CNBC make it 2024-08-21 00:25:26

Starbucks’ new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating

Newly appointed Starbucks CEO Brian Niccol won’t be required to relocate to the company’s headquarters in Seattle when he joins the coffee giant next month. 

Instead, Starbucks says Niccol can live in his home in Newport Beach, California and commute to Starbucks’ head office 1,000 miles away on a corporate jet, according to the new CEO’s offer letter, which was made public in an SEC filing last week.

In his new role, Niccol, 50, will be paid a base salary of $1.6 million annually and has the opportunity to earn an annual cash bonus that could range from $3.6 million to $7.2 million depending on his performance. He will also be eligible for annual equity awards worth up to $23 million.

Niccol successfully negotiated a similar deal when he became the CEO of Chipotle in 2018. 

At the time, the fast-casual chain was headquartered in Denver, Colorado, and Niccol — who served as CEO of Taco Bell before his stint at Chipotle — lived in Newport Beach, a 15-minute drive from Taco Bell’s main office in Irvine, California. Chipotle moved its headquarters from Denver to Newport Beach three months after announcing Niccol’s appointment.

In the offer letter, Starbucks also notes that it will set up a remote office for Niccol in Newport Beach along with an assistant of his choosing. 

When he is not traveling for work, however, Niccol will still be expected to work from the Seattle office at least three days a week in alignment with Starbucks’ hybrid work policies, a company spokesperson tells CNBC Make It.

“Brian’s primary office and a majority of his time will be spent in our Seattle Support Center or out visiting partners and customers in our stores, roasteries, roasting facilities and offices around the world,” the spokesperson added. “His schedule will exceed the hybrid work guidelines and workplace expectations we have for all partners.”

Starbucks employees have been required to work from the office at least three days a week since early 2023.

Niccol’s arrangement underscores the gulf in bargaining power between high-ranking executives and the average employee in terms of flexibility.

The supercommuting CEO is becoming ‘increasingly common’

While rank-and-file employees might not be able to demand the flexibility to work remotely from a different state, companies make exceptions for senior-level employees to attract and retain top talent, says Raj Choudhury, a professor at Harvard Business School who studies remote work.

Choudhury says there is a growing number of CEOs who are “working from anywhere,” though there is no comprehensive research on the topic. 

“It’s becoming increasingly common because we’re still in a competitive labor market,” he explains. “Executives aren’t accepting job offers if flexibility isn’t on the table.” 

Victoria’s Secret made a similar concession last week when it hired Hillary Super from Fenty x Savage, Rihanna’s lingerie brand, as its new CEO. 

When Super starts in September, she will work from the retailer’s New York City offices instead of its headquarters near Columbus, Ohio, traveling to Columbus as needed, according to her employee agreement.

Despite these recent instances, it’s still hard to draw any definitive conclusions about CEOs’ remote work preferences.

Although some CEOS — including Amazon’s Andy Jassy and JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon — are drawing a hard line on return-to-office policies, other research has indicated that bosses aren’t thrilled with the loss of remote work.

Choudhury sees Niccol’s arrangement at Starbucks as an example of a company taking a “smart risk” to snag a star executive. 

The coffee giant’s performance has struggled this year, hurt by weak sales in the U.S. and China, its two largest markets, CNBC reports. Starbucks shares have fallen 21% during its current CEO Laxman Narasimhan’s tenure. 

Niccol has a strong track record of turning around troubled companies: As CEO of Chipotle, he helped the chain rebound from its foodborne illness scandal and led its restaurants through the pandemic. During his time at the restaurant chain, its stock soared 773%, CNBC reports.

“Starbucks based its process of selection on this person’s prior record of boosting restaurant-based companies, not their location,” says Choudhury. “I expect more companies will take notice and follow suit: If you want to attract and retain the best talent, you have to be open to flexible work arrangements.”

Such an emerging trend could have benefits for desk workers craving flexibility, Choudhury adds. 

“If more C-suite leaders start working remotely, middle managers might be inspired to start trying it, as culture changes start at the top,” he says. “This is a great opportunity for Starbucks to experiment with offering employees, wherever possible, the same degree of flexibility it’s giving its executives.”

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This is the No. 1 ultra-processed food I avoid, says dietitian from America’s only Blue Zone

I’m from Loma Linda, California, a small city known as the only Blue Zone in America. Studies have shown that residents live up to around a decade longer than the rest of the United States. 

Today, much of my work is informed by my upbringing, and the strong emphasis my community in Loma Linda put on on health and nutrition.

Based on principles of longevity and research from Blue Zones, I encourage my clients to focus on balanced nutrition, regular joyful movement, developing healthy coping mechanisms for stress management and adequate sleep

My ultimate goal is to encourage my clients to pay attention to the foods that give them energy — and help them avoid foods that are ultra-processed and lack key nutrients.

Why I never consume energy drinks

Energy drinks have become popularized through social media over the years. They’re often marketed as quick solutions for boosting energy, fueling during a pre-workout and enhancing alertness. 

As a dietitian, though, here’s why I advise caution:

1. Energy drinks can disrupt your sleep and your appetite

One of the main ingredients in many energy drinks is caffeine. While it can improve alertness and concentration, excessive consumption of it can lead to adverse effects such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure and anxiety. 

It can disrupt sleep patterns, which can lead to fatigue and further reliance on these beverages. 

Caffeine is known to have appetite-suppressing properties. Many of my clients have reported a reduced desire for meals after consuming caffeinated drinks. 

While an energy drink may provide temporary fullness, it is not a meal and should not be used as a replacement for one.

2. Energy drinks can spike blood sugar and increase inflammation

A typical can of an energy drink often contains up to 30 grams of sugar per serving. Too much sugar can contribute to various health issues, including increased inflammation and dental problems. 

In addition to caffeine and sugar, energy drinks may include other stimulants such as guarana and taurine. While these ingredients are generally recognized as safe, their combined effects with caffeine are not as well-researched and may pose additional health risks

3. Energy drinks can affect your physical and mental health

Frequent consumption of energy drinks is associated with increased symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress, studies have shown, and with a substantial increase in norepinephrine, a stress hormone that could potentially lead to increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Individual responses to energy drinks can vary significantly. Factors such as age, medication use and underlying health conditions can influence how your body reacts to these beverages. 

Knowing that, it is important to consult with a physician before consuming energy drinks regularly, especially if you have any pre-existing health concerns.

For my clients, I always recommend water, green tea, herbal teas, coconut water and kombucha as great alternatives for energy drinks.

If you find yourself constantly needing energy boosts, my best advice is to consider discussing your lifestyle and eating patterns with a registered dietitian. That can help you identify a healthier and more sustainable relationship with food and your body. 

Eliza Cheng is a dietitian and nutritionist based in California. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics at Loma Linda University, and has experience working in eating disorder treatment, including partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient hospitalization for children, teens and adults. Follow her on Instagram @ournourishedbodies and find out more at Our Nourished Bodies.

Want to be more successful and confident with your money? Take CNBC Make It’s new online course. Our expert instructors will help you master your money and discover practical strategies to boost your savings, reduce debt, and grow your wealth—in a way that works best for you. Enroll in ”Achieve Financial Wellness: Be Happier, Wealthier & More Financially Secure″ to start your journey to financial freedom today! Get a 30% discount with the coupon code EARLYBIRD until September 2, 2024.

38-year-old American expat lives on $73,000 in one of the world’s most expensive countries

This story is part of CNBC Make It’s Millennial Money series, which details how people around the world earn, spend and save their money.

Jewells Chambers doesn’t look like a typical Icelander. In a country where 94% of people identify as native Icelandic, Chambers, a Black American woman, is among the other 6%.

She doesn’t sound like one either. Over the eight years Chambers has lived in Reykjavik, she’s developed a conversational level of Icelandic. “I still fumble on things, though,” she says.

Nevertheless, the native New Yorker has never been surer that this is the exact place where she always needed to be.

“It felt as if there was something magnetic that has been pulling me in this direction, and I still haven’t been able to put my finger on it exactly. But I know it has something to do with the nature, because that has been and continues to be such a rejuvenating piece for me,” Chambers says. “Every time I’m out on a hike or even just a regular walk, getting a little bit out of the city, I just feel really grounded.”

It’s a feeling she wants to share with the world. Since 2018, Chambers has run All Things Iceland, a podcast, YouTube channel and social media brand that explores Iceland’s nature, history and culture through the lens of an expat.

Running the show, which has more than 50,000 YouTube subscribers and 30,000 monthly podcast listeners, has been Chambers’ full-time job since 2020. The company is on track to earn the equivalent of $100,000 this year, from which Chambers will pay herself roughly $73,000 before money is taken out for taxes and contributions to a pension.

That’s not a fortune — especially in famously pricey Reykjavik — but it’s enough to fund the sort of life Chambers, 38, dreamt about in her youth.

“Being here, I feel safe. I feel at home. I’m really happy,” she says. “And that has transformed into something that continues to keep me here.”

Getting through the ‘limbo state’

Chambers says her dreams of living abroad began in high school in Brooklyn during economics class.

“While the professor was talking about U.S. economics and politics, something in my brain was just like, ‘I don’t think I’m meant to live in the U.S.,’” she says.

She’d have to wait for her wanderlust to take hold, however. Chambers hoped to study abroad while attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, but things didn’t work out. “This was something that would hopefully, in the future, become a possibility for me. But it didn’t seem like I knew exactly the direct way that it would happen or how it could happen.”

In the meantime, adult life began. Chambers graduated from college in 2008 with a degree in engineering and about $60,000 in student debt. She moved back to New York City and took a fellowship doing digital marketing for a diversity and inclusion nonprofit, but was barely getting by.

Chambers eventually upgraded to a full-time gig, which helped alleviate some of the financial pressure, but still describes that period as “a limbo state,” “this jumble of trying to figure out my life, trying to make some money, trying to create a career path that made sense for me.”

One thing she had figured out at the time: her love life. In 2013, she reconnected with and began dating an Icelandic man she’d met in college and in two years, the pair were married. By 2016, he told Chambers he intended to move back to Iceland, and she agreed to follow him — on one condition.

“I am not moving unless I find a job that utilizes my skills,” Chambers recalls saying.

Luckily for Chambers, Iceland was in the midst of a huge tourism boom, and digital marketers were in high demand. “This was not a specialty that a lot of people in the country had, or even realized they needed,” she says.

After nailing down a job at a local tourism company, she embarked for Iceland in June 2016.

Falling in love with all things Iceland: ‘My life changed’

Working for that company proved to be a microcosm of Chambers’ conversion to a true-blue Icelander: challenging at first, but eventually eye-opening.

She recalls feeling like she’d never be able to remember her coworkers’ complicated names, let alone keep up with an office full of outdoorspeople.

“They were all mountaineers. They had climbed some of the highest peaks in the world,” Chambers says. “And coming from the concrete jungle it was like, I take the bus to work to get nature.”

But this was the job, she was told. If she was going to market nature hikes and kayaking trips and glacier climbs to potential customers, she had to get out there and do them for herself.  

DON’T MISS: How to be more successful with your money

Once Chambers began personally experiencing the adventures Iceland had to offer, “my life changed,” she says. “Everything became about nature and understanding, respecting and then being able to market that out to our potential customers. And I loved it.”

It helped that Chambers was never made to feel like an outsider because of her identity. Rather, she says, the Icelandic people embraced her in a way that felt untethered to the racial baggage people carried with them back home.

“Living in Iceland has 1,000% had an amazing impact on my mental health,” she says. “The nature aspect has helped me in so many ways, [as has] shedding this idea that it always has to be about my skin color.”

By 2017, Chambers was settled in, and passing the winter days with limited daylight listening to podcasts. At the same time, seemingly everyone from her life back home was asking her about Iceland. Something clicked.

“It dawned on me, and I was like, well, I love listening to podcasts. I’m going to look up and see if anyone else is doing a podcast about Iceland,” she says. “I didn’t see any active ones, so I was like, you know what? I’m going to make a podcast.”

Launching the podcast: ‘I didn’t have any expectations’

Chambers launched All Things Iceland in 2018, with a plan to make it at least a year airing one episode per week. “I didn’t have any expectations,” she says. “I didn’t know what people were going to say or think.”

When she began to receive positive messages and comments from listeners and YouTube viewers, she knew she had something real on her hands.

“At first, it was people reaching out to say, ‘Thank you, this was so helpful,’” Chambers says.

Then came the sponsors. “These Icelandic companies wanted to work with me, and it was like, ‘Oh, there’s money to be made.’”

By day, Chambers was still doing digital marketing, and in 2019, took a job as chief digital strategy officer at an advertising agency. It was a well-paid, demanding gig that Chambers says jeopardized her ability to work on All Things Iceland.

Between her job, her passion project and her marriage, “it was a big juggle,” Chambers says. “It wasn’t easy, and I didn’t love what I was doing enough for it to keep me going.”

By the time the Covid-19 pandemic struck, Chambers was already feeling burnt out and soon scaled down her hours. By the following August, she felt confident enough in the trajectory of All Things Iceland to quit her day job altogether.

These days, things are flourishing. Chambers’ one-woman company brings in money from ad sales, sponsorships and affiliate marketing. She also sells maps, travel consultations and private tours, all while working behind the scenes with corporate clients producing online and social media content.

All told, the company brought in about $50,000 in the first half of the year, out of which Chambers pays herself about $6,000 a month in total compensation.

How she spends her money

This isn’t the first time Chambers as been a one-woman show financially. She shouldered much of the financial load for herself and her now ex-husband from 2016 through 2020 while he built a psychological practice. The pair separated in 2022 and divorced in 2023.

Chambers has a boyfriend who she began dating earlier this year, though the two don’t currently comingle their finances.

Here’s how Chambers spent her money in June. Virtually all of her financial life is conducted in Icelandic krona, converted here to dollars.

Conversions from ISK to USD were done using the OANDA conversion rate of 1 USD to 139.085 ISK on June 30, 2024. All amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.

  • Housing: $2,031 for rent, phone and Wi-Fi
  • Groceries: $545
  • Cash savings: $428
  • Discretionary: $423 on household items, house and car cleanings, wellness and entertainment
  • Travel: $368 on an upcoming trip to Amsterdam with a friend
  • Fitness: $352 on a gym membership and personal trainer
  • Dining out: $321
  • Life insurance: $73
  • Gas: $65
  • Unexpected expenses: $61 on an emergency visit and medication for a case of strep throat

Chambers’ biggest monthly expense is rent, about $1,941 per month for a 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment in downtown Reykjavik, with a storage area and an indoor parking spot — a key feature for Icelandic winters.

She also spent more than $850 feeding herself in June, evidence that food, especially at restaurants, can get very pricey very quickly. Chambers estimates that an entrée at a restaurant in Iceland will typically run you $25 to $30, and you can expect to pay $7.50 or $8 for a cup of coffee in a downtown café.

A few major expenses you tend to see in American budgets are conspicuously absent from Chambers’ spending. Some of it has to do with her job. Because she has a brand partnership with a rental car company, she gets a company car on the house; she just has to pay for gas.

Other omissions are idiosyncratic to where she lives. Health insurance premiums? Not a thing in Iceland, which has heavily subsidized universal health care. Chambers did shell out $61 to treat a case of strep throat in June, though she could have paid less had she gone to her neighborhood health center rather than the emergency room, she says.

The other major difference is the way Chambers (and all Icelanders) are compensated. The number that actually hits Chambers’ bank account is net of taxes and a contribution toward her eventual income in retirement. Every company in Iceland contributes 6.35% of payroll to the Icelandic equivalent of Social Security and 11.5% to one of 21 pension funds, with each employee contributing at least 4% of pay.

For Chambers, navigating the complexities of being both employer and employee in a foreign country “has been a huge learning curve,” she says. “Getting an accountant to help me with that has been so crucial.”

Looking ahead: ‘Iceland is my home’

In addition to her government mandated savings, Chambers stashes away a chunk of her income – usually 10% of her take-home pay — each month in a savings account. Eventually, she says, she’d like to explore the feasibility of opening a brokerage account, too, to boost her retirement savings.

In the shorter term, though, she’s saving to buy a house with her boyfriend.

She’s hopes to continue to grow All Things Iceland as a brand and a business. As the business continues to expand, Chambers hopes to hire people to help with the nitty gritty of the job so she can focus on being more creative.

Eventually, she says, she’d love to have her own travel show — based out of Iceland, of course.

“When I made that decision and stepped my foot down that day when I came to the country full time, it just felt right and it has continued to feel that way,” Chambers says. “So for the foreseeable future, Iceland is my home.”

 What’s your budget breakdown? Share your story with us for a chance to be featured in a future installment.

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3 ways your body is letting you know you’re experiencing burnout, from a psychologist

Juggling a job, social responsibilities and taking care of yourself and your family can take a toll on your mental health.

If you’re taking on more than you can handle, your body may warn you that burnout is on the horizon.

However, burnout isn’t exactly a mental health diagnosis, says Molly Burrets, a licensed clinical psychologist.

“It’s more of a chronic condition that happens when we experience chronic fatigue [and] overwhelm when the demands of our life exceed our capacity to meet those demands,” she tells CNBC Make It, adding that it can increase your likelihood of experiencing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Spotting the signs of burnout is key for preventing it, or reversing it. Burrets says the symptoms of burnout come in three categories: physical, emotional and behavioral.

Here’s what to watch out for:

How your body tells you that you’re on the verge of burnout

1. Physical symptoms

“Some of the most common physical symptoms are things like chronic fatigue or insomnia, difficulty either falling or staying asleep,” Burrets says.

Additional physical symptoms that can indicate you’re burnt out may include:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Digestive issues
  • Weakened immune system

2. Emotional symptoms

The emotional indicators of burnout tend to be the signs that are most commonly associated with the phenomenon. “These are ones that people are often most primed to notice and understand indicate a real problem,” Burrets says.

Those symptoms include:

  • Increased irritability
  • Experiencing a loss of motivation, even to do things that bring you joy
  • Feeling detached or emotionally drained
  • Increased frustration
  • Having negative feelings about work or caregiving responsibilities

3. Behavioral symptoms

Look out for shifts in your behavior that are likely being used as coping mechanisms, Burrets says. Some of the most common behavioral symptoms include overeating, binge drinking or increased drug use.

But behavioral symptoms can also manifest as:

  • Procrastination
  • Withdrawal from social responsibilities
  • Isolation from others
  • Lower levels of productivity, especially at work

“If you notice that you are having behavioral symptoms, emotional symptoms and physical health symptoms, that’s a red flag,” Burrets says. “You are burnt out by that point.”

How to reverse burnout

Before setting out to tackle your burnout symptoms, Burrets recommends consulting with your doctor to make sure they aren’t the result of other, underlying health conditions.

Once you’ve done that, Burrets recommends reducing your work load to make time for more self care.

She recommends trying out some of the following:

  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Quality time with friends and family
  • A new hobby
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness activities

Before you add anything else to your plate, she says it’s important to “look at the demands on your time and ask yourself, what can be removed” — with a minimal impact on your life.

Though it may be hard to reduce your responsibilities and re-think your priorities, Burrets says sacrifice is necessary in order to improve your well-being.

The goal is to “take some things off our plate that are inessential and perhaps add in some self care activities in place of those, or just more downtime, more rest and relaxation.”

Making these tough choices, Burrets says, are ultimately essential for recovery. “We have to have boundaries in order to prevent burnout.”

Want to be more successful and confident with your money? Take CNBC Make It’s new online course. Our expert instructors will help you master your money and discover practical strategies to boost your savings, reduce debt and grow your wealth — in a way that works best for you. Enroll in ”Achieve Financial Wellness: Be Happier, Wealthier & More Financially Secure″ to start your journey to financial freedom today! Get a 30% discount with the coupon code EARLYBIRD until September 2, 2024.

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Don’t ask about work-life balance in a job interview, says ex-Google recruiter: Here’s why

When you’re interviewing for a job, ask questions that do two things: show your prospective employer you want to succeed and give you the info you need to decide if you really want the job. That’s according to former Google recruiter and current CEO of salary data company FairComp, Nolan Church.

He suggests asking questions like “what is the company’s north star for the next 12 months?” and “what is the common trait of your top performers?” Both exhibit your eagerness to help the company grow and give you a sense of what it’s like on the inside.

“What people get wrong in this, first,” says Church of interview questions, “is that they tend to ask these very generic, fluffy questions that they pulled online.” He did some research and found a couple he thinks jobseekers should absolutely avoid.

‘How does the company support work-life balance?’

While this is a relevant question when it comes to figuring out if you want the job, the interview process is not the time to ask it.

The question “indicates to me that you don’t want to work hard,” says Church. Instead of asking about the company’s mission and showing that you’re already angling toward internal successes, you’re asking how long a workday is. “It’s a red flag,” he says.

This question “needs to come after you’ve received an offer,” says Church. That’s the moment when you’ve gotten some leverage and proven you have what it takes to do the job. Otherwise, “I don’t think you’ve earned the right to ask,” he says.

‘What opportunities for professional development does the company offer?’

There are a few problems with this question, Church says.

First, the question “makes it about you,” he says. Instead of giving a sense that you’re a team player who wants to solve problems and move everyone forward, you make it sound like you care solely about your own advancement.

The other problem with this question is it’s pretty broad. It doesn’t necessarily force the interviewer to give you any specific examples which could ultimately help you make a decision about the employer. “A vague question will give you a vague answer,” says Church.

“Good questions are typically very specific, very relevant and very timely,” he says. Instead of asking about professional development, ask about the No. 1 trait of the company’s top performers. That will give you a sense of what you can work toward and show you want to succeed.

Want to land your dream job? Take CNBC’s new online course How to Ace Your Job Interview to learn what hiring managers really look for, body language techniques, what to say and not to say, and the best way to talk about pay.

Plus, sign up for CNBC Make It’s newsletter to get tips and tricks for success at work, with money and in life.