Fox News 2024-07-04 12:08:37

Small group of Dem govs voice support after closed-door meeting with Biden


Dem governors meet with Biden as fallout from botched debate continues

Democratic governors from across the nation descended on the White House Wednesday evening to speak with 
President Biden
 after his widely panned debate performance last week.

The aim of the meeting was to shore up support among the party’s top leaders and stave off diminishing confidence in Biden’s candidacy.

Among the Democratic governors who were planning to attend in person were Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who leads the Democratic Governors Association, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, among others.

After the meeting only Govs. Walz, Hochul, and Moore spoke to reporters.

Gov. Walz said he and his colleagues had a “great conversation” with President Biden.

Walz said his fellow governors were worried not because of any lingering doubts about Biden’s cognitive abilities but because of “the threat of a Trump presidency.” That threat, Walz said, “is not theoretical for governors.”

Walz praised the Biden administration for its handling of Covid, and “investing in infrastructure and the middle class.”

Walz clarified that none of the governors were denying that last Thursday, the night of the debate, was a “bad performance.”

“But it doesn’t impact what I believe,” Walz said.

Gov. Moore described the meeting with Biden as “honest” and “candid.”

“The president has always had our backs. We’re going to have his back as well, because the results that we’ve been able to see under this administration have been undeniable in all of our individual state,” Moore said.

Moore framed the presidential race as a binary choice: “between someone who has continually delivered for us in our states and the people of our states and, frankly, someone whose vision for the future of this country is downright dangerous.”

Gov. Hochul said President Biden was “in it to win it.”

“All of us pledged our support to him because the stakes could not be higher,” Hochul said, invoking on the eve of Independence Day, the fight against tyranny.

The entire press conference clocked in at around five and a half minutes.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Dem Gov. Walz says Biden remains ‘fit for office’ despite ongoing concerns

Following a meeting with the nation’s Democrat governors with President Joe Biden on Wednesday at the White House, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said Biden is still “fit for office” despite the president’s awkward performance at the initial presidential debate last week.

“None of us are denying Thursday night was a bad performance. It was a bad hit, if you will on that, but it doesn’t impact what I believe: He’s delivering,” said Walz, who leads the Democratic Governors Association.

Walz was asked whether he thought Biden looked or sounded abnormal during last week’s debate versus Donald Trump.

“Yeah, he did. He said, ‘Look,’ he didn’t listen to himself.”

“I think this idea that you get in your own head, you get a little bit cycled up on that,” Walz said. “What we saw in there today was a guy who was the guy that all of us believed in the first time who could beat Donald Trump and he did beat Donald Trump.”

Walz led the delegation that also included California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, among others.

After the leaders met with Biden, only Govs. Walz, Hochul, and Moore spoke to reporters.

“We always believe that when you love someone, you tell them the truth,” Moore said. “And I think we came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. We were honest about the concerns that we are hearing from people.”

Posted by Scott McDonald Share

WaPo publishes bizarre hypothetical Biden resignation speech, invokes George Washington

Amid a growing chorus of Democratic voices calling for President Biden to bow out of the presidential race after last week’s disastrous debate performance, the Washington Post editorial board on Wednesday published a bizarre hypothetical transcript of the Democratic frontrunner announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 campaign.

The lofty op-ed, titled “What if Biden spoke these words?
” opens with an invocation of the founding fathers who “carried out a revolution at the edge of a wild frontier.”

“Over the past few days, I have been reflecting on all this. My season of service is nearing its close. This was a hard truth to face,” the op-ed reads. “But it is the natural course of things — as evident as the progression from spring to summer, from fall to winter. This is why I have decided to withdraw from the campaign for president of the United States.”

The piece compared Biden to the first U.S. president, George Washington, who supposedly faced a similar moment “as he approached the end of his second term.”

The hypothetical Biden said he wanted to “stay in the fight” but “at this moment, the nation needs something I cannot provide: a leader with the energy to run a vigorous campaign and then to work for America, at all hours, for the next four years.”

The piece accused his predecessor and GOP rival, Donald Trump, of having “exploited and exacerbated” partisan divisions.

“Mr. Trump’s unique danger lies in his claim that only he can lead the nation. I will not make the same mistake,” the “president” said. “Nor will I do anything that would ease his return to power. Staying in the race could do just that.”

The piece added no context or additional commentary.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Biden aides accept ultimatum for president to demonstrate fitness for office or step aside: report

President Biden and his top officials say they have accepted an ultimatum from the Democratic Party that the president must demonstrate to the nation he is fit for office or face a concerted effort to have him bow out of the race.

Critics tell The Washington Post
they are unnerved by the lack of urgency from within the Biden administration after his disastrous debate performance ignited calls from within his own party to step down.

One senior campaign adviser called Biden’s reticence “a deafening silence.”

“I think the onus is really on Biden right now to be very candid with all of us privately, not publicly, not that we’re going to tell reporters, but to be very candid with us privately about what happened, what is the larger issue? Can we get through this?” Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill., told The Post. “We do need more than emails of polling briefs from White House legislative affairs directors right now to assuage those concerns.”

Earlier Wednesday, the Biden campaign sent out an email to supporters clarifying that the president had no plans to back out of the race.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Another House Dem calls on Biden to drop out: ‘An opportunity to look elsewhere’

Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., is the latest lawmaker to call on the president to drop out of the presidential race following last week’s botched debate performance.

Grijalva told The New York Times that he thinks its time for his party to select a new nominee but qualified that he will still support Biden if he makes it through November.

“If he’s the candidate, I’m going to support him, but I think that this is an opportunity to look elsewhere,” Grijalva said. “What he needs to do is shoulder the responsibility for keeping that seat – and part of that responsibility is to get out of this race.”

Grijalva is the second sitting Democratic House lawmaker to call on Biden to step down. On Tuesday, Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, said the president “failed” to defend his record and reassure voters that he’s the man for the job during last week’s debate.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

President Biden has a message to all doubters: ‘I’m running’

President Biden’s campaign team sent out a fundraising email to supporters Wednesday in an ostensible effort to quell any lingering doubts about whether he will stay in the race after his widely criticized debate performance last week.

“I know the past few days been tough. I’m sure you’re getting a lot of questions. I’m sure many of you have questions as well,” a message to supporters reads. “So, let me say this as clear and simply as I can: I’m running.”

The message reminds recipients that Biden is still “the Democratic Party’s nominee.”

“No one is pushing me out. I’m not leaving, I’m in this race to the end, and WE are going to win this election,” the message says. “If that’s all you need to hear, pitch in a few bucks to help Kamala and me defeat Donald Trump in November.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul doubles down on support for Biden

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is doubling down on her support for President Biden as more of her fellow Democrats are publicly and privately calling on him to step down after his botched debate performance.

The Democratic governor told MSNBC Sunday: “We have the best candidate running right now, and that is President Biden.”

She added that, “One bad night does not affect three and a half years of stellar accomplishment, and I’m really excited about the next four years ahead.”

Hochul is expected to meet with the president and other Democratic governors at the White House later Wednesday.

The governors will share feedback from voters in their state and discuss the Biden campaigns plans through November.

Hochul has dismissed rumors that she is vying for a job in a potential second administration for the Biden administration.

Meanwhile, a recent Siena College poll showed the Democratic governor hitting her lowest favorability and job approval so far. The poll, released late last month, showed the governor’s favorability rating at 38-49% and her job approval rating at 44-50%.

Biden showed similarly dismal approval figures in New York, with a favorability among New York voters at 42-53% and an overall approval rating at 45-53%. 

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

White House says VP Harris ‘future’ of the Democratic Party

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday said Vice President Kamala Harris was the “future” of the Democratic Party.

The comments came in response to a reporter who questioned whether President Biden stood by his 2020 comments that he would be a “bridge to the next generation of Democratic leaders.”

“I think his statement stands. I mean, one of the reasons why he picked Vice President Kamala Harris is because she is indeed the future of the [Democratic] Party
,” Jean-Pierre said. “And he’s very proud to have partnered with her and continue to partner with her and deliver an unprecedented record for the American people.”

The White House has been in full-scale damage control following the president’s disastrous debate performance, which has fueled calls for him to step down and allow another candidate to take his place.

Another reporter asked Jean-Pierre if during the president’s lunch with the vice president earlier in the day there was any discussion of “Harris potentially taking over.”

Jean-Pierre reiterated the White House’s position that the president had no plans to drop out of the race.

“That’s something that the campaign has shared. So, I’m just repeating what the campaign has shared,” Jean-Pierre said.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Trump campaign calls out Dems who ‘colluded’ to protect Biden

Former President Trump’s campaign team is blasting Democrats who are just now calling on President Biden to call it quits after his disastrous debate performance last week.

“Every Democrat who is calling on Crooked Joe Biden to quit was once a supporter of Biden and his failed policies that lead to extreme inflation, an open border, and chaos at home and abroad. Make no mistake that Democrats, the main stream media, and the swamp colluded to hide the truth from the American public — Joe Biden is weak, failed, dishonest, and not fit for the White House,” co-campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement.

“Every one of them has lied about Joe Biden’s cognitive state and supported his disastrous policies over the past four years, especially Cackling Copilot Kamala Harris.”

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Boston Globe editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of presidential race

The Boston Globe editorial board is urging President Biden to bow out of the presidential race after his disastrous debate performance.

In a column published Wednesday, the editorial board criticized the Biden administration for not doing enough to assuage the nation of its concerns.

“President Biden’s team has said little that adequately explains why his performance was historically bad, beyond that he had a cold,” the board wrote. “What we mostly heard instead was the closing of ranks around the beleaguered and wounded candidate.”

As many Democrats have publicly defended the president as the best candidate to beat Trump, the board warned there was a greater risk Biden continuing “as the party’s standard-bearer.”

“The nation’s confidence has been shaken,” the board wrote.

The writers noted there was a “bevy of potential candidates … waiting in the wings to take on Trump.”

All Biden had to do, the board wrote, was “graciously bow out of the race and free his delegates to cast their votes for someone else at the Democratic National Convention.”

President Biden is facing growing calls from members of the media, editorial boards, pundits and more to drop out of the race following a debate performance that caused anxiety among members of the Democratic Party.

The Boston Globe’s editorial column comes days after The New York Times editorial board called on President Biden to “leave the race” after his widely panned debate. 

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Trump gets big post-debate boost in new poll after Biden’s botched performance

A new national poll indicates that former President Trump’s lead over President Biden in their 2024 election rematch is widening in the wake of last week’s heavily criticized debate performance by Biden.

And the survey, released Wednesday by the New York Times and Siena College, spotlights a surge in concerns that the 81-year-old Biden, the oldest president in the nation’s history, is unable to govern the nation effectively.

Biden is facing the roughest stretch of his more than year-long campaign for a second term in the White House. This, after his halting delivery and stumbling answers at the debate with Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, sparked widespread panic in the Democratic Party and spurred calls from political pundits, editorial writers and some party donors for Biden to step aside as the party’s 2024 standard-bearer.

This is an excerpt of a report by Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser. Click here to read the full story.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

White House insists Biden will ‘absolutely not’ suspend re-election campaign

President Biden is “absolutely not” considering dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Wednesday. 

The White House has maintained Biden will continue running for a second term, even amid pressure from Democrats and former staffers and allies to step aside. 

A New York Times report was published Wednesday morning suggesting that Biden had spoken privately with confidants about the possibility of dropping out of the race.  

But when asked during the briefing if Biden would drop out of the race, Jean-Pierre was defiant. 

“Absolutely not,” she said. “And you heard, I think, I believe directly from the campaign as well.” 

This is an excerpt of a report by Fox News Digital’s Brooke Singman. Click here
to read the full story.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Multiple letters circulating among House Dems calling on Biden to step aside for 2024: sources

There are multiple letters circulating among House Democrats that would call for President Biden to step aside in the 2024 White House race, two sources familiar with those discussions told Fox News Digital.

Efforts have included both vulnerable Democrats in swing districts and left-wing lawmakers in safe seats, one of the sources said.

The letters are mainly being circulated at the member level right now, both sources said, with lawmakers closely guarding the monumental decision they are weighing.

“Everyone is guarded now,” one senior House Democratic member told Fox News. “People may be just doing what they believe is best for them.”

This is an excerpt of a report by Fox News Digital’s Elizabeth Elkind and Chad Pergram. Click here to read the full story.

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

KJP pressed on Biden’s ‘jetlag’ excuse for poor debate performance

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday was pressed on President Biden blaming his poor debate performance last week on jetlag.

A reporter noted that despite Biden’s insistence at a campaign fundraiser that international travel had taken a toll on his health, the president actually had at least a week to recover in the U.S. before the debate.

Jean-Pierre repeated the president’s talking points about that being not an excuse but an “explanation.”

“In addition to the two major trips he was also continuing to do his presidential duties, he worked late in doing that. And he also prepared for the debate,” Jean-Pierre said. “And on top of that, there was obviously the jetlag … and also he had a cold … he had a hoarse voice.”

A reporter said the White House appeared to be coming up with new excuses, as Biden had previously blamed his debate performance on having a cold.

Jean-Pierre again pointed to the president’s hectic schedule, having traveled six zone times – despite this occurring in the first half of June and the debate being 12 days after Biden arrived back in the U.S.

Fox News’ Jacqui Heinrich pushed Jean-Pierre to clarify the earlier reporter’s question, noting that Biden held a rally in North Carolina the day after the debate and dined at a Waffle House.

“He pushed through. That’s what this president does. He is going to continue to fight for the American people,” Jean-Pierre said. “So, he pushed through.”

Posted by Bradford Betz Share

Trump widens lead over President Biden after disastrous debate performance, NYT poll finds

Former President Trump has significantly widened his lead over President Biden after Biden’s disastrous performance at last week’s debate, according to a new poll from the New York Times.

Trump now leads Biden by six points among likely voters, his largest lead in the race so far. A further 74% of voters say Biden is too old to serve effectively as president, with the number spiking after the debate, according to the Times.

Biden is facing growing calls to drop out of the race from both current and former Democratic officials. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, was the first elected Democrat to call on Biden to withdraw, issuing a public statement on Tuesday.

While top Democratic Party officials remain publicly supportive of the president, rumors of growing panic continue to leak out from party insiders.

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

White House chief of staff urges aides to focus, tune out ‘noise’ as Biden candidacy teeters

White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients urged aides to focus and tune out the “noise” during an all-staff meeting on Wednesday

The meeting came as President Biden’s candidacy
threatens to collapse under the weight of his disastrous performance at last week’s debate against former President Trump. Zients encouraged White House staff to focus on the victories the administration has had over the past three years.

Zients also argued that Biden has a “strong campaign team” in place and argued that the current concern over his cognitive abilities is just “noise.”

Multiple prominent groups and even some current and former Democratic lawmakers, have called on Biden to step aside in recent days. Top officials in the Democratic Party remain publicly supportive of the president, though rumors of panic continue to leak out from the party machine.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Anti-Trump business group Leadership Now calls on Biden to drop out of presidential race

The pro-democracy business group Leadership Now is calling for President Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, saying they fear former President Trump could take back the White House after Biden’s “deeply concerning” debate performance last week.

In a statement on Wednesday, the business leaders urged Biden to “pass the torch of this year’s presidential nomination to the next generation of highly capable Democrats,” saying they “fear the risk of a devastating loss in November.” 

The non-profit, which was founded in 2017 by a group of Harvard Business School alumni, hailed Biden for the accomplishments of his administration but said he failed to make the case against Trump in the debate and that “The reelection of Donald Trump poses an existential threat to American democracy.” 

“The threat of a second Trump term is such that we must ask President Biden and the Democratic Party to pass the torch of this year’s presidential nomination to the next generation of highly capable Democrats,” the statement reads. “This process will undoubtedly be messy and is not without risk. However, the stakes are too high not to act.”

Leadership Now joins a growing chorus from across the political spectrum calling for Biden to drop his bid for a second term after his debate performance heightened concerns over his mental acuity.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News’ Breck Dumas

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Biden’s struggle to remember key Cabinet official’s name left allies ‘shaken up’: report

A public moment last month when President Biden appeared temporarily unable to say the name of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas reportedly left allies alarmed and “shaken up.”

The incident took place
on June 18 at an event celebrating the anniversary of the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protected some illegal immigrants from deportation.

As he spoke, Biden introduced Mayorkas, who has served in a high-profile role since 2021 and has been the main official dealing with the ongoing crisis at the southern border.

“Thanks to all the members of the Congress and Homeland Security Secretary,” he said, pausing. “I…I’m not sure I’m going to introduce you all the way.” 

He then added, “But all kidding aside, Secretary Mayorkas.”

The New York Times reported this week that two people with a clear view of Biden, who has fought a stutter throughout his life, said that his soft-spoken mumbling and fumbling over words left some concerned.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News’ Adam Shaw

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Democrats angry over team Biden’s denial after debate: ‘Everyone is freaking the f— out’

Democrats and White House aides are angry over President Biden and his closest allies acting like it’s business as usual following the president’s rocky debate performance, causing panic among members of the party.

“Everyone is freaking the f— out,” one official told Axios.

The president’s performance in the debate against former President Trump on Thursday has caused some of Biden’s closest allies in the media to question whether he is the best person to beat the presumptive GOP nominee in November.

“I don’t know who’s making decisions,” one House Democrat told Axios. “Why the hell isn’t Biden on the phone with congressional leadership?”

“Everybody now thinks he could cost us the majority,” the Democrat continued. 

The White House said Biden had spoken to House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, according to Axios. The president is also expected to meet with Democratic governors to reassure them after his debate performance.

ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos is set to interview Biden on Friday for a Sunday airing — the president’s first interview since the debate. 

The president acknowledged his debate performance during a fundraiser in Virginia on Tuesday and blamed the bad performance on his world travels.

“I decided to travel around the world a couple of times,” Biden said, according to reports. “I didn’t listen to my staff.”

Fox News’ Hanna Panreck contributed to this report

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

White House press corps defends itself over coverage of Biden’s age: ‘It’s complicated’

Members of the White House press corps largely defended their reporting after receiving criticism for their handling of concerns over President Biden’s age before the debate. 

“To some extent, the decline has appeared to be gradual — hard to notice from day to day — and that’s perhaps made it harder for reporters to determine when is the right moment to write something,” a reporter, speaking anonymously, told CNN.

These reporters, among some of the most famous and well-connected journalists in the country, said that the White House has concerned itself with preventing stories about Biden’s age. 

“[B]erating reporters who bring them reporting about age concerns, bemoaning that it’s all anyone writes about (clearly, it’s not) and often attacking pieces after they run,” a reporter told CNN. “I think that’s left some folks to conclude that these stories are too painful to report or that they should pick their spots more. It’s clear the age stories that have angered the White House (and the liberal Twittersphere) the most.”

“They keep him at arm’s length, and he rarely does extended interviews,” a reporter told the outlet. 

But some reporters said that the White House press corps should have done more to report on Biden’s accommodations.

“I think the press, most of the White House press, did suffer from a bit of lack of curiosity,” one of the reporters said.

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Biden has told key ally he is weighing dropping out of the race: Report

President Biden told a key ally this week that he is aware he may be forced to withdraw from the presidential race if he cannot salvage the public’s opinion of his mental capacity in the coming days, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

The ally told NYT that Biden is focused on ensuring that his upcoming interview with George Stephanopoulos at ABC News, as well as campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, must go flawlessly.

“He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place,” the ally told the Times.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates flatly denied the report in a statement on Twitter.

“That claim is absolutely false. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so,” Bates wrote.

Biden is facing ramping calls to withdraw, even from sources within his own party. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, was the first elected Democrat to call on Biden to drop out, publishing a statement on Tuesday.

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Michelle Obama leads Biden, Harris in match-up against Trump in latest post-debate poll

Former first lady Michelle Obama is the leading candidate to take on former President Trump in 2024, according to a new poll conducted after last week’s presidential debate.  

A Reuters/Ipsos poll asked respondents who they would like to see take on Trump on the general election ballot amid calls to replace the current nominee, and President Biden was bested by both the former first lady and his own vice president.

When asked who they would vote for in a race against Trump, the poll found that Obama was the only Democrat to secure enough votes to beat the former president on the general election ballot.

In the hypothetical match-up, the former first lady led Trump by 11 percentage points, receiving 50% of the vote over the former president, who was the choice candidate of 39% of respondents.

The poll showing Obama leading the Democratic candidate pool comes after the Washington Post reported that her husband, former President Obama, recently told supporters that Biden’s road to re-election has become more difficult since Thursday.

Vice President Kamala Harris has also risen on the list of potential Democratic nominee replacements, but she did not receive enough support to beat Trump in the latest survey.

According to the poll, about 42% of respondents said they would vote for Harris, while a slim majority of 43% of registered voters favored Trump.

This is an excerpt of an article by Fox News’ Aubrie Spady

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Biden prepares for private huddle with Dem governors as candidacy under threat

President Biden will meet with Democratic governors later Wednesday as concerns over his health and mental well-being reach a critical point.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who heads the Democratic Governors Association, is already in Washington, D.C., and will be at the White House in-person. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker are also confirmed to be in Washington.

“I think the governors just want a direct and candid conversation with the president. We want to make sure he’s doing okay. We all know him. He has formed a personal relationship with us,” Beshear told Fox News Digital. “And he says he is [doing okay]. And we take him at his word. But it’s always good to see somebody in person.”

Pritzker echoed the wellness check language of Beshear, arguing that he would support any decision Biden makes regarding his campaign.

“I honor my commitments. Joe Biden is going to be our nominee, unless he decides otherwise. And so I think that there’s a healthy conversation that will happen with the president, I hope, expressing, you know, what he intends to do going forward in the campaign and reassuring everybody that this is the right course,” Prtizker said.

The meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, comes less than a day after the first elected Democratic lawmaker called for Biden to withdraw from the race. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, cited Biden’s disastrous performance in last week’s debate against former President Trump.

The White House has attempted to dismiss Biden’s gaffes, miscues and mental acuity concerns as little more than the product of “cheap fakes” and misinformation, but one of Biden’s current political rivals – who previously served alongside him – says unequivocally that the Biden seen during a disastrous national debate is “not the same man” he once knew.

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, served as physician to the president during both the Obama and Trump administrations and previously worked in the White House Medical Unit during the George W. Bush administration. It was during his time spent serving under former President Obama that he was able to most closely observe Biden, then the vice president.

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Gavin Newsom arrives to Washington, D.C. ahead of governors’ meeting with President Biden

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is in Washington, D.C. Wednesday ahead of a planned meeting between President Biden and Democratic governors from across the country.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who heads the Democratic Governors Association, is already in Washington and will be at the White House in-person. Newsom, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, and Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker are also confirmed to be in Washington.

“I think the governors just want a direct and candid conversation with the president. We want to make sure he’s doing okay. We all know him. He has formed a personal relationship with us,” Beshear told Fox News Digital. “And he says he is [doing okay]. And we take him at his word. But it’s always good to see somebody in person.”

Pritzker echoed the wellness check language of Beshear, arguing that he would support any decision Biden makes regarding his campaign.

“I honor my commitments. Joe Biden is going to be our nominee, unless he decides otherwise. And so I think that there’s a healthy conversation that will happen with the president, I hope, expressing, you know, what he intends to do going forward in the campaign and reassuring everybody that this is the right course,” Prtizker said.

The meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, comes less than a day after the first elected Democratic lawmaker called for Biden to withdraw from the race. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, cited Biden’s disastrous performance in last week’s debate against former President Trump.

Posted by Anders Hagstrom Share

Bret Baier predicts ‘shift’ toward Kamala Harris in coming days

Fox News anchor Bret Baier said the Democrats who are now calling on President Biden to resign are likely reacting to a deluge of polls showing President Biden sinking after his disastrous debate performance.

“What has changed in the past 24 hours is we are starting to get more and more internal polls, and more external polls, public polls about the ramifications of Thursday’s debate. And there are internal polls, we are told by Democratic lawmakers, that show Joe Biden now losing Virginia, New Hampshire and New Mexico to Donald Trump,” Baier said Wednesday on “Fox & Friends.” 

“Those kind of numbers scare the crap out of everybody on down the ticket,” he explained, noting that Democrats fear Biden’s sagging numbers could cause them to lose the House and the Senate. 

Baier predicted that Vice President Kamala Harris will continue to be the focus of positive media coverage for the White House in case she is called upon to replace Biden. 

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Criticisms mount that Biden is a ‘shadow’ of himself after disastrous debate

The White House has attempted to dismiss President Biden’s gaffes, miscues and mental acuity concerns as little more than the product of “cheap fakes” and misinformation, but one of Biden’s current political rivals – who previously served alongside him – says unequivocally that the Biden seen during a disastrous national debate is “not the same man” he once knew.

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, served as physician to the president during both the Obama and Trump administrations and previously worked in the White House Medical Unit during the George W. Bush administration. It was during his time spent serving under former President Obama that he was able to most closely observe Biden, then the vice president.

“I was in the White House when Joe Biden was VP, and the man we’ve seen since announcing his candidacy is not the same man who was VP for 8 years,” Jackson said. 

Thursday’s debate was riddled with Biden tripping over his words, speaking in a far more subdued tenor than during his vice presidency, having a raspy and unsure voice and losing his train of thought at times. The debate unleashed panic among Democratic allies and members of the media, as they remarked his debate performance was a failure that added fuel to the fire surrounding concerns about Biden’s mental acuity and age. 

Biden’s mental fitness has become a focal point this election season, with Trump routinely slamming the president for his garbled language in public remarks and repeated instances of Biden appearing confused while trying to find an exit off of a stage after public events. 

Now, many Democrats are asking if Biden can continue to serve as the party’s nominee. 

Fox News Digital’s Emma Colton contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Obama cautiously advises Biden after shaky debate performance, looming rematch with Trump: report

President Biden has enlisted top A-listers to help push his campaign for re-election, and that includes perhaps the top Democrat of all, former President Barack Obama.

But after Biden’s creaky performance in the first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump last week, it seems that even Obama might have doubts about Biden’s prospect of winning a second term this November.

Obama called Biden after the debate to offer more words of encouragement, according to The Washington Post, which also reported that Obama told private supporters that Biden’s road to re-election has become more difficult since Thursday.

An Obama spokesperson didn’t comment on the remarks made privately to the Post, but a Biden campaign spokesperson said Obama has given his former vice president “unwavering” support.

“President Biden is grateful for President Obama’s unwavering support since the very start of this campaign as both a powerful messenger to voters and a trusted adviser directly to the president,” Lauren Hitt, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, said.

Obama hasn’t publicly called for any Biden withdrawal, but has suggested his former vice president keep pushing forward.

“Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,” Obama stated on social media after the debate.  

Posted by Scott McDonald Share

Hunter Biden joins White House meeting, befuddles Biden staff: report

President Biden’s son Hunter Biden has joined meetings with the president and close staff at the White House this week following a Biden family meeting at Camp David on Sunday.

Hunter Biden has joined the president in meetings with top aides, closely advising his father and popping into meetings and phone calls with the president, according to a report from NBC News, citing multiple White House sources.

The White House sources told NBC News that the president’s son’s sudden presence at meetings has caused confusion for some White House staff, with the reaction being, “What the hell is happening?”

The report noted that while it is not unusual for Hunter Biden to be around the White House for events, his participation in meetings with top aides is not a common occurrence.

Fresh off a conviction last month in a federal court in Delaware over gun charges, Hunter Biden remains under indictment for tax-related felonies. Like the case in Delaware, the president’s son has pleaded not guilty to those charges.

Hunter Biden was also reported to be one of the biggest advocates for his father staying in the race during a gathering at Camp David in the aftermath of the president’s poor debate performance, with some critics arguing the president using his son as a top adviser has become a conflict of interest.

“It’s just a pure and simple massive interest in his dad staying president so he can pardon not only Hunter, but Joe and the rest of the family for the crimes they committed, and probably Merrick Garland, too, for his role in the cover-up,” Mike Howell, the executive director of the Oversight Project at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital.

Fox News Digital’s Michael Lee contributed to this report.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Andrew Yang urges Biden to step aside ‘for the good of the country’

Forward Party co-founder Andrew Yang on Wednesday told “Fox & Friends” that the “dam is about to break” as more Democratic voices come forward to demand that President Biden step aside. 

Yang, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination in 2020, said Biden should let go of his party’s nomination in 2024 “for the good of the country.” 

“I think that the Democratic Party has a lot of talent. I think there are reasonable governors around the country, by the way, I think he’s meeting with a number of those governors today.” 

Yang predicted that Democrats will have an open convention in August and floated several names as possible replacements for Biden, including Governors Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. 

“I think that’s healthy for democracy,” Yang said. “The fact is, a majority of voters were concerned about Joe before the debate. Now, it’s a clear majority. And he talks about defending democracy. I think democracy would have been better served if we had a real primary. But a contested convention, at least, is still much better than coronation of a candidate that, in this case, is best served by following George Washington’s example and stepping aside for the good of the country.” 

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Haley mocks Stephanopoulos after he dismissed her warning of Biden’s mental decline

Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley dunked on ABC’s George Stephanopoulos after their tense exchange last year about President Biden’s mental acuity resurfaced on Tuesday. 

During an interview last August on “Good Morning America,” Haley repeated her assertion that “a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris.”

“There’s no way Joe Biden is gonna finish his term,” Haley said, “I think Kamala Harris is gonna be the next president and that should send a chill up every American spine. But also think the fact that we have a primary-“

“Excuse me, excuse me,” Stephanopoulos interrupted with a scowl on his face. “How do you know Joe Biden’s not gonna finish his term? What is that based on?”

“Ask Americans, do you think he’s gonna finish his term? Do you think that he’s actually gonna finish what he started?” Haley responded. “We look at the decline he’s had over the last few years. You have to be honest with the American people, George. There’s no way that Joe Biden is gonna finish out a next term. We can’t have an 81-year-old president. We have to have a new generational leader. The Senate has become the most privileged nursing home in the country. We’ve got to start making sure we have a new generation. Everybody feels that- Republicans, Democrats and independents feel that, and it’s time that the media acknowledge that.”

“You all want to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, we want to talk about the future of this country. That’s what we have to start doing,” she added. 

“Again, you didn’t answer the question,” Stephanopoulos pushed back. “What evidence you have that he’s not gonna finish the term? What Americans feel has no basis on whether he’s gonna finish his term or not.”

“I mean, if you look at the decline… every person should be able to tell what country they were in the week before. He couldn’t do that,” Haley told the anchor. “Every person should be able to tell how many grandkids they have. It’s the reason I’ve asked for mental competency tests for anyone over the age of 75. I don’t care if we do it for over the age of 50! But we need to understand that the people in DC, they’re making decisions on our national security. They’re making decisions on the future of our children’s economic policy. We need to make sure we’ve got someone at the top of their game. Joe Biden is not at the top of his game. You know it. I know it. The American people know it.”

Haley took a victory lap on social media after their exchange went viral. 

“Believe me now, George?” Haley taunted the liberal anchor.

Fox News Digital’s Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Joe Biden is the ‘anchor around the neck’ of the Democratic Party: Lara Trump

Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump said the governors who are scheduled to meet with President Biden on Wednesday must want to “see for themselves” whether the aged president remains fit for office.

Trump joined “Fox & Friends First” on Wednesday morning to discuss the fallout from Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week, which has Democrats in full panic ahead of the November election.

“I think a lot of these governors right now are feeling what probably, Joey, most Democrats are, which is that there is a stench and a stain right now on the Democrat Party in the eyes of the American people,” Trump said. 

“People look at this party now and they say, wait a minute. There are so many people who knew how bad things had gotten with Joe Biden. And yet, they came out and they lied to the American people about it. Many of them, by the way, are continuing to lie about Joe Biden’s fitness for office right now.” 

“Joe Biden is the anchor around the neck of the Democrat [sic] Party right now. It is a disaster for them.” 

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Report: 25 House Democrats prepared to call on Biden to step down

Dozens of House Democrats are reportedly ready to call on President Biden to step aside as he faces continued scrutiny over his disastrous debate performance last week.

At least 25 Democratic lawmakers will call for Biden to relinquish the Democratic nomination if he “seems shaky” in the coming days, Reuters reported citing an unnamed House Democratic aide.

A second House Democratic aide said moderate House Democrats in competitive districts were getting hammered with questions about Biden in their districts this week.

U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett became the first congressional Democrat to call for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race on Tuesday. He told NBC News in an interview that he hoped other Democratic lawmakers would follow his lead.

“He has to be honest with himself,” Democratic Representative Mike Quigley, a moderate from Illinois, told CNN on Tuesday. “It’s his decision. I just want him to appreciate at this time just how much it impacts, not just his race, but all the other races coming in November.”

Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine, and Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash., each predicted on Tuesday that former President Trump would defeat Biden in November. 

Reuters contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Cash Dash: Trump tops Biden in fundraising battle the past three months

Former President Trump’s campaign says it has out raised President Biden over the past three months and showcases that it has more cash-on-hand.

Trump’s campaign announced on Tuesday that it and the Republican National Committee hauled in a staggering $331 million during the April through June second quarter of 2024 fundraising, topping the massive $264 million raked in by the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee the past three months.

And the former president’s campaign spotlighted that it had $284.9 million in its coffers as of the end of June, compared to $240 million for Biden.

But Biden hauled in $127 million in June fundraising, topping the $111.8 million Trump raised last month.

“President Trump’s campaign fundraising operation is thriving day after day and month after month. Winning this quarter brought us a cash on hand advantage, which is punctuated by a Biden burn rate that grows while yielding no tangible results for them,” Trump co-campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles emphasized in a statement.

The Trump and Biden campaign cash reports were released as the president’s campaign tries to flip the script on the brutal narrative coming out of last week’s first debate.

Fox News Digital’s Paul Steinhauser contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Americans reflect on whether President Biden should step down after debate performance

President Biden’s dismal debate performance has sparked panic in the Democratic Party, and now several voters from across the country told Fox News Digital they think Biden should step aside for a new candidate.

“Pass the torch,” Chicago resident Kareem said. “I don’t think he’s doing the things that he’s supposed to be doing.”

Rohan from Florida agreed that the Democrats should “do a swap out.”

“I don’t think [Biden’s] running the show,” Rohan said. “I think that there’s people behind him that are running the show right now, and I find that pretty troubling.”

But Trey from Nebraska said Biden has made decisions to “progress America and at least move us forward.”

“He’s definitely not where I’d want him to be, but I’d rather have a candidate who’s a little sleepy when he has a cold than a candidate with 34 convicted felonies,” Trey said while visiting Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Media figures who urged Biden to drop out stay quiet on president’s ability to serve now

President Biden is facing calls from prominent network figures, columnists and allies in the media to drop out of the race — but many have stopped short of asking the commander in chief to step down as president despite concerns about his age and mental acuity.

Liberal journalist Jonathan Alter echoed the sentiments of a bevy of media voices who soured on Biden’s candidacy following his widely panned debate performance, writing that the president is “too old to serve” and Democrats should hold an open convention.  

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Alter said, “I believe the Democrats need a different nominee in order to beat Donald Trump and save the republic from a dangerous man who is bent on destroying it.”

“Biden is too old to be the candidate and to be president until 2029 but he is not too old to serve out his term,” he added.

After the debate, the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd compared Biden to former President Trump and suggested the president was being selfish by remaining in the race.

“He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers,” Dowd said. “He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself.”

Dowd wrote that Biden has “clearly been declining” for the last couple of years and “looked ghostly” with a “trepidatious gait” at the debate. She also suggested that Biden did not just have an “off night” and called his blitz towards re-election an “extraordinarily risky bet.”

When asked if Biden was fit to perform his duties for the remainder of his term, Dowd referred Fox News Digital to her column and did not provide further comment. 

Fox News Digital’s Nikolas Lanum contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

New York Times unleashes a flurry of anti-Biden columns urging him to step down

Several New York Times writers have come out urging President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race since the debate.

Alhtough the Time’s editorial board already called on Biden to “leave the race” shortly after his first presidential debate with Donald Trump, other writers recently offered their own calls for Biden to be replaced.

Liberal Times columnist Thomas Friedman topped NYT’s opinion page on Tuesday with his latest piece, “President Biden: Teach Them How to Say Goodbye.” In the article, he suggested Biden step down because it is “what Trump fears most right now.”

“He fears that Biden will demonstrate the difference between a leader and a party who put the country first and a leader and a party who put themselves first, namely Trump and the Republicans who enable him despite knowing how many of Trump’s former advisers say he is unfit for office, despite knowing that Trump tried to overturn the last election, despite knowing that Trump has articulated no real plan for the country’s future other than ‘retribution’ against all who crossed him and his followers,” Friedman wrote.

Times columnist Michelle Goldberg, who said Biden was “too old” to run again in 2022, called on the Democratic Party to at least consider the idea of replacing Biden instead of “resigning ourselves to our current disastrous trajectory.”

“Finding a Biden alternative would be risky and messy, and there’s no guarantee that it would work better than trying to put on a brave face and drag the current president across the finish line. But the Democratic Party’s leaders — the people, let’s remember, who got us into this mess — have no right to condescend to those trying to find a way out,” Goldberg wrote.

Fellow Times columnist Pamela Paul implored Biden to step out of the race as a moral decision since he is “no longer the man” to stop Trump.

“Almost everyone agrees that, above all, Biden is a good man. But in refusing to do the right thing and drop out of this race in favor of an open contest, he is not being a good man right now,” Paul wrote.

She added, “Give us the opportunity to thank you for your service and bid you goodbye while you still stand on high ground.”

The New York Times editorial board was notably one of the earliest high-profile publications to call for Biden to drop out, claiming that continuing his bid would be a “reckless gamble.”

Fox News Digital’s Lindsay Kornick contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Harris outperforms Biden in 2024 showdown with Trump: poll

A new national poll indicates that three-quarters of voters say the Democratic Party would have a better chance of keeping the White House with someone else other than President Biden at the top of the party’s ticket.

And the survey, released Tuesday by CNN
, suggests that Vice President Kamala Harris performs slightly better than Biden in a matchup with former President Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee.

The new poll was conducted entirely after Biden’s extremely rough performance during last Thursday’s face-to-face showdown between the two major party contenders.

According to the poll, 75% of voters and 56% of Democratic-aligned voters say the Democratic Party would have a better shot at keeping control of the presidency if Biden is replaced as the party’s standard-bearer.

By comparison, 60% of voters and 83% of Republican-aligned voters questioned said the GOP has a better chance of winning the presidential election with Trump as the nominee than with someone else.

Trump holds a six-point – 49%-43% – lead over Biden among registered voters nationwide, which is unchanged from CNN’s previous poll in April. And it’s consistent with Trump’s lead in CNN polling dating back to last autumn.

But the vice president trails Trump by just two points – 47%-45% – in a hypothetical matchup, according to the poll.

Fox News Digital’s Paul Steinhauser and Rémy Numa contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Incumbent usually struggles with first debate, even Reagan and Obama, expert says

President Biden’s weak first debate may not prove to be his ultimate undoing if history is a barometer. Incumbents often struggle to find their footing but, in the end, win re-election. 

Biden Campaign Chairwoman Jen O’Malley Dillon pointed to history to defend the president’s performance, telling NBC in an interview that “every incumbent president that I can remember in my lifetime has had a s—– first debate.”

“Obviously, the stakes are higher for us because we are up against Donald Trump,” she continued. “Obviously, we have more work to do because the president is 81, but it was also a terrible debate in 2012. I was there. I remember it clearly.” 

Dillon argued that June was early enough in the campaign cycle for Biden to correct course as several of his predecessors have managed to do. 

Presidents Obama, Bush 43, and Reagan each faced scathing reviews of their performance against challengers as they sought, and ultimately won, re-election. 

Brett O’Donnell, a Republican communications strategist and president of O’Donnell & Associates, told Fox News Digital that sitting presidents can effectively get lost in the weeds on policy and major issues facing the country and “don’t take debate prep seriously.” 

“They deal with these issues in a very deep way, more so than they did as candidates, as president,” O’Donnell said. “So, I think they confuse knowing the issues with being able to perform in a presidential debate.

“I call it the incumbent trap, and it actually goes back further than that because Carter’s first debate with Reagan was a disaster. So, these guys — the incumbents — seem to … they forget the importance of performance as they need to know issues.”

Fox News Digital’s Peter Aitken contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

As questions about Biden mount, Kamala Harris sports better polls, more appearances, puff pieces

President Biden’s lackluster debate performance has turned the spotlight to Vice President Kamala Harris, who has started to show off a more visible campaign role as November approaches.

Harris suddenly figures to play a defining role in the campaign down the stretch, a turnaround for a vice president that many critics have panned as a potential liability for Democrats in November.

The negativity surrounding Harris even garnered calls for the vice president to step away from the campaign as recently as March, and one Washington Post column called on Harris to “step aside” for “the country’s sake.”

Now, some have speculated Harris could take over at the top of the ticket after Biden’s debate performance. The vice president’s visibility already started to increase before last week. 

Media outlets have taken notice, leading to an avalanche of positive press for the vice president in recent months. Harris was called “Biden’s secret weapon in North Carolina” in a report in The Hill, which noted the vice president made her fifth trip to the battleground state last month and has led the outreach to Black communities, a largely Democratic demographic Biden has struggled to court in his rematch with former President Trump.

“She’s one of the administration’s best spokespeople to the Black community,” Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons told The Hill. “The president has been making the case to the Black community as well, but obviously the VP has a different kind of appeal.” 

A February report in the Los Angeles Times declared that Harris had finally “found her groove,” citing the vice president’s appeal to younger voters and her voice on issues such as abortion.

“She’s become a top fundraiser for Democrats, an emissary to groups that are lukewarm toward President Biden — in particular Black and younger voters — and emerged as the administration’s most forceful voice on abortion, women’s health and, as Harris frames it, the threat Trump poses to freedom and individual choice,” the story said.

A few months later, a New York Times report declared the “Harris moment has arrived,” calling her the “perfect messenger” for the campaign for issues such as “reproductive rights.”

Some polls have seemingly caught on to the vice president’s strengthening position, with a Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted last month finding the vice president gaining strength with key demographics, including a 67% favorable rating among Black voters.

The poll represented a turnaround for Harris, who had trailed Biden with Black voters going back to the 2020 primary. But she now leads the president in the crucial Democratic voting bloc by four points.

Fox News Digital’s Michael Lee contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Biden meeting with Democrat governors Wednesday after disastrous debate performance

Plans are in the works for President Biden to meet on Wednesday with the nation’s Democrat governors in the wake of Biden’s rough performance during last Thursday’s first debate with former President Trump.

Multiple Democratic sources confirmed that the meeting, which is likely to be virtual, was in the process of being scheduled.

The encounter comes after Democrat governors on Monday huddled on a conference call.

Multiple Democrat sources confirmed to Fox News that Democrat governors yesterday held a call to discuss the latest developments regarding President Biden’s 2024 rematch with Trump.

Biden, who at age 81 is the oldest president in the nation’s history, is facing the roughest stretch of his bid for a second term in the White House. This, after his halting delivery and stumbling answers at the debate, sparked widespread panic in the Democratic Party and spurred calls from political pundits, editorial writers and some party politicians and donors for Biden to step aside as the party’s 2024 standard-bearer.

Monday’s call was organized by Democratic Governors Association (DGA) Chair Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota 

Sources familiar with the call described it as a forum where the governors discussed how to respond to last week’s debate but that there was no serious talk of urging the president to step aside. One source characterized it as a “gripe session.”

Sources also told Fox News that the Biden campaign was aware of the call ahead of time.

“Democratic governors are some of the President and Vice President’s most proactive and vocal supporters because they’ve seen how the Biden-Harris Administration’s accomplishments are directly benefiting their residents. The Biden/Harris team is in constant communication with the governors and their teams, including about yesterday’s meeting,” a national Democratic official familiar with the call who asked for anonymity to speak more freely told Fox News.

Fox News Digital’s Paul Steinhauser contributed to this update.

Posted by Chris Pandolfo Share

Reporter shuts down WH’s ‘shifting explanations’ for Biden’s debate performance

President Biden and his allies have released several reasons for his poor performance in the presidential debate, but one reporter on Wednesday argued their explanations don’t make sense.

Biden’s showing in last week’s presidential debate has sent the Democratic Party into a panic about his chances in November against former President Trump. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in the following days maintained that the president’s poor debate performance was due to his having “a cold” and echoed his own explanation from Tuesday night — that he was still recovering from “jet lag” following his trip to Europe for the G-7 summit. 

“It was not his best night. He had a cold. He was jetlagged,” she said. “You heard directly from the president about this. And when he gets knocked down, he gets right back up.”

But when asked about the “evolving messaging from the White House” on CNN, Axios national political reporter Alex Thompson argued that the excuses don’t hold up.



“I mean, we really don‘t have enough time in the segment to go through the shifting explanations, because it is — listen, they didn‘t even say that he had a cold until an hour into the debate,” he said. “Then, earlier this week — you know, Joe Biden has actually really never even referenced that he had a cold. Then Karine Jean-Pierre said that he actually had no cold medication when he said he had a cold.”

Thompson continued, “Then he said, ‘Oh, it’s really about the travel.’ But then you also have to remember that he was already in the Eastern Time Zone for about 10 days before the debate. Yes, he traveled a lot in early June, but they arranged this to have a lot of downtime.”


“The White House has still not been able to try to hone in on an explanation for why Joe Biden at the debate could not even string simple sentences together,” he added.

Thompson said if the president was sick, it couldn’t explain his “inability to answer simple questions.” 

“I think the thing is the White House is trying to find an explanation, and honestly I’m not sure if there’s a good one,” he said. 


Caitlin Clark shares blunt reaction to teaming up with Angel Reese for All-Star Game

For the first time in their careers, Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese will be teammates.

The rookie phenoms were both named WNBA All-Stars Tuesday, meaning they will suit up together July 20.

Clark earned the most votes of any player in the league and was the only player to collect over 700,000 votes. Reese was fifth in votes.


The history between the two dates back to last year’s college national championship, and they’ve developed a must-watch rivalry.

Clark recently dismissed the suggestion there is a rivalry between the two. But make no mistake, the two playing through all their drama over the last 15 months is a story.

Clark knows it, too, but she says there are more important things to focus on.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been her teammate before, even with USA Basketball or anything like that,” Clark said Tuesday night. “I know people are going to be really excited about it, but I hope it doesn’t take away from everybody else. This is a huge accomplishment for everybody on Team USA and everybody on Team WNBA. They all deserve the same praise.


“I don’t want it to take away from any of that and just be the focal point of All-Star weekend because that’s not fair to them. And, obviously, this is something that’s really hard to accomplish. The best we can celebrate all of them will be great, and I’m just obviously going to soak in the experience because you never know if you’re ever going to be able to get back there. It’ll be fun for all of us, for sure.”

Clark is averaging 16 points and 7.1 assists per game, both tops among WNBA rookies, and she ranks third overall in the league in assists. Reese recently set the league’s record for most consecutive games with a double-double (10). Reese leads the WNBA with 11.8 rebounds per game and is one of just four players averaging a double-double this season.

It all started with the 2023 national championship, when Reese, then with LSU, hit Clark, an Iowa Hawkeye at the time, with a “you can’t see me” taunt and pointed at her ring finger. 


Clark and Iowa got revenge during the last March Madness tournament, and Clark is 2-1 against Reese in their WNBA careers. Now, the two will share a locker room, a bench and, likely, the floor. Their last two matchups are the two-most watched WNBA games in over 20 years.

Clark and Reese were the only two rookies tabbed as All-Stars. They will face the United States Olympic team. Clark was left off the Olympic team, sparking spirited debate.

Once-popular retail chain closing all locations after 70 years

Bob’s Stores on Monday announced the impending closure of every one of its nearly two dozen clothing retail stores.

The retailer started conducting “Going Out of Business” sales at its 21 locations in six Northeastern states to offload all of its merchandise late last week, according to Hilco Merchant Resources, one of the firms handling the liquidation. 

The shuttering of its entire retail footprint is linked to Bob’s Stores filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 18. Eastern Mountain Sports, which shares a parent company, also sought that protection.


Here are the states and number of Bob’s Stores shuttering in each of them:

  • Connecticut: 10
  • Massachusetts: 6
  • New Hampshire: 1
  • New Jersey: 1
  • New York: 2
  • Rhode Island: 1

An inability of Bob’s Stores to “secure the finances needed to maintain operations” precipitated the folding of its locations, according to the press release.

The GoDigital Media Group-owned brand had previously made “swift and aggressive changes to the company’s structure and operations” to no avail, it said.


“We regret that our financial position necessitated the liquidation of Bob’s Stores,” Bob’s Stores President Dave Barton said in a statement. “Bob’s has been a stalwart of our local communities for nearly 70 years, and we know our customers remember us as having been there for major moments in their lives.”

Under the ongoing liquidation sale, Bob’s is slashing 30%-70% off the prices of its inventory.

It will allow exchanges through July 14, according to the release. That is also the same day it will stop taking gift cards and merchandise credits.


“Top-selling items from the most popular brands will be discounted and will sell out very quickly,” Hilco said.

The retailer is undergoing its bankruptcy proceedings through the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. 

Singer confused why younger generation doesn’t know the importance of freedom

Craig Morgan believes many Americans, especially those among younger generations, take for granted the liberties they have as United States citizens.

During an interview with Fox News Digital, the country star, who recently released an updated edition of his 2022 memoir, “God, Family, Country,” reflected on what being an American means to him. 

“Freedom — it’s that simple,” Morgan said.

However, the “That’s What I Love About Sunday” hitmaker expressed his disappointment that not all Americans today share his outlook. Morgan said he had witnessed behavior indicating a lack of appreciation for the fundamental rights that set America apart from many other countries.

“I see it on TV,” he noted. “I see things that people are doing that just make me shake my head in a lack of understanding how they can’t appreciate how fortunate we are. I think a lot of that is attributed to a lack of education.

“I’m not calling anybody stupid,” Morgan added. “I’m just saying there’s some ignorance in the world, in our society, in particular in the states where people don’t understand the importance of the freedoms that we celebrate.”

WATCH: Craig Morgan says military service is ‘more natural’ to him than country music stardom

Morgan told Fox News Digital he was particularly bewildered by actions that he has seen on college campuses, dozens of which were rocked by anti-Israel protests in recent months.

During some demonstrations, protesters espoused anti-American rhetoric and raised Palestinian flags in place of the Stars and Stripes.

“I see these young folks out there that are doing things, and I just don’t — I’m dumbfounded by it,” Morgan said. “I can’t understand. But, at the same time, I do. And I attribute it again to ignorance. I see these young folks out here in colleges doing things, and they don’t even know half of what they’re saying.

“If they would just slow down — educate themselves. And I don’t mean through the collegiate system, I mean in life. Go visit some of these other countries. And they would understand how free and how fortunate we are to be in this great nation.

“I’ve had that honor and that privilege, most of which I attribute to my time in service in the United States Army,” he said. “And now I can say honestly that things that I’ve got to do in the music industry have allowed me to have a different perspective on how fortunate we are in this country.”

In 1989, the singer-songwriter enlisted in the United States Army. That same year, he was deployed to Panama, where he took part in Operation Just Cause, the U.S. mission that led to the removal of the Central American country’s dictatorial de facto leader, Manual Noriega.


Morgan served almost 10 years of active duty in the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions before joining the Army Reserve as his music career began to take off. He continued to serve in the reserves for another 7½ years until he decided to commit himself entirely to music.

Last July, Morgan decided to re-enlist in the Army Reserve at the age of 59. That month, he was sworn in again to the Army Reserve on stage at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville in front of a sold-out audience. 

While speaking with Fox News Digital, he described re-enlisting in the Army Reserve as a “very emotional experience.”

“I spent 17½ years in my early life in the Army,” Morgan said. “It is a big part of who I am, what my family is about, what we represent. The love that we have for our country. The passion we have for the freedoms that we celebrate in this nation.


“So, to be able to go back and reignite that fire and be a part of what I believe are the greatest people in our nation — it was very emotional,” he continued. 

“And I’m excited, honored, humbled and grateful to be able to do it again and hopefully encourage other folks in our country, to celebrate again and be a part of what I do believe and know to be the greatest nation in the world.”

Morgan chronicled his time in the military in his memoir “God, Family, Country,” which he co-authored with Jim DeFelice. He also shared other intimate details of his life’s journey, including his childhood years in Tennessee, his rise to fame in the world of country music and the tragic loss of his son Jerry.

In July 2016, Jerry died at the age of 19 in a drowning accident while tubing on Kentucky Lake. Jerry was the second oldest of the five children Morgan shares with wife Karen.


WATCH: Country singer Craig Morgan explains how re-enlisting in the Army Reserve was an ‘emotional experience’

During his interview with Fox News Digital, Morgan explained why it was important to him to share memories of Jerry and honor his son’s legacy in his memoir.

“My son died in 2016, but he’s still very much a part of our lives,” Morgan said. “When people have someone that they loved die, it doesn’t change your emotions and your feelings and your love for that individual.

“The only difference between my love for him and my other children is that I don’t get to talk to him every day,” he continued. “But I actually do. I’m Catholic, so I do believe that we share mass together every time I’m in church.


“I don’t know that he went to heaven immediately,” Morgan added with a laugh. “I’m sure he spent a little time in purgatory. But I do know that his heart was for God. He loved God.

“In fact, it wasn’t until after he passed that I learned how much impact he had on other people’s spiritual lives. So, I think it’s important that we share our love for those that are no longer with us. We should never let their memories fade. You know, my wife says it best. She talks about him all the time, and she wants to talk about him. We want to share his life and his legacy and his love and his passions and his aggravations and his whatever, you know, because I think it only impacts us and helps us all.”

In May, Morgan released the paperback version of “God, Family, Country,” which featured a new cover and an updated epilogue in which he wrote about his return to the Army Reserve. 

While speaking with Fox News Digital, Morgan reflected on what had surprised him during the process of telling his life story.


“I’ve said I didn’t realize how much living I had done until I started writing these things down,” Morgan said.  “And, quite honestly, there was a lot of this stuff that I didn’t even remember.”

WATCH: Country star Craig Morgan talks about his memoir and how his life story can help others

Morgan recalled that he turned to his former military comrades for inspiration while writing parts of his book. 

“I didn’t have it until we started talking about it — Panama in particular,” he said. “I brought my team together, a bunch of the non-commissioned officers that I worked with, down to Florida. And we spent a few days together talking.

“Some of the stories that they were telling … were pretty intense,” Morgan continued. “I didn’t even remember one in particular. I still to this day — I don’t recall it, but they have very vivid memories of it.

“So it was obviously more important to them than it was to me,” he added with a chuckle.

Morgan explained that there wasn’t one specific experience he wanted to cover in “God, Family, Country” because he wanted the memoir to encompass his entire life.

“The idea for me was to sum all of these things together, to show people that you can overcome adversities in your life, regardless of where it may be in your life,” Morgan said. “And, for me, to ensure that people know that through faith and family and love, you can overcome a lot of adversity, and you can aspire to do things that you might not even think you’re supposed to do.


“To this day — for a long time off and on — I thought the country music industry was not where I belong.

“I’m into law enforcement,” Morgan continued. “I want to save people’s lives. It’s just who I am. But every time I thought I was going to go do that in some way, God did something in this industry that ensured that I stayed here.

“And I realized that the impact that I may have in our society and on other people’s lives, my family and everything, is where God wants me to be, and that’s here. Share in music and, now with this book, stories that hopefully inspire other people to pursue their passions. “

NFL star rips influencer over ‘evil’ post criticizing wife’s modest wedding gown

Christian McCaffrey, the NFL’s reigning Offensive Player of the Year, recently tied the knot with former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo.

A fashion influencer took issue with the dress Culpo wore for her wedding day, describing her Dolce & Gabbana long-sleeved ballgown as “modest.”

“I’ve been a bridal creator for four years now, and I have never said this before, but I do not like this wedding dress,” influencer Kennedy Bingham, who uses the moniker Gown Eyed Girl, said in a video posted to social media. 

McCaffrey responded to Bingham’s commentary by slamming her for sharing an “evil” post.


“What an evil thing to post online. I hope you can find joy and peace in the world, the way my beautiful wife does,” he commented on the Instagram reel.

Bingham added that while she did not have a problem with the “simple, elegant” dress, she believed the gown had “no personality.” She captioned the video, “From Miss Universe to Miss Pick Me, Olivia Culpo is earning her crown.”


Culpo later chimed in in the comment section on TikTok, calling Bingham a “bizarre human.”

Bingham’s issue with Culpo’s attire seemed centered on the 32-year-old recently saying she “didn’t want (the dress) to exude sex in any way, shape or form.” 

Culpo told Vogue in June she hoped to be married in a dress “that felt as serious as that commitment.”

“What you wear on your wedding day has almost nothing to do with whether or not you’re going to have a long and happy marriage,” Bingham argued, adding she was “pushing this idea of what all brides should look like.”

In the more than five-minute video, Bingham called out Culpo for saying McCaffrey felt she was the “most beautiful” when her attire was “timeless, covered and elegant.”

“I also think it’s weird how much she’s talking about coverage, especially as someone who in her day-to-day life is not a modest dresser … I just think the usage of the word ‘covered’ is so icky, because you are not covered in day-to-day life. And, also, why is he thinking you’re the most beautiful when you’re covered? That’s such an odd thing,” she continued.


McCaffrey and Culpo said “I do” at a chapel in Rhode Island on June 29.

McCaffrey finished the 2023 NFL season with a career-best 1,459 rushing yards, 14 rushing touchdowns and seven receiving touchdowns. His production led to his third Pro Bowl selection.

MLB player’s 112 mph home run hits young fan in head at stadium

Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani mashed his 27th home run of the season Tuesday night, and it gave his team a one-run lead late against the Arizona Diamondbacks. 

But as fans at Dodger Stadium cheered Ohtani rounding the bases, a young fan in the right-field seats appeared injured by the home run ball. 

Video replay of Ohtani’s home run in slow motion showed the ball hit a child in the forehead while other fans were trying to catch the ball.


It’s unknown if the fan was seriously injured from Ohtani’s hit, which exited his bat at 112 mph. 


The home run helped Ohtani’s Dodgers defeat their NL West foe, 6-5, during a season in which the Japanese star isn’t pitching after having elbow ligament surgery in September. 

Ohtani his hitting .320, which is just below New York Yankees slugger Aaron Judge (.321) for the league lead in that category. Ohtani passed Baltimore Orioles phenom Gunnar Henderson for second in home runs in MLB. 

He may not be on the mound, but Ohtani is living up to the massive 10-year, $700 million deal he signed with the Dodgers this offseason. He’s once again an MVP candidate, this time in the National League after previously winning it in the American League with the Los Angeles Angels.


Ohtani will look to add to his MVP resume Wednesday night against the Diamondbacks. 

Country star issues warning to fans after breaking up brawl during her concert

Miranda Lambert has rules to follow for fans who throw punches at her concerts. 

“If you want to fight at my concerts, give ‘em hell. I’ve got five songs for you,” the 40-year-old deadpanned in an Instagram video Tuesday. “‘Fastest Girl in Town,’ ‘Kerosene,’ ‘Little Red Wagon,’ ‘Wranglers,’ ‘Gunpowder & Lead.’

“Don’t do it during ‘Tin Man.’ That’s not the time. I know you can hear the s— talking ‘cause it’s a ballad, but that’s not the time. So, pick your times. You’ve got five songs.”

Lambert, while winking, then told fans to “look at the set list and choose your songs wisely.”


The tongue-in-cheek post came just days after social video showed the “If I Was a Cowboy” singer responding to a brawl while she was in the middle of “Tin Man” in Texas Saturday. 

“Did somebody faint? Did somebody pass out? Are you good?” Lambert asked, after pausing the song. “Are y’all fighting during this song? Because I will come down there, and you don’t want that today. We’re not doing that today. I’m going to go East Texas on you’re a– real quick!”

She then asked if everyone was OK and if anyone was “bleeding” before joking, “It’s always the girls! We always get riled up, and we start punching each other. Why?”


She then asked security to have the brawlers removed, joking, “She looks about (5-foot-4). Throw her over your shoulder, man.” 

The country star stirred controversy last year when she stopped in the middle of “Tin Man” to admonish several fans for taking a selfie during the show. 

After singing just a few bars of the song at her Las Vegas residency last July, Lambert told the audience, “I’m gonna stop right here for a second. … These girls are worried about their selfie and not listening to the song. It’s p—ing me off a little bit.

“I don’t like it, at all,” she said to cheers. “We’re here to hear some country music tonight. I’m singing some country damn music.”


She then asked the group to sit down before restarting the song. 

Lambert received mixed reactions for calling out the fans. Some felt the star called out audience members who weren’t causing trouble. 

On Tuesday, however, Lambert seemed to receive broad support from fans about her message. 

“This is the best,” one fan commented under the post. “Have some respect for Tin Man people. Also no fighting during vice either. Lol.”


A second person agreed “Tin Man is sacred,” while another joked “the fights are scheduled into the set now lol.”

Divers find ‘hidden treasures’ in shipwreck site that dates back over 2,000 years

Archaeologists recently plunged into the Mediterranean Sea to investigate a shipwreck site that dates back over 2,000 years. 

The expedition to the Antikythera shipwreck, which is located in the Aegean Sea off of Greece, was announced in a press release published by the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (ESAG) on Monday. 

During an interview with Fox News Digital, University of Geneva professor Lorenz E. Baumer said that the Antikythera shipwreck site is “without any doubt, a unique shipwreck from antiquity.” 

The historian explained that the ship sank between 80 and 60 B.C., and described the vessel as “the richest [ancient trade ship] that has ever been discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean.”


“It came from the Eastern Mediterranean and had been heading most probably to Rome,” he said. “We can learn out of it a lot about market and sea cargos during the 1st century BC.”

The professor also noted that a second shipwreck was discovered around 650 feet away, and archaeologists are determining if the vessels were traveling together. In the statement, ESAG officials said divers found “hidden treasures” in the form of roughly 300 objects, which included fragments of marble statues.


“They have yielded a wealth of archaeological material: about 300 objects, including 21 marble fragments, numerous fragments, and other structural elements of the ship’s hull and more than 200 ceramic shards,” the statement explained. “The marble fragments discovered suggest the presence of several statues, while analysis of the amphorae revealed an abundance of varied types, including amphorae from Chios and Rhodes.”

The shipwreck site was originally found in 1900, and numerous marble statues have been recovered since then. At the beginning of the 20th century, a diver named Elias Stadiatis found marble statues at the bottom of the wreck and was visibly shaken by the sight, stammering about seeing a “heap of dead naked people.”


The shipwreck is famous for the Antikythera mechanism, a mechanical calculator that was retrieved from the site in 1901. The Antikythera mechanism is one of the oldest computation devices in the world. 

Baumer told Fox News Digital that most researchers have focused on the ship’s artifacts, while his team is trying to “understand the shipwreck and the wreckage as a whole.”

“With the wooden parts that we found, we hope to find out when exactly and maybe also where it has been built,” Baumer said. “It is located at a depth between 45 to 70 meters below sea level, which helped to preserve it.”

He also added that his team employed professional divers and underwater drones to better understand the shipwreck.

“Until this year, very little of the ship itself has been known, mostly from some planks that the famous underwater researcher has retrieved,” he added. “This year, we have found for the first time a small, but structural part of the hull that is delivering important information about the construction of the ship, and that is most probably laying on its original position.”


“If that will be confirmed, we can learn a lot about the position of the wreck on the sea ground, and about its dimensions, and state of preservation, so the research is opening new questions to be investigated.”