CNBC make it 2025-03-11 00:25:46

Psychologist: If you say ‘yes’ to these 4 questions, your relationship is stronger than most

Low points are inevitable in any relationship; no two people can see eye to eye all the time. But when push comes to shove, how do you know if your relationship has the foundation to endure? 

As a psychologist who studies relationships, I’ve come to learn that thriving relationships often share some key traits.

Here are four simple questions that can determine longevity of your connection. If your answers are all “yes,” you’re likely on solid ground.

1. If you weren’t a couple, would you still be close friends?

Every healthy relationship should be grounded upon a foundation of friendship. Imagine your partner as just a friend: Would you still want to spend time with them, laugh with them and turn to them for support?

DON’T MISS: How to start a side hustle to earn extra money

Couples who say “yes” to this understand that relationships require a lot more than just passion and commitment. Studies even show that if like your partner as a person, your bond will be much harder to break.

On the other hand, some couples stay together out of habit, fear of starting over or because they feel they’ve already invested too much in the relationship to let it go. This is what keeps people in unhappy relationships for years.

2. Do you like who you are when you’re around your partner?

Your life partner should bring out the best in you. Does having them in your life make you feel supported, loved and inspired to grow? Or do you feel stifled, diminished and drained?

Truly great relationships often reflect what’s called the “Michelangelo effect.” Just like the artist shaped raw stone into breathtaking sculptures, healthy partners will “sculpt” each other into better versions of themselves. They encourage your goals, cheer on your successes and remind you of your worth even on hard days.

Unhealthy relationships can have the opposite effect. If being around your partner makes you feel small, criticized or unsure of yourself, it’s worth reflecting on why. The way you feel when you’re around your partner is often one of the biggest clues about how healthy your relationship is.

3. If you knew that your partner will never change, would you still want to be with them?

No one is perfect, but ignoring flaws isn’t really what love is about. Rather, we all have to learn that those imperfections aren’t what define your partner, nor your relationship. Couples in healthy relationships don’t rely on fantasies of how the other person could change — they focus on loving each other as they are presently.

This doesn’t mean you should tolerate toxic behavior. But it does mean accepting the small fumbles and imperfections that make your partner human, like forgetting to pick up their socks once in a while or telling the same joke over and over.

If you can genuinely say you’d choose your partner if they stayed exactly as they are, warts and all, then you’ve likely built a relationship that can stand the test of time.

4. When you have good news, is your partner the first person you want to tell?

One of the clearest signs of a strong relationship is that your partner isn’t just there for the hard times — they’re also your go-to person for sharing your wins. When you get exciting news, do you instinctively reach for your phone to call them? Do you look forward to celebrating your successes together?

Psychologists call this “capitalization,” and research shows that couples who actively share and celebrate each other’s good news tend to have stronger, happier relationships. It builds a sense of partnership and camaraderie — one that reinforces that your joys are their joys, too.

Mark Travers, PhD, is a psychologist who specializes in relationships. He holds degrees from Cornell University and the University of Colorado Boulder. He is the lead psychologist at Awake Therapy, a telehealth company that provides online psychotherapy, counseling and coaching. He is also the curator of the popular mental health and wellness website,

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I have 5 income streams and make $1 million from Amazon: My No. 1 advice for starting a side hustle

The idea of working a traditional 9-to-5 in a corporate environment was never for me. I always wanted financial freedom and the flexibility to work on my own terms.

So, over the past two decades, while I was a student, a full-time employee, an academic researcher and a stay-at-home mom, I started a variety of side hustles.

Now I have multiple streams of passive income, which include selling card games on Amazon, creating online courses, speaking at companies about emotional intelligence, lecturing at universities and impact investing.

Whether selling goods or providing services, my No. 1 advice for anyone starting a side hustle is to develop a clear profitability plan. All too often, I see people diving into their passions without considering how and when they will turn a profit. This oversight can make or break your success. 

Here are three things to keep in mind:

DON’T MISS: How to start a side hustle to earn extra money

1. Know your numbers 

How much are you willing to invest, and potentially lose, before becoming profitable? Knowing this requires a realistic understanding of your initial net profit margin and ways to boost your profitability.

Your net profit — calculated by subtracting expenses from sales — is the lifeblood of your side hustle. Examples of expenses include materials, labor, equipment, packaging, shipping, advertising, traveling and business subscriptions.

Your profit margin represents the percentage of each sales dollar you keep as net profit. For example, if your product or service sells for $10 and your expenses amount to $8, then your net profit is $2, resulting in a profit margin of 20%. If you’ve invested $100 upfront, then you need to sell 50 units to break even.

To fund my first card game and boost early profitability, I launched a Kickstarter campaign with a $1,500 goal. This funding covered essential expenses like product manufacturing and jump-started my sales by getting products into the hands of early adopters. 

I needed to sell 60 units to break even but ended up selling over 400 units. This higher sales volume allowed me to manufacture at a reduced cost per unit, which improved my profit margin by lowering my cost of goods sold (COGS).

2. Avoid common traps that can harm profitability

I found that there are three traps that can severely undermine the profitability of a side hustle:

1. Underpricing your services

When I was selling handmade goods on Etsy, I made the mistake of chasing sales over tracking profit. Hoping to establish credibility, I underpriced my products aggressively and went above and beyond in customer service. 

But I soon realized how difficult it was to raise prices once you’ve set a low-cost precedent. Despite making thousands of sales on Etsy over the course of five years, I ended up having to close my shop due to slim profit margins.

2. Failing to accurately account for your time

That experience helped me grasp the difference between running a passion project versus a profitable business.

Recognizing the need for scalability and efficiency, especially when it came to the time I was putting into it, I pivoted to selling products on Amazon and utilized the automated Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service to handle logistics.

3. Overlooking opportunity costs

I’ve also stumbled upon similar dilemmas when pricing my speaking and consulting services. When I first started out, I lowered my fee in hopes of securing contracts from big names like Accenture and Google.

But when they came back the following year, I had to raise my fees significantly because my opportunity costs — the cost of what I could have been doing and earning with my time — outweighed what I was charging. I learned the importance of valuing my work from the start.

3. Begin with the end in mind, and put yourself first 

Over the years, I’ve developed a more expansive definition of profitability. It isn’t just about money. Profitability is also about how this venture affects your quality of life. Your physical and mental well-being come first.

To see if your side hustle is truly profitable, ask yourself:

  1. How much money am I willing to invest in my side hustle?
  2. How much time am I prepared to dedicate to my side hustle?
  3. Is my goal to make my side hustle into my main hustle?
  4. At which point do I pivot if the reality is not matching my answers to these questions?

It’s been exhilarating to see my hard work pay off. But this process has also required me to have a very clear understanding of what I value the most, and to get comfortable with saying “no.” Without that foundation, none of my success would have been possible.  

Dr. Jenny Woo is a Harvard-trained educator, EQ researcher, and founder/CEO of Mind Brain Emotion. She created a series of educational card games and mental health tools to help kids and adults develop human skills in the age of AI. Her award-winning card games, the 52 Essential Coping Skills, 52 Essential Relationship Skills, and 52 Essential Conversations are used in 50+ countries. Follow her on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.

Want to earn some extra money on the side? Take CNBC’s new online course How to Start a Side Hustle to learn tips to get started and strategies for success from top side hustle experts. Sign up today and use coupon code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off $97 (+taxes and fees) through April 1, 2025.

I’ve studied over 200 kids. The 5 signs you’ve raised a ‘highly spoiled’ one—and how parents can undo it

When we picture spoiled kids, many of us think of tantrums over not getting what they want, being told to follow rules or simply facing any sort of inconvenience.

But spoiled behavior isn’t just about entitlement or parents giving in — it’s about unmet emotional needs, inconsistent boundaries and a lack of connection. 

As a conscious parenting researcher and coach, I’ve studied over 200 kids, and I’ve found that spoiled behavior can sometimes indicate unmet needs. Here are the five signs of highly spoiled children — and how parents can try to undo this behavior:

1. They struggle with hearing ‘no’

A child may push back against rules not because they’re difficult, but because unclear boundaries feel confusing and frustrating. If rules feel unpredictable — or if a child feels powerless in decisions that affect them — they may act out to regain a sense of control.

DON’T MISS: How to start a side hustle to earn extra money

Tip for parents: Instead of just saying “no” and moving on, acknowledge their feelings: “I see that you’re upset because you want to keep playing, but it’s time for bed now.” Boundaries set with kindness teach that rules aren’t about control — they’re about trust and safety.

2. They constantly seek attention

When kids demand constant attention, it often signals emotional disconnection or uncertainty about their place in the family. A child who doesn’t feel secure in their bond may ask for more: more time, more validation, more reassurance.

For example, a child who always interrupts or clings to a parent in social settings isn’t necessarily being needy, but is rather unsure of their significance when the focus isn’t on them.

Tip for parents: Set aside 10 to 20 minutes of undistracted connection each day. The more time, the better. Play, talk or just be present with your child. Use these moments tell them, “You are enough.” 

When kids feel emotionally secure, their need for constant validation fades.

3. They have tantrums to get what they want

Tantrums aren’t manipulation — they’re a cry for help. Children in meltdown mode are typically overwhelmed and lack the skills to process big emotions.

Often, it happens because a child feels unheard when their emotions are dismissed, powerless when they have no say, or overstimulated by too much noise, activity or change. 

Tip for parents: Stay calm, validate their feelings (“I see you’re really frustrated”) and offer comfort (“I’m here with you until you feel better”). Kids learn emotional regulation through connection, not control.

4. They resist responsibility

A child who refuses to clean up, avoids homework or gives up easily isn’t being difficult or lazy. Instead, they may have been shielded from challenges too often or, on the other hand, pushed into independence before they felt ready.

Tip for parents: Offer age-appropriate, collaborative responsibilities. Cook together or solve small problems as a team. Remember to celebrate their efforts, not just the results. When kids feel capable and supported, responsibility comes naturally.

5. They lack gratitude

When a child acts ungrateful for frustrated for not getting what they want, it’s often not entitlement. It can mean that they feel unheard, disconnected or powerless.

And when kids receive constant toys, treats or rewards in place of emotional connection, it dulls their ability to appreciate what truly matters.

Tip for parents: Gratitude grows from connection. Engage your child in meaningful moments, such as helping to cook a meal, making a card or sharing small joys as a family. When kids feel that they belong, contribute and are valued, appreciation follows.

I always remind parents to avoid over-rewarding their kids. For example, if they help to clean up the house, instead of giving them money or a sweet treat, you could say: “Thank you for helping out. It means a lot to me, and I had fun doing it together.”

The goal is to make those moments meaningful, rather than something they do for a prize.

Meeting your child’s emotional needs

What we call spoiled behavior isn’t about material excess — it’s about emotional needs. True connection isn’t just about spending time together; it’s about making your child feel seen, valued and deeply loved.

When parents shift from controlling behavior to nurturing connection, frustrating moments become powerful opportunities to build trust, security and lifelong emotional resilience.

Reem Raouda is a leading voice in conscious parenting, a certified coach and the creator of BOUND — the groundbreaking parent-child connection journal designed to nurture emotional intelligence, self-worth and lifelong trust. She is widely recognized for her work in children’s emotional safety and strengthening the parent-child bond. Follow her on Instagram.

Want to earn some extra money on the side? Take CNBC’s new online course How to Start a Side Hustle to learn tips to get started and strategies for success from top side hustle experts. Sign up today and use coupon code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off $97 (+taxes and fees) through April 1, 2025.

You can still claim a $1,400 stimulus check from the IRS—how to know if you qualify

If you didn’t file a tax return for 2021, it might be worth doing so — you could be leaving money on the table.

The Internal Revenue Service has been sending out Covid-19 stimulus check money worth as much as $1,400 to around 1 million tax filers who didn’t receive them. Since the credit was originally self-claimed, the IRS is now automatically sending these payments to ensure eligible taxpayers get what they’re owed.

Called the Recovery Rebate Credit, the tax provision helps people claim missed stimulus payments from 2021. If you were eligible but didn’t receive the funds, you can still claim it. But there’s a catch: You must file a tax return by April 15, 2025.

Payments will be automatically deposited using the banking information listed on the taxpayer’s 2023 tax return or sent by paper check.

How the credit works

The stimulus check, part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, was the final payment issued to provide financial relief during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It provides up to $1,400 per person, with the exact amount dependent on adjusted gross income and phased out at higher income levels:

  • Single filers: You qualify for the full $1,400 if your AGI in 2021 was $75,000 or less. The credit begins to decrease for incomes over $75,000 and is fully phased out at $80,000.
  • Married filing jointly: You qualify for the full $2,800 (for two people) if your combined AGI in 2021 was $150,000 or less. The credit begins to decrease for combined incomes over $150,000 and is fully phased out at $160,000.
  • Dependents: Families can receive $1,400 for each dependent in 2021, regardless of age, but the amount is subject to the same income phaseout limits as the primary filer.

Originally announced in December, the IRS has been automatically sending payments to taxpayers who qualify, including those who filed tax returns with blank or $0 entries for the Recovery Rebate Credit data field, but were still eligible for the credit.

That leaves eligible people who haven’t filed a tax return yet. April 15th is the last day to claim the credit, as, generally, the IRS only allows you to file for refunds or credits within three years.

Want to earn some extra money on the side? Take CNBC’s new online course How to Start a Side Hustle to learn tips to get started and strategies for success from top side hustle experts. Sign up today and use coupon code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off $97 (+taxes and fees) through April 1, 2025.

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Ellen Pompeo says her ‘financial security’ is the best thing to come from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

Ellen Pompeo’s favorite part about her 20 years on “Grey’s Anatomy” has nothing to do with the show itself.

In an interview with People, the TV star said the financial security that portraying Meredith Grey affords her has been the best part of being on the long-running show.

Pompeo in 2017 became the highest-paid woman on television and reportedly brings home $20 million a year from “Grey’s.”

“Financial security is not something that every actress is afforded,” she said. “So I’m very grateful for that.”

Her comments echo a sentiment she expressed in 2018, saying then that asking for what she felt she was worth and fighting to get the network to pay her gave her a strong sense of control in her career.

“I’ve chosen to financially empower myself so that I never have to be ducking predators and chasing trophies,” she said at the time. “It’s not for everyone. You have to be more interested in business than you are in acting.”

Grey’s is huge and everything, but in the scope of actors I’m sort of like a blue-collar worker.
Ellen Pompeo

Indeed, the 55-year-old told People that even though her show has been massively popular for decades — spawning two spinoff shows in addition to the “Grey’s” mothership — she doesn’t feel like she necessarily has a lot in common with other A-list stars with more varied careers.

“Grey’s is huge and everything, but in the scope of actors I’m sort of like a blue-collar worker,” she said. “I’m not the cool kid in high school. I’m not the popular kid, I’m just kind of like a worker bee.”

And while Pompeo said it can be hard to deal with “the repetitive nature of doing the same thing over and over” on the medical procedural in which she’s starred in more than 400 episodes, she wouldn’t trade her career with anyone else’s.

“I think sometimes your journey is the journey you’re meant to have,” Pompeo said. “And I think my journey is the journey I’ve been meant to have. I wasn’t meant to do anything else. And I feel quite peaceful about where I’ve been and what I’ve done and really excited about what lies ahead.”

Want to earn some extra money on the side? Take CNBC’s new online course How to Start a Side Hustle to learn tips to get started and strategies for success from top side hustle experts. Sign up today and use coupon code EARLYBIRD for an introductory discount of 30% off $97 (+taxes and fees) through April 1, 2025.

Plus, sign up for CNBC Make It’s newsletter to get tips and tricks for success at work, with money and in life.