aspiration to join BRICS, an economic alliance comprising Russia, China, and several nations from Asia, Africa, and South America. This potential membership represents a significant shift in Turkey’s international alignments.

Atilla Yesilada, a Turkey analyst at GlobalSource Partners, explains, “A core principle of BRICS is reducing the dollar’s role in mutual trade, which aligns with Turkey’s interests.” He argues that BRICS membership complements Turkey’s broader foreign policy objectives, stating, “The concept of a new platform fostering trade among geographically distant countries naturally appeals to Turkey and fits its foreign policy stance.”

Yesilada suggests that Turkey’s BRICS bid serves an additional purpose: “It signals to Putin that Turkey intends to maintain and strengthen its growing commercial ties with Russia.” This comes despite Putin’s recent cautions to Turkey regarding its efforts to improve relations with its traditional Western allies.

The Russian leader strongly supports Turkey’s BRICS membership bid. Ceren Ergenc, a China specialist at the Centre for European Policy Studies, posits that Moscow views Turkey’s potential BRICS membership as a strategic move to balance Beijing’s increasing influence within the group.

Turikey and BRICS

Putin strongly supports Turkey’s BRICS membership bid. Ceren Ergenc, a China specialist at the Centre for European Policy Studies, suggests this support is part of Moscow’s strategy to counterbalance Beijing‘s growing influence within BRICS.

Ergenc explains, “BRICS has become China’s domain, with recent membership invitations primarily extended to countries China seeks closer ties with, effectively sidelining Russia and India as the group’s other major powers.”

Turkey’s pursuit of BRICS membership coincides with its stalled EU accession process, hampered by Turkey’s non-compliance with the EU’s Copenhagen Criteria on human rights. This impasse is reportedly affecting Turkey’s trade relations with the EU. Atilla Yesilada, a Turkey analyst, notes, “Erdogan’s frustration with the EU’s lack of progress on Turkey’s accession and customs union update contributed to the BRICS bid.”

However, Yesilada argues that Turkey’s interest in BRICS transcends Erdogan’s presidency, reflecting a broader foreign policy strategy. He states, “This aligns with Turkey’s overarching policy goal, widely supported by the country’s policy establishment, of maintaining independence from any single political bloc, be it Western or Eastern.”

As Erdogan prepares to attend the NATO summit in Washington, where he’s expected to reaffirm Turkey’s Western security commitments, analysts view the BRICS bid as a clear indication that Ankara is diversifying its international partnerships beyond its traditional Western allies.

The Sound Kitchen

China’s 1989 sea change

Issued on:

This week on The Sound Kitchen you’ll hear the answer to the question about Tiananmen Square. There’s “The Listener’s Corner”, Ollia Horton’s “Happy Moment”, and lots of good music. All that and the new quiz and bonus questions too, so click on the “Play” button above and enjoy! 

Hello everyone! Welcome to The Sound Kitchen weekly podcast, published every Saturday – here on our website, or wherever you get your podcasts. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you’ve grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day”, quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so be sure and listen every week.

Erwan and I are busy cooking up special shows with your music requests, so get them in! Send your music requests to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr – tell us why you like the piece of music, too – it makes it more interesting for us all!

The ePOP video competition is open!

The ePOP video competition is sponsored by the RFI department “Planète Radio”, whose mission is to give a voice to the voiceless. ePOP focuses on the environment, and how climate change has affected “ordinary” people. You are to create a three-minute video about climate change, the environment, pollution – told by the people it affects.

You do not need expensive video equipment to enter the competition. Your phone is fine. And you do not need to be a member of the RFI Clubs to enter – everyone is welcome. And by the way – the prizes are incredibly generous!

Go to the ePOP page to read about past competitions, watch past videos, and read the regulations for your entry.  You can also write to us at thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr, and we’ll forward your mail to Planète Radio.

The competition closes on 12 September, but you know how “time flies”, so get to work now! We expect to be bombarded with entries from the English speakers!

Facebook: Be sure to send your photos for the RFI English Listeners Forum banner to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

More tech news: Did you know we have a YouTube channel? Just go to YouTube and write RFI English in the search bar, and there we are! Be sure to subscribe to see all our videos.

Would you like to learn French? RFI is here to help you!

Our website “Le Français facile avec RFI”  has news broadcasts in slow, simple French, as well as bi-lingual radio dramas (with real actors!) and exercises to practice what you have heard.

Go to our website and get started! At the top of the page, click on “Test level”. According to your score, you’ll be counselled to the best-suited activities for your level.

Do not give up! As Lidwien van Dixhoorn, the head of “Le Français facile” service told me: “Bathe your ears in the sound of the language, and eventually, you’ll get it.” She should know – Lidwien is Dutch and came to France hardly able to say “bonjour” and now she heads this key RFI department – so stick with it!

Be sure you check out our wonderful podcasts!

In addition to the breaking news articles on our site with in-depth analysis of current affairs in France and across the globe, we have several podcasts that will leave you hungry for more.

There’s Paris Perspective, Spotlight on France, Spotlight on Africa, and of course, The Sound Kitchen. We have an award-winning bilingual series – an old-time radio show, with actors (!) to help you learn French, called Les voisins du 12 bis. And there is the excellent International Report, too.

As you see, sound is still quite present in the RFI English service. Keep checking our website for updates on the latest from our staff of journalists. You never know what we’ll surprise you with!

To listen to our podcasts from your PC, go to our website; you’ll see “Podcasts” at the top of the page. You can either listen directly or subscribe and receive them directly on your mobile phone.

To listen to our podcasts from your mobile phone, slide through the tabs just under the lead article (the first tab is “Headline News”) until you see “Podcasts”, and choose your show. 

Teachers take note! I save postcards and stamps from all over the world to send to you for your students. If you would like stamps and postcards for your students, just write and let me know. The address is english.service@rfi.fr  If you would like to donate stamps and postcards, feel free! Our address is listed below. 

Another idea for your students: Br. Gerald Muller, my beloved music teacher from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, has been writing books for young adults in his retirement – and they are free! There is a volume of biographies of painters and musicians called Gentle Giants, and an excellent biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, too. They are also a good way to help you improve your English – that’s how I worked on my French, reading books that were meant for young readers – and I guarantee you, it’s a good method for improving your language skills. To get Br. Gerald’s free books, click here.

Independent RFI English Clubs: Be sure to always include Audrey Iattoni (audrey.iattoni@rfi.fr) from our Listener Relations department in your RFI Club correspondence. Remember to copy me (thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr) when you write to her so that I know what is going on, too. NB: You do not need to send her your quiz answers! Email overload!

We have a new RFI Listeners Club member to welcome: Tahmidul Alam Orin from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Welcome,Tahmidul! So glad you have joined us!

You too can be a member of the RFI Listeners Club – just write to me at english.service@rfi.fr and tell me you want to join, and I’ll send you a membership number. It’s that easy. When you win a Sound Kitchen quiz as an RFI Listeners Club member, you’ll receive a premium prize.

This week’s quiz: On 8 June, I asked you a question about an article we had written earlier that week about the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown in Beijing, China. On 4 June 1989, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army broke up protests by pro-democracy students in the Square. According to various reports, anywhere from hundreds to thousands of students were killed.

One of the student leaders, Wang Dan, after two periods of imprisonment in China, was allowed to emigrate to the US. He currently lives in San Francisco, where he leads the Dialogue China think tank.

He was in Paris recently and came to RFI for an interview, which you read in our article “Tiananmen Square at 35: top Chinese dissident looks back”.

In the interview, we asked Wang Dan: “How did the 4th of June 1989 change China?”  What does he answer? That was your question.

The answer is, as Wang Dan explained: “June 4th is a turning point in China’s contemporary history. There are two Chinas: the China of before 1989 and the China of after. The main difference is [that] before 1989, the state and the society cooperated. That’s why we took to the streets: we as, a representative society, go to the street and ask to cooperate with the government to promote democracy. There’s no difference between “us”. We think we are all “us”. We all take responsibility for this country.

But after 1989, many Chinese people gave up on this idea. “You” are the government. “We” are the normal Chinese people. There’s no more “us”. It’s just “you” and “me”. After 1989, the Chinese people gave up the responsibility for the country’s future because they thought that they could not do anything and that it is the government’s responsibility to change China, not the people’s.” 

In addition to the quiz question, there was the bonus question: “What is the ideal human relationship?” It was suggested by Debashis Gope from West Bengal, India.

Do you have a bonus question idea? Send it to us!

The winners are: RFI Listeners Club member Karuna Kanta Pal from West Bengal, India. Congratulations, Karuna.   

Also on the list of lucky winners this week are Nafisa Khatun, the president of the RFI Mahila Shrota Sangha Club in West Bengal, India, and RFI Listeners Club member Kashif Khalil from Faisalabad, Pakistan.   

Last but not least, there are RFI English listeners John Yemi Sanday Turay from Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Rafiq Khondaker, the president of the Source of Knowledge Club in Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Here’s the music you heard on this week’s program: “Take the A Train” by Billy Strayhorn and Duke Ellington, performed by Duke Ellington and his orchestra; “El Bueno y El Malo” composed by and performed by the brothers Estevan and Alejandro Gutiérrez (Hermanos Gutiérrez); “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov; “The Cakewalk” from Children’s Corner by Claude Debussy, performed by the composer; “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, and The Chairman Dances (Foxtrot for Orchestra) by John Adams, performed by Edo de Waart and the San Fransisco Symphony. 

Do you have a music request? Send it to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

This week’s question … you must listen to the show to participate. After you’ve listened to the show, re-read Jessica Phelan’s article: “The three-way factor that makes France’s election results so unusual”, which will help you with the answer.

You have until 19 August to enter this week’s quiz. The winners will be announced on the 24 August podcast. When you enter be sure to send your postal address with your answer, and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

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Susan Owensby

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Madhya Pradesh: the Heart of beautiful India

From 20 to 22 September 2022, the IFTM trade show in Paris, connected thousands of tourism professionals across the world. Sheo Shekhar Shukla, director of Madhya Pradesh’s tourism board, talked about the significance of sustainable tourism.

Madhya Pradesh is often referred to as the Heart of India. Located right in the middle of the country, the Indian region shows everything India has to offer through its abundant diversity. The IFTM trade show, which took place in Paris at the end of September, presented the perfect opportunity for travel enthusiasts to discover the region.

Sheo Shekhar Shukla, Managing Director of Madhya Pradesh’s tourism board, sat down to explain his approach to sustainable tourism.

“Post-covid the whole world has known a shift in their approach when it comes to tourism. And all those discerning travelers want to have different kinds of experiences: something offbeat, something new, something which has not been explored before.”

Through its UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Shukla wants to showcase the deep history Madhya Pradesh has to offer.

“UNESCO is very actively supporting us and three of our sites are already World Heritage Sites. Sanchi is a very famous buddhist spiritual destination, Bhimbetka is a place where prehistoric rock shelters are still preserved, and Khajuraho is home to thousand year old temples with magnificent architecture.”

All in all, Shukla believes that there’s only one way forward for the industry: “Travelers must take sustainable tourism as a paradigm in order to take tourism to the next level.”

In partnership with Madhya Pradesh’s tourism board.

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Exploring Malaysia’s natural and cultural diversity

The IFTM trade show took place from 20 to 22 September 2022, in Paris, and gathered thousands of travel professionals from all over the world. In an interview, Libra Hanif, director of Tourism Malaysia discussed the importance of sustainable tourism in our fast-changing world.

Also known as the Land of the Beautiful Islands, Malaysia’s landscape and cultural diversity is almost unmatched on the planet. Those qualities were all put on display at the Malaysian stand during the IFTM trade show.

Libra Hanif, director of Tourism Malaysia, explained the appeal of the country as well as the importance of promoting sustainable tourism today: “Sustainable travel is a major trend now, with the changes that are happening post-covid. People want to get close to nature, to get close to people. So Malaysia being a multicultural and diverse [country] with a lot of natural environments, we felt that it’s a good thing for us to promote Malaysia.”

Malaysia has also gained fame in recent years, through its numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which include Kinabalu Park and the Archaeological Heritage of the Lenggong Valley.

Green mobility has also become an integral part of tourism in Malaysia, with an increasing number of people using bikes to discover the country: “If you are a little more adventurous, we have the mountain back trails where you can cut across gazetted trails to see the natural attractions and the wildlife that we have in Malaysia,” says Hanif. “If you are not that adventurous, you’ll be looking for relaxing cycling. We also have countryside spots, where you can see all the scenery in a relaxing session.”

With more than 25,000 visitors at this IFTM trade show this year, Malaysia’s tourism board got to showcase the best the country and its people have to offer.

In partnership with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board. For more information about Malaysia, click here.

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