The New York Times 2024-09-22 12:10:30

Marxist Leads Presidential Vote as Sri Lanka Rejects the Old Order

The Marxist candidate, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, led the early counting in Sri Lanka’s presidential elections on Sunday, riding a wave of popular anger at the established political order that has run the South Asian nation’s economy into the ground.

If Mr. Dissanayake, 55, is confirmed as president, it would be a remarkable turnaround for his half-century-old leftist party, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, which had long remained on the margins. In recent years, he led a rebranding effort of an organization once known for deadly insurrections: building a large coalition, softening its radical positions, and pitching it as the answer to the politics of patronage that has brought only hardship to many of the island nation’s roughly 23 million people.

Early results showed Mr. Dissanayake leading with about 50 percent of votes amid high turnout, estimated at 75 to 80 percent. His closest competitor had received about 20 percent of the votes cast.

At least three senior leaders of his opposition, including Sri Lanka’s current foreign minister, had already put out messages congratulating him on his imminent victory, as dawn broke on overnight vote counting that is continuing.

In Sri Lanka’s election system, voters can mark one candidate on their ballot or rank three candidates in order of preference. If no candidate gets 50 percent or more of the vote, a second round of counting factors in the preferences of voters whose first choice did not make it to the top two.

At the end of a peaceful and orderly vote on Saturday, the government made a surprise announcement of an overnight curfew as the counting continued. But a statement of support from Mr. Dissanayake’s camp suggested it was a coordinated effort to prevent violence, rather than anything sinister.

It is the first time a presidential election in Sri Lanka has appeared genuinely multipronged, in contrast to a history of direct competition between coalitions formed by the two parties that have dominated ever since the nation became a republic in 1972.

While officially more than 30 candidates were contesting, the majority of the votes were split among three front-runners.

The popular protest movement that forced the powerful Rajapaksa clan out of power in 2022 threw the political landscape wide open, the anger reshaping the dynamics down to the local level.

Before its fall, the Rajapaksa government had become a family affair, with various relatives serving as president and prime minister, as well as helming several ministries and key positions. But its fall has been so thorough that Namal Rajapaksa, the family’s 38-year-old political heir and presidential candidate in the current election, was a distant fourth, with a single-digit share of the votes, based on the early trends.

Ranil Wickremesinghe, the 75-year-old political survivor who stepped in as interim president after Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country when protesters surrounded his home, has helped stabilize the country and negotiated a bailout package with the International Monetary Fund.

But Mr. Wickremesinghe was also trailing far behind in Saturday’s vote, with his roughly 17 percent of the votes putting him in third place — a sign of anger over his austerity measures that have pinched the poor hard, and of his lasting public image as part of the discredited old guard.

The main contender for runner-up was Sajith Premadasa, the opposition leader, who was formerly in Mr. Wickremesinghe’s party before a messy public split. His share of the votes in the early trends was about 25 percent.

Mr. Dissanayake positioned his National People’s Power coalition, built around his old J.V.P. party as its largest partner, as the best positioned to deliver the public demands of the protest movement for cleaning up Sri Lanka’s deeply entrenched political patronage and corruption. He brought in new faces at the top, and focused on reaching out to and mobilizing women, who were particularly hard hit by the economic collapse. He also softened his own party’s old radical Marxist messaging.

His efforts appeared to have resonated with a tired public ready for change.

“I’m voting for the Compass this time,” said Saman Ratnasiri, 49, an auto-rickshaw driver in Colombo, referring to the election symbol of Mr. Dissanayake’s coalition. He said he had never voted for Mr. Dissanayake before, but he wanted to give his outfit a shot after other leaders had failed him.

“If we don’t get it right this time also, then I might as well forget about this country,” he added.

What to Watch For in a Key German State Election

Voters are going to the polls on Sunday for state elections in Brandenburg, the eastern German state that surrounds Berlin like a doughnut, in a regional contest that could affect the stability of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government.

Mr. Scholz’s government has been struggling in recent months as Germans worry about the poor economy and uncontrolled migration and blame his coalition for not solving these problems.

Both the far right and the far left are expected to make significant gains on Sunday, as was the case with elections in two other eastern German states this month, further weakening the grip of the country’s center-left and center-right parties.

Here is what to know about the vote and its possible ramifications.

The election in this relatively small state — involving only about 3 percent of Germany’s voters — is being widely watched, even though it does not directly affect Mr. Scholz’s government.

Brandenburg is one of the last two eastern bastions for the chancellor’s center-left Social Democratic Party. And the state’s incumbent governor, Dietmar Woidke, is one of the most popular Social Democrats in the country.

But the far right Alternative for Germany party (widely known as AfD, its initials in German) and the far-left Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht, or B.S.W., are both poised to make significant gains. Polls suggest that the AfD is set to win a plurality of the seats in the statehouse.

If voters oust Mr. Woidke in favor of the AfD, it would be a symbolic and a practical loss for Mr. Scholz, his party and the government he leads.

Germany’s state leaders meet regularly in Berlin at the Federal Council of the States, where they approve — or block — laws passed by Parliament. If Mr. Woidke were ousted, the Council of the States could become less willing to rubber-stamp laws drafted by the government that includes his party.

Such a loss would sting on a personal level for Mr. Scholz, given that he lives in Brandenburg and maintains his election district there.

It would also not bode well for the national coalition government parties — the Social Democrats, the climate-conscious Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats — with a general election looming.

In a recent poll of German voters, more than half of respondents said they wanted the general election scheduled for September of next year to be held earlier. That sort of angst prompted the Christian Democrats, the mainstream opposition to Mr. Scholz’s party, to meet this past week to agree on their candidate for chancellor — meaning that they will be ready if the government falls and an early election is called.

The AfD in particular has been gaining support for its positions on curbing migration and ending German military support for Ukraine, a cause that is unpopular in eastern Germany.

And because the party has held seats in the state legislature for a decade but has never had a chance to govern, that has given its politicians a wide berth to claim that they could help solve the state’s many problems if only they were let into government.

The B.S.W., led by Sahra Wagenknecht, a former communist, has also been outspoken on the issues of immigration and support for and an end to military support for Ukraine. Although neither of those planks is directly related to state politics, recent polls suggest that the party is to likely garner significantly more than a tenth of the votes.

Yet even if the AfD meets the expectations of the highest projections, it will receive less than a third of the vote, which is not enough to run the government on its own. And every other major party on the ballot has vowed not to work with them.

Because it surrounds Berlin, the country’s capital, parts of the state tend to be wealthier and younger than other regions of eastern Germany. By attracting Tesla to build its only European car factory there, Brandenburg has created thousands of well-paying jobs.

But other parts of the state are still reeling from a decline in coal mining, which was a major economic driver in the days before the reunification of East and West Germany in the early 1990s.

Politically, Brandenburg differs from Thuringia and Saxony, the two other eastern states that just voted. Although the far right also does well in Brandenburg, the country’s two largest mainstream parties still command significant support there. Combined, those parties — the Social Democrats and the Christian Conservatives — are posed to get more than 40 percent of the vote.

If they do, and if the Greens eke out the 5 percent needed to return to the legislature as polls suggest they will, the state’s current governing coalition of those three parties could continue.

Mr. Woidke, the popular incumbent governor, recently announced that he would retire if the AfD received the most votes, even if his party can still lead a government coalition. And Mr. Scholz, fully aware that he and the Berlin government are unpopular, has refrained from campaigning for Mr. Woidke in the state.

The party’s tactics appear to have had some effect. Recent polling shows that although the Social Democrats are still trailing the AfD, the gap has been slowly closing.

A French Fair as Workers’ Paradise, Feting Cuisine, Music and Communism

Christine Marlier was angry when President Emmanuel Macron called a snap election this summer. She’s even angrier now that he appointed a right-wing prime minister, despite the fact that a leftist bloc won the most seats in Parliament.

But Ms. Marlier left that anger behind at home in the far northeast of France when she boarded a bus for a four-hour ride to a nearly 100-year-old festival on the outskirts of Paris that celebrates left-wing politics in general, and French Communism in particular.

The Fête de l’Humanité — festival of humanity — is an unlikely mixture of Burning Man, Woodstock and a political convention.

“We are never angry here,” said Ms. Marlier, 51, in between doing 1 euro shots of alcohol with her husband, both their faces decorated by sparkles.

They were standing in the middle of a dirt lane, between large white booths set up by Communist Party associations from around the country, offering the food specialties of their regions — including raw oysters and steamed lobsters, giant pans of tartiflette, and axoa, a minced veal dish from the Basque region.

A loudspeaker advertised the coming debate between the head of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, and one of the country’s top union leaders, but Ms. Marlier and her husband were already tipsy. They were planning on seeing some bands play instead.

“Here, we’re in a suspended dream, outside our daily problems and worries,” said Ms. Marlier, who works with handicapped children in elementary schools in the département of Moselle, bordering Germany and Luxembourg.

Every year, usually during the second weekend of September as the country is shaking off its vacation slumber, the festival’s organizers build a huge village out of the mud and grass of an abandoned military airport, in the distant nether regions of Paris where suburban homes give way to corn fields. Up go the stages, and up go some 350 large booths in long lines to make streets, which are often named after dead French Communist heroes.

Every year, dozens of musicians come to perform. In the past, they’ve included acts like Manu Chao, Pink Floyd, Ray Charles and Youssou N’Dour, and French stars like Aya Nakamura and Zaho de Sagazan.

And in all those booths, hundreds of political debates, lectures, and question and answer sessions are held throughout the festival’s three days. This year there were 360, running morning to evening.

That meant on Saturday afternoon, you could see a union leader square off against the head of an employers’ association; or settle into the large film tent to watch Judith Godrèche’s latest short film, “Moi Aussi,” on the prevalence of rape; or see a children’s play; or dash over to the Angela Davis stage to listen to the French musician Santa belt out lyrical songs — all more or less at the same time.

Or you could try to squeeze into the crowd pouring into the “agora” — the central red booth where the big ticket speeches happen — to see Ms. Davis herself. The retired California philosophy professor, activist and Communist presidential candidate was back at the festival for the third time since 1973.

“Hope is a discipline which you have to cultivate,” she said, her voice reverberating over loud speakers. “Because without it there is no possibility of moving forward.”

The Fête de l’Huma, as the faithful call it, began in 1930 to raise money for the official Communist Party newspaper, L’Humanité. Today, the left-wing daily is no longer the party’s official organ, but it continues to run the annual festival.

The budget has climbed to about €8 million, but the festival barely breaks even most years, said L’Humanité’s publisher, Fabien Gay, who also is an elected Communist senator.

That’s because the newspaper refuses to raise ticket prices, in keeping with the founding idea that the festival should offer culture to workers. The top price for three days of 60 music concerts is just €60 — the typical cost of a single concert in Paris, Mr. Gay pointed out.

“This is for us Communists, this is what we fight for — everything that is exceptional and grandiose must remain accessible to everyone,” said Mr. Roussel, the French Communist Party leader, who spent some of the fête in full-on campaign mode, shaking hands, slapping backs and visiting party booths from across the country, even though no election is near.

During an interview, he remembered fondly the year 1988, when the French designer Yves Saint Laurent put on a fashion show — which he called a “work of art,” comparable to the “Mona Lisa” or “Guernica” by Picasso, who also, incidentally, had exhibitions of his work here.

“Bodies must be always nourished, but so must minds,” Mr. Roussel said.

When you arrive at the fête, 22 miles south of central Paris, it feels as if you’ve entered an alternative universe, where the Communist Party is joyfully running France and not continually losing seats in the National Assembly, including Mr. Roussel’s last summer. The party currently has just nine seats in the 577-seat legislature.

Here, it’s not K.F.C. but C.F.K.: Communist Fried Kitchen, with Colonel Sanders transformed into Marx. Red flags with the hammer and sickle flap from the awnings of booths, and people wear Communist Party shirts and hats.

In 1945, with the memory of the prominent role played by French Communists in the Resistance still fresh, some one million people crammed into the festival. This year, the attendance was 450,000, according to Mr. Gay. While many come just for the music, organizers hope some will drift into a lecture or debate — particularly those camping in the 8,000 or so tents set up along the fête’s flank.

“Millions of French people were Communists at one moment of their life, and they come back each year, because they feel part of the family,” explained Frédérick Genevée, a high school history teacher who has written four books on French Communist history, the most recent of which he was signing at the festival’s book fair. “It’s confirmation in what we believe in.”

Most of the labor at the festival is done by 10,000 volunteers who arrive in convoys, towing stoves, refrigerators, mattresses and kegs of beer from as far as Biarritz, 475 miles away.

Over two weeks, they work to build their regional booths, set up kitchens and sleeping quarters, and stay up late to talk. In many families, it’s a tradition going back generations.

“It gives us a taste of what the world could be,” said Catherine Lavauzelle, 64, a retired teacher who started coming with her father to volunteer at age 7. “If we all gave the best of ourselves, and weren’t always in competition with one another.”

The cheap wine and beer helps with the bonding. Add music, and you have a surefire recipe for love, which Mr. Genevée said was another festival theme. He met two of his ex-wives here.

Gregory Moser not only met his wife, Noémie, here; he married her on-site 11 years ago.

“We were married in the Cuba booth, had our wine reception in the People’s Republic of China booth,” Mr. Moser said with a laugh outside the regional booth from Charente, where the couple continue to volunteer. After the wedding ceremony, friends drove the newlyweds around the festival in a golf cart trailing cooking pans.

People often predict the festival’s demise. They are always proved wrong.

Similarly, every year, once the revelers have cleared out, and Ms. Lavauzelle is bleary eyed and packing up the sinks and stoves, peeling the tents up off the muddy ground, and beginning the long drive back home, she swears it will be her last. But it never is.

“It’s the feeling that draws us back,” she said. “It helps me feel better for the rest of the year, when I return to real life.”

Ségolène Le Stradic contributed reporting.

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Middle East Crisis: Hezbollah Targets Israel in Overnight Retaliation for Week of Israeli Attacks


Euan WardLiam Stack and Ephrat Livni

Here are the latest developments.

Hezbollah and Israel exchanged fire overnight, after a week of audacious Israeli attacks in Lebanon killed some of the militant group’s top commanders and again stoked fears of a broader war.

On Saturday, Israel pummeled southern Lebanon with strikes on about 400 Hezbollah targets. Early Sunday, Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon and backed by Iran, launched missiles at northern Israel in retaliation for that, as well as for the wave of Israeli attacks over previous days. Though Hezbollah’s barrage set off alarms in roughly 70 towns across northern Israel, most of the missiles were intercepted. There were reports of only minor injuries in Israel on Sunday.

Israel’s earlier attacks in Lebanon, which killed dozens of people and injured thousands, created days of chaos across Lebanon, and fueled fears that Israel’s military was shifting its focus toward Hezbollah, and away from Hamas in Gaza, something it had been warning for months that it would do.

Hezbollah has regularly been firing missiles at Israel ever since October, when Hamas led the invasion into Israel that set off the current war. But the most recent attacks represent an uptick in the conflict along Israel’s northern border.

Here’s what else to know:

  • Friday attack: Lebanese authorities said the death toll had risen to at least 37, including three children, in Friday’s attacks. Hezbollah confirmed the death of a top commander, Ibrahim Aqeel, who oversaw its operations against Israel. He was wanted by the United States for his role in two 1983 bombing attacks in Beirut that killed more than 350 people.

  • Gaza War: Israel has continued attacks in Gaza, saying it struck a school-turned-shelter in Gaza City on Saturday because it believed Hamas militants were using the building as a command center. Palestinian health authorities said the attack killed 22 people.

  • Calls to investigate: Members of the U.N. Security Council called on Friday for an investigation into the attacks in Lebanon — widely attributed to Israel — that detonated pagers and walkie-talkies. The nature of the attacks, which transformed ordinary devices into weapons, drew widespread condemnation at the meeting.

  • Divided nations: Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister, Najib Mikati, has canceled a planned trip to New York for the U.N. General Assembly. He blamed Israel’s attacks for his decision. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, also said he would be delaying his departure to New York.

Israeli troops on Sunday raided Al Jazeera’s office in Ramallah in the West Bank, the network said. The news outlet’s journalists were ordered to leave the premises and told that their office would be shut. In May, Israeli officials ordered Al Jazeera to shut down operations in Israel.

Magen David Adom, Israel’s main emergency medical organization, said its medics had treated a man, around age 60, who had been “lightly scratched” by a small piece of shrapnel. The group said in a statement that it had also treated several people who had been injured while running to air raid shelters or who suffered anxiety during the recent barrage.

Hezbollah said in a statement that it had targeted the Ramat David air base, southeast of the northern Israeli city of Haifa, with dozens of missiles. The barrage was a response to Israeli strikes in Lebanon which had caused civilian deaths, the group said.

The skies above northern Israel have now been calm for more than 45 minutes, following the barrage of rockets fired unusually deep into Israel at around 1:10 a.m. local time. The Israeli military has announced that one rocket evaded Israel’s air defense missiles. Kan, the Israeli national broadcaster, said that one person was lightly injured.

The Israeli military said roughly 10 rockets crossed into Israel from Lebanon as part of the volley toward communities in northern Israel. Most were intercepted by Israel’s aerial defense, the military said.

The recent rockets from Lebanon were fired deep into Israel, but they may have avoided three of the most populated cities in northern Israel, Haifa, Nahariya and Tiberias. The military’s alert system has not reported rocket fire over those three cities.

For Americans haunted by the 1983 Beirut bombings, the killing of a Hezbollah leader resurfaces decades of pain.

Two deadly bombings in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed scores of U.S. military personnel more than 40 years ago have cast a long shadow over survivors and victims’ families.

A day after the killing of a senior Hezbollah member seen as a key figure in those attacks, many of those Americans welcomed the news but said it stirred painful memories without resolving the past.

“It doesn’t bring closure,” said Michael Harris, 59, a Marine veteran who was “blown out” of his barracks in one of the attacks and lives today in Rhode Island. “It wasn’t just one person responsible.”

The senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqeel was killed on Friday after Israeli fighter jets bombed a heavily residential area of Beirut’s southern suburbs. Mr. Aqeel has been long been wanted by the United States for his role in two 1983 bombings in Beirut that killed over 350 people, most of them U.S. service members. The United States had placed a multimillion-dollar bounty on his head, but he had survived multiple assassination attempts.

The first attack, a bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in April 1983, killed 63 people, including 17 Americans. Six months later, a suicide bomber drove a truck packed with explosives into the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, killing more than 300 people, including 241 American service members.

For many survivors and victims’ loved ones, those bombings never go away.

Every time Mr. Harris picks up the paper or watches the news about another bombing, he said, “it opens up wounds.”

Elisa Camara, 58, of Daytona Beach Shores, Fla., said Mr. Aqeel’s death brought back hard memories of her brother, Mecot Camara, who was one of the Marines killed in the October bombing. Her voice broke as she described him as a kindhearted man who “never had an enemy” and cherished hunting, fishing and spending time with his family.

Like many families, she said, she never experienced the sense of resolution of the killings through the legal system, so Mr. Aqeel’s death offered a measure of finality — at least regarding one of those involved.

“Justice is served,” she said. “That’s one less evil person in the world.”

Still, she added, more must be done to combat terrorism so that more people do not lose their loved ones.

Valerie Giblin, 61, of Smithfield, R.I., shared a similar sense of unresolved grief. Her husband, Timothy Giblin, died in the barracks attack when their daughter was 2 years old.

“I was 20 years old,” she said. “I never remarried. I’ll be his wife until the day I die.”

When Mrs. Giblin heard the news from friends and family, she said her reaction was, “It’s about time.” After all these years, she added, little has been done to hold those responsible accountable.

Lisa Weide, 62, of Daytona Beach, Fla., who lost her brother, Brett Croft, in the barracks attack just three days before his 21st birthday, shared a similar sentiment about Mr. Aqeel.

“As cruel as it may sound, I’m glad he’s dead,” she said.

However, Mrs. Weide said, she found her own closure years ago. A few months after Mr. Croft’s death, she said she had a dream so vivid that she was convinced it was him.

In the dream, Mr. Croft appeared in his favorite shirt — the black button-down he always had her iron for him before going out — and invited her on a walk. They eventually stopped, and he told her, “I have to go now.”

Before he left, she asked, “Did you suffer?”

“We locked eyes,” she recounted, choking up. “And he said, ‘No.’”

“That really helped me,” she said. “I don’t walk around dwelling on it. I felt at peace.”

Sheelagh McNeill and Jack Begg contributed research.

Israel’s military alert system has just warned of rockets in the skies above roughly 70 towns in northern Israel. Some of the towns are more than 30 miles south of the Israel-Lebanon border, which would make this the farthest militants in Lebanon have fired into Israel since the start of the conflict in October.

The Israeli military said that it had struck around 400 targets across southern Lebanon since Saturday afternoon, following an additional wave of attacks. The bombardment represented a significant uptick.

A week of chaos pushes Lebanon’s doctors to the limit.

Dr. Dania El-Hallak was already exhausted. After wireless devices exploded across Lebanon, there had been little time to process what she had seen — the hundreds of wounded, many of their faces disfigured beyond recognition.

“I am hoping that it was all just a bad dream,” Dr. El-Hallak said, still struggling to take stock of the carnage on Friday.

Then, without warning, Israeli fighter jets ripped through the skies above Lebanon’s capital.

“There are strikes in Dahiya?” she said in disbelief, using the Arabic name for Beirut’s southern suburbs.

Her nightmare had only just begun.

The attacks on Hezbollah’s communication devices this week — widely attributed to Israel — wounded thousands of people, leaving many of them permanently disabled and in need of long-term rehabilitative care. The Israeli airstrike just miles from downtown Beirut on Friday, which killed at least 37 people and injured dozens more, has only added to the toll. Others are still presumed trapped in the debris.

Lebanon’s ailing health system — already embattled by a crippling economic collapse — has been sent into overdrive.

“The sense is that war is inevitable, especially after yesterday’s air raid,” said Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, the chief reconstructive surgeon at the American University of Beirut Medical Center.

Last year, Dr. Abu Sitta spent 43 days volunteering in Gaza at Shifa hospital’s burn treatment unit. When the Israeli airstrike hit on Friday as he was still operating on those wounded in the wireless device attacks, he said it felt like he was suddenly back in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

“We are stuck in this loop,” Dr. Abu Sitta said. “You just operate and operate. You feel like you are playing catch up all the time.”

For 11 months, Hezbollah has been firing into northern Israel in support of Hamas in Gaza. Israel has responded by bombarding Lebanon and assassinating the Hezbollah’s leaders. More than 160,000 civilians have fled areas on both sides of the border. The violence seen in recent days, however, has represented a significant escalation in the conflict, fueling fears that Israel is beckoning all-out war.

The sudden brutality of the wireless device attacks this week, which saw pagers and hand-held radios detonate without warning, have shocked even the most hardened of Lebanese doctors. Eyes blown out of their sockets. Faces torn to pieces by burning shards of plastic. Hands and fingers so mangled that doctors had no choice but to amputate them.

Many of the victims — among them women and children — would never see again, doctors said.

“This attack was literally directed at the eyes,” said Dr. Pierre Mardelli, a veteran eye doctor who answered the call for volunteers this week when news broke of the first wave of explosions on Tuesday.

His patients said they had received an error message on their pagers, prompting them to try to fix the problem. Then the devices exploded in their hands. It appeared to be one of the key factors that accounted for so many people being blinded.

“People did not even have time to blink,” he said.

With hospitals swamped by the influx of patients, Dr. Mardelli said he was forced for the first time in his 27-year career to suture eye wounds without anesthesia.

“It was an indiscriminate attack,” Firass Abiad, Lebanon’s health minister, told reporters on Thursday, describing the burden the attacks had put on Lebanon’s health system. “It was a war crime.”

Mr. Abiad has pledged to pay for the long-term care of those injured, but Lebanese remain skeptical of any promises by the country’s ailing government. Despite assurances, the health system itself would most likely be unable to cope in the event of an all-out conflict, doctors said.

“The Lebanese health system is in no way able to treat war wounded if it were to escalate into a full-blown war,” Dr. Abu Sitta said.

The rehabilitation process, doctors said, would be a long and difficult road for hundreds if not thousands of people.

Dr. Antoine Abi Abboud, who leads the plastic and reconstructive surgery unit at Beirut’s Mount Lebanon hospital, estimated that at least 40 percent of those wounded in the wave of wireless device attacks had been left permanently disabled.

The hospital had received some of the most severe cases on Tuesday because of its proximity to Beirut’s southern suburbs, where the bulk of the pager detonations took place. Dr. Abi Abboud said most of the people he treated had lost one or both of their eyes.

“It was savage,” he said.

Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, said on social media on Saturday that the military’s recent strike in Beirut that killed multiple Hezbollah commanders was important for Israel but also for him personally.

He recalled that, in September 1997, the Israeli military lost 12 soldiers in Lebanon when they were ambushed by Hezbollah forces. The commanders of that ambush were Ibrahim Aqeel and Ahmed Wahbi, Gallant said, noting that both were killed in Friday’s strike. “The circle is closed,” the defense minister wrote.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, will convene a security consultation with senior officials later Saturday, his office said, in the wake of the spiraling violence with Hezbollah.

At a Hezbollah funeral, a chaotic week brings a mix of sorrow and defiance.

I attended a funeral for three Hezbollah members in southern Beirut on Saturday, where you could feel a mix of sorrow and defiance among the mourners after a deadly and chaotic week for the militant group.

The coffins, draped in Hezbollah’s yellow and green flag, were carried by a procession of men chanting Shiite religious and pro-Hezbollah slogans, while the audio of a speech by Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, played in the background. Mr. Nasrallah has vowed retribution against Israel for a week of attacks that included exploding wireless devices, which killed dozens and maimed thousands, and an airstrike that targeted a meeting of Hezbollah commanders.

Hezbollah members I spoke to said they are eagerly awaiting orders from Mr. Nasrallah, and the group’s regional patron, Iran, as to how — or whether — to respond to Israel’s latest attacks. Everyone I spoke to refused to give me their full names for fear of reprisals.

But some reflected an ambivalence over what that response should be: One told me he hoped Mr. Nasrallah would order a fierce retaliation. Others said that idea gave them pause. After being dealt heavy blows, they said the group needed time to recover and prepare a response that was substantive and not merely symbolic.

Ahmad, who gave me his first name, was holding Hezbollah’s flag and said he was ready to fight, but also that he would wait to receive orders.

No matter their positions, everyone at the funeral expressed continued loyalty to Mr. Nasrallah and faith in his decisions at a time when many other Lebanese have expressed shock at how deeply Israeli intelligence appeared to had penetrated Hezbollah.

Even after Israel’s string of attacks this week, Hezbollah has continued its daily bombardment of northern Israel, which it has vowed to continue until Israel reaches a cease-fire with Hamas to end the war in the Gaza Strip.

In a symbolic gesture of their continued support of the Palestinian cause, some mourners at the funeral draped the black-and-white checkered Palestinian scarf, known as the kaffiyeh, over their shoulders.

The Israeli military said it is issuing new restrictions on public gatherings across much of northern Israel, a possible sign that the Israeli authorities expect a more extensive attack by Hezbollah in the coming days. The restrictions apply, roughly, to areas north of the coastal city of Haifa.

For the past 11 months, Hezbollah has mostly fired rockets and drones at border areas. Daniel Hagari, the military spokesman, said schools and businesses in the zone could stay open as long as they were close enough to fortified shelters.

Lebanon’s state-run news agency is reporting wide-scale airstrikes and surveillance drone flights across the country’s south. At least 50 Israeli strikes were reported in the space of just 40 minutes, the agency said.

Dozens of Israeli warplanes have been attacking across southern Lebanon after Israel detected signs that Hezbollah was attempting to fire more rockets and drones at Israel, the Israeli military said. Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesman, told reporters that Israeli forces had attacked hundreds of Hezbollah rocket launchers on Saturday.

For the second time on Saturday, the Israeli military announced that it was striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. The attacks were so far confined to towns in the country’s south, according to Lebanon’s state-run news agency.

Annalena Baerbock, the German minister of foreign affairs, has been in touch with her counterparts in Israel and Lebanon to discuss “necessary next steps” to de-escalate the conflict in the Middle East and avoid more civilian harm, the German Foreign Office wrote on social media on Saturday. “Once again, the entire region is holding its breath,” it said.

Israeli strike on former school kills 22 people, Gazan health officials say.

Israel said it struck a school-turned-shelter in Gaza City on Saturday because it believed Hamas militants were using the building as a command center. Palestinian health authorities said the attack killed 22 people, mostly women and children, who had sought shelter at the school, and did not confirm any combatant deaths.

Israel has conducted dozens of airstrikes on schools across the Gaza Strip, structures that thousands of Gazans have sought shelter in as they are displaced by fighting across the embattled enclave. The Israeli army said the compound was being used as a Hamas “command and control center,” a claim it has repeatedly made in justifying its increasingly frequent strikes on schools serving as shelters.

Gaza’s rescue services said the Saturday strike on the Zeitoun School killed mostly women and children, including a 3-month-old infant. Gaza’s health ministry, which usually does not distinguish between civilians and combatants in its counts, also said 22 were killed, saying “the majority” of the dead were women and children.

In a statement on Saturday, the Israeli military said it conducted “a precise strike on terrorists” operating at the Al Falah School, which according to statements from the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, known as UNRWA, is connected with the Zeitoun School.

The military did not say whether the strike had killed any Hamas militants, as such statements often do.

Since the 11-month war in Gaza began, schools in the territory have been closed and have instead housed those fleeing the fighting. More than 90 percent of Gaza’s nearly 2 million residents have been displaced in the war — many of them several times.

This is not the first time the school complex has been hit. UNRWA condemned a previous strike on the complex in November.

Although schools have become regular targets of Israeli strikes, they continue to draw Palestinians seeking shelter because they offer some limited access to plumbing and are seen as somewhat safer than other places in the enclave, which has suffered increasing lawlessness.

The media office for the Gazan government, which is controlled by Hamas, said that many widows and orphaned children had been at the school to receive a small payment to help cover food costs. Hunger is a pervasive problem in Gaza, with experts warning this summer that almost half a million people in the territory faced starvation.

The sound of Israeli surveillance drones above Beirut has been incessant since the deadly airstrike on Friday. Even for a country used to surveillance drones, this is unusual.

Who was Ahmed Wahbi, a Hezbollah commander killed by Israel’s airstrike in Beirut?

Hezbollah said Saturday that Ahmed Wahbi, a commander it described as a leader and trainer in the group’s elite Radwan force, had been killed in an airstrike along with the force’s founding commander, Ibrahim Aqeel, and other Hezbollah members.

As is common for Hezbollah military operatives, Mr. Wahbi had little public profile while he was alive, but an obituary distributed by Hezbollah-linked media said he played a leading role in Hezbollah’s support for Hamas after the latter’s assault on Israel on Oct. 7. Hezbollah has launched attacks on northern Israel through the war in Gaza to support Hamas.

Both are backed by Iran and are members of a regional militia network known as the “axis of resistance,” which also includes the Houthis of Yemen, the government of Syria and other fighting groups there and in Iraq.

Mr. Wahbi, 59, was a longtime member of Hezbollah, joining at its inception, during Lebanon’s civil war in the 1980s to fight the Israeli occupation of the country’s south. The origins and makeup of the Radwan unit are murky, but its fighters have played key roles in operations like the abduction of Israeli soldiers in 2006, which led to a destructive monthlong war with Israel in 2006. The unit also fought against the jihadists of the Islamic State in Syria.

As a young fighter, Mr. Wahbi participated in Hezbollah’s early operations against Israel, Hezbollah said. He was captured by the Israeli army in 1984, though the group did not say why or how long he was held.

In 1997, he was a leader of a Hezbollah ambush targeting Israeli naval commandos near the town of Ansariya, in southern Lebanon, according to Hezbollah’s obituary. Hezbollah fighters killed about a dozen Israeli officers in that operation.

He was a longtime leader and trainer with the Radwan force, in what Hezbollah called “developing human capabilities.” He also trained other formations within the group.

He headed the Radwan force until the beginning of this year, then returned to training, Hezbollah said.

The Israeli military said in a statement that it had struck “the masterminds” of a plan to attack northern Israel as Hamas attacked near Gaza on Oct. 7. The military did not mention Mr. Wahbi specifically, and did not respond to a request for comment.

Biden’s national security adviser says escalation risk in the Middle East is ‘acute.’

President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters on Saturday that the fighting in Lebanon posed an “acute” risk that the war would escalate.

An Israeli airstrike on Friday targeting a meeting of Hezbollah leaders killed 37 people, including a senior leader of the militant group, which is based in Lebanon and is backed by Iran. Hezbollah has promised to retaliate against Israel, raising fears that the war in the Gaza Strip, ignited by the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attack on Israel, could spread to Lebanon and elsewhere.

“The risk of escalation is real. It has been since Oct. 7. There are moments where it is more acute than others. I think we are in one of those moments where it is more acute,” Mr. Sullivan said, speaking in Wilmington, Del., where the president is hosting a “Quad Summit” with the leaders of India, Japan and Australia.

Mr. Sullivan added that if the senior militant leader Ibrahim Aqeel had been killed, as Hezbollah and Israel have reported, the United States would consider it a “good outcome.” He said he had not spoken to his Israeli counterparts and could not independently confirm Mr. Aqeel’s death. Mr. Aqeel, who had been overseeing Hezbollah’s operations against Israel, was the mastermind behind the 1983 Beirut bombings that killed more than 350 people at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut and the U.S. Marine Corps barracks.

“He is somebody who the United States promised long ago we would do everything we could to see brought to justice,” Mr. Sullivan said. “And anytime a terrorist who has murdered Americans is brought to justice, we believe that it’s a good outcome.”

Rocket fire from Lebanon ignited several brush fires around the city of Safed on Saturday, Israeli media said. It said 10 firefighting teams, including four aerial units, were working to combat the flames. Three more firefighting teams were battling flames in Kadita, a border town in the country’s far north.

The Israeli military said it had struck 180 targets across southern Lebanon within the last hour, including thousands of rocket launcher barrels. It said the launchers “were ready for immediate use to fire into Israeli territory.” It also said 90 rockets entered Israeli from Lebanon on Saturday.

Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister, Najib Mikati, has canceled a planned trip to New York for U.N. General Assembly meetings, according to a statement from his office. The statement said the decision was a result of “Israel’s aggression on Lebanon.”

For the families of those still missing after Israel’s Beirut strike, it’s an agonizing wait.

After a nightlong vigil, with an untold number of hours of waiting still ahead, Najwa Qubaisi pushed away every relative who tried to coax her from the concrete skeleton of the building that had once been home to her grandson and his family.

“How can I leave? I can’t,” she said, her eyes puffy from hours of crying. “I want to stay until I get some kind of news.”

A day after an Israeli strike razed two buildings in an attack that killed members of its regional foe, Hezbollah, in suburban Beirut, the relatives of those who lived there were anxiously waiting on Saturday to learn the fate of dozens of loved ones still unaccounted for.

Desperate, dazed-looking family members huddled in crowds just beyond the remains of sidewalks that had been ripped away and torn apart by the force of the blast. The occasional screeches of ambulance sirens were audible as rescuers brought in heavy equipment to remove tons of concrete in search of the missing.

The blasts on Friday were not only a painful military blow to Hezbollah, the Iran-backed group that lost two top commanders and over a dozen members in what Israel described as a strike on a meeting held after a string of Israeli attacks this past week. They were also devastating to the largely Shiite Muslim community of Beirut’s southern suburbs, where Hezbollah has long held sway.

The toll of the blast has risen to 37, according to Lebanon’s health ministry, with three children among the dead. And sorrow and rage emanated from those still awaiting news.

Ms. Qubaisi said that her son, who was outside the building when the Israeli attack hit, was alive. But she still had no news of her daughter-in-law and grandson, who had been at home when the strike occurred.

The scenes playing out on the streets of Beirut mirrored similar signs of desperation on social media, where families posted pictures of missing loved ones, labeled with phone numbers in case anyone spotted them. Others posted the names and pictures of dazed, wounded children who had arrived alone at hospitals for treatment.

Across Beirut on Saturday, as people traded stories of missing loved ones, some residents said they hoped Hezbollah would strike back fiercely in revenge. Others wondered quietly among themselves how a group seen as Israel’s most formidable regional foe had seen its operations so deeply penetrated.

Hezbollah is not only a militia that is one of Iran’s most powerful allies in the region. It is also a political organization that retains broad support from many of Lebanon’s Shiite Muslims, a community that was historically poor and marginalized.

The group has retained their support throughout previous wars with Israel, even as cross-border clashes become ever more costly in this current conflict — not just in lives, but also in the displacement of thousands who fled the near daily exchange of rocket fire between Israel and Hezbollah on Lebanon’s southern border.

That is in part because of Hezbollah’s influence in Lebanon, where the group has become the most powerful force in the country, and also because of the broad range of services it provides, including quality health care and free education.

Despite growing anger and calls for revenge against Israel, many Hezbollah supporters said they would stand by whatever the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, deemed the best path forward.

On Saturday, videos shared by journalists close to Hezbollah showed cranes and bulldozers sifting through scattered debris around a cratered blast site, with clouds of dust hanging overhead.

Outside the destroyed buildings on Saturday, Ms. Qubaisi did not demand that Hezbollah take revenge. But she called for other Arab countries to act to thwart Israel’s escalating attacks: “We want Arab countries to break their silence, to do something against these crimes.”

Northern Israel braces for a backlash, even as the conflict remains under the radar in Tel Aviv.

Northern Israel was bracing for a potential counterattack from Hezbollah on Saturday, after a week of apparent Israeli attacks in Lebanon killed dozens, including Hezbollah commanders, and wounded thousands more.

Many towns across the border area have been largely empty since the cross-border fighting drove tens of thousands of people from their homes last October when the war between Israel and Hamas, a Hezbollah ally, began in the Gaza Strip.

For residents who remain, the sounds of air-raid sirens and rockets bursting high overhead have become the norm. On Saturday, Hezbollah fired more than two dozen rockets into Israel, but there were no casualties reported.

In Safed and Katzrin, two towns where many residents have chosen not to leave, the military advised people on Saturday to stay close to bomb shelters. In the farthest reaches of Israel, including the Golan Heights and a narrow ribbon of land along the Lebanese border, the military imposed restrictions that it said would be in effect until Thursday. They include limits to the size of gatherings, restrictions on some schools and workplaces, and the closing of beaches.

Israel also took the unusual step on Saturday of closing the airspace in the northern third of the country to all private flights, in an effort to quiet the skies north of Hadera, a beach city halfway between Tel Aviv and Haifa.

The restrictions do not affect commercial flights, the military said, adding that they were being imposed “to maintain the security of flights and in accordance with operational activity.”

But farther south in Tel Aviv, a city sometimes referred to as “The Bubble” because of its geographical and psychological distance from the fighting, the tensions of the past week appeared not to dampen the mood on a bright late-summer Saturday.

There, in Israel’s densely populated central heartland, few outward signs were visible of the war in Gaza, 40 miles to the south, or the escalating conflict along the border with Lebanon, 80 miles to the north.

Families flocked to the beach, where children played in the surf and dozens of sailboats bobbed on the waves. Many businesses were closed as usual for the sabbath, but those that were open were bustling and full of life.

In the Jaffa neighborhood, teenagers crowded into pizzerias, sun-tanned people stood in line for iced coffees at hip cafes, and older people smoked water pipes and drank tea at sidewalk cafes.

At least 37 people have now been killed following the Israeli strike in Beirut’s southern suburbs on Friday, said Lebanon’s health ministry. Rescue teams were continuing to search through the rubble, according to the statement.

The Israeli military said it was again striking at Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, but the attack appeared so far to be confined to southern Lebanon where such strikes have been frequent. Lebanon’s state-run news agency said Israel had launched airstrikes across parts of southern and eastern Lebanon where the group is dominant.

Nadav Shoshani, a spokesman for the Israeli military, said it killed at least 16 Hezbollah fighters in the Friday strike in Beirut, which flattened a residential building in the city’s crowded southern suburbs. That appears to correspond with a list released by Hezbollah earlier in the day of members who had been killed.

Attacks on Hezbollah this week are the latest attributed to Israel.

Israel’s bombing of an apartment building in Beirut that killed a top Hezbollah commander comes after back-to-back attacks on the Iran-backed militia, with mass explosions of wireless devices across Lebanon on Tuesday followed the next day by the explosion of numerous walkie-talkies owned by Hezbollah members across the country.

They are just the latest attacks — including a series against Iran’s nuclear program — that have embarrassed enemies and demonstrated Israel’s prowess at using military technology and intelligence in ways that suggest it can strike anywhere and at any time.

They appeared to cast a far wider net than other attacks, which frequently targeted individuals. Israel has not claimed responsibility for this week’s attacks on devices, or for many other attacks that have been attributed to it. They include:

Attacks on Iran’s nuclear program

A series of operations, including assassinations and sabotage, over the years have targeted senior leaders involved with Iran’s nuclear program. These included the poisoning of a nuclear scientist in 2007 and the killing of another in 2010 by a remote-controlled bomb attached to a motorcycle.

From 2010 to 2012, four people with links to Iran’s nuclear program were killed by hit men riding motorcycles. In one case, in 2010, an assassin attached a sticky bomb to a car door. In others, gunmen approached vehicles in the Iranian capital, Tehran, and fired through the window before speeding off.

In November 2020, Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was killed by gunshots fired from a truck-mounted machine gun that had been attached to a remote-controlled robotic apparatus. Experts said the operation had taken months, and likely years, of planning.

Cyber warfare and nuclear secrets

Starting in 2006, U.S. military and Israeli intelligence officials began a top-secret cyberwar program against Iran’s nuclear enrichment program.

Israel’s Dimona complex, the heart of its never-acknowledged nuclear arms program in the Negev desert, was used as a testing ground for the Stuxnet computer worm. The destructive program was eventually credited with wiping out roughly a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges, which Tehran needs to produce a nuclear weapon.

In 2018, Israeli spies armed with torches broke into a warehouse in Tehran and seized a trove of documents about Iran’s nuclear program. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel later used the documents to accuse Iran of lying for years about its efforts to build a nuclear weapon.

After Oct. 7

Since the Hamas-led attack on Israel last Oct. 7, Israel has conducted a series of assassinations of commanders of Iran’s regional proxy forces, including Hamas and Hezbollah.

These attacks have come at the same time as Israel’s wide-scale military offensive in Gaza, which health officials there say have killed more than 41,000 Palestinians. The United Nations, rights groups and some governments have accused Israel of using disproportionate force in its war in Gaza against Hamas. Israel says its use of force is justified and legal.

In April, Israel bombed a building that was part of the Iranian Embassy complex in Damascus, Syria, killing seven people, including a general who oversaw Iran’s covert military operations in Syria and Lebanon. In response, Iran launched a missile and drone attack on Israel, the first time it had attempted to strike the country directly after a decadeslong shadow war.

In July, Israel assassinated a senior leader of Hezbollah, Fuad Shukr, in an airstrike on a house in the Lebanese capital, Beirut. Israel claimed responsibility for the killing, which it said was retaliation for an attack on the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights days earlier that had killed at least 12 people.

Hours later, the leader of Hamas’s political office, Ismail Haniyeh, was killed by an explosive device hidden in a guesthouse in Tehran where he was staying after he had attended the inauguration of Iran’s president. Iran vowed to retaliate for the attack, which it called a violation of its sovereignty. Israel did not confirm or deny involvement in that attack.

On Friday, the Israeli attack on an apartment building in Beirut’s densely populated southern suburbs killed several Hezbollah militants, including Ibrahim Aqeel, a senior commander who was wanted in the deadly 1983 bombings of the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut; and about 10 others from the group’s elite Radwan unit.

How a U.S. Ally Uses Aid as a Cover in War

The drones soar over the vast deserts along the Sudanese border, guiding weapons convoys that smuggle illicit arms to fighters accused of widespread atrocities and ethnic cleansing.

They hover over a besieged city at the center of Sudan’s terrible famine, supporting a ruthless paramilitary force that has bombed hospitals, looted food shipments and torched thousands of homes, aid groups say.

Yet the drones are flying out of a base where the United Arab Emirates says it is running a humanitarian effort for the Sudanese people — part of what it calls its “urgent priority” to save innocent lives and stave off starvation in Africa’s largest war.

The Emirates is playing a deadly double game in Sudan, a country shredded by one of the world’s most catastrophic civil wars.

Eager to cement its role as a regional kingmaker, the wealthy Persian Gulf petrostate is expanding its covert campaign to back a winner in Sudan, funneling money, weapons and, now, powerful drones to fighters rampaging across the country, according to officials, internal diplomatic memos and satellite images analyzed by The New York Times.

All the while, the Emirates is presenting itself as a champion of peace, diplomacy and international aid. It is even using one of the world’s most famous relief symbols — the Red Crescent, the counterpart of the Red Cross — as a cover for its secret operation to fly drones into Sudan and smuggle weapons to fighters, satellite images show and American officials say.

The war in Sudan, a sprawling gold-rich nation with nearly 500 miles of Red Sea coastline, has been fueled by a plethora of foreign nations, like Iran and Russia. They are supplying arms to the warring sides, hoping to tilt the scales for profit or their own strategic gain — while the people of Sudan are caught in the crossfire.

But the Emirates is playing the largest and most consequential role of all, officials say, publicly pledging to ease Sudan’s suffering even as it secretly inflames it.

Starvation haunts Sudan. Famine was officially declared last month after nearly 18 months of fighting, which has killed tens of thousands and scattered at least 10 million people in the world’s worst displacement crisis, the United Nations says. Aid groups call it a calamity of “historic proportions.”

The Emirates says it has made “absolutely clear” that it is not arming or supporting “any of the warring parties” in Sudan. To the contrary, it says, it is “alarmed by the rapidly accelerating humanitarian catastrophe” and pushing for an “immediate cease-fire.”

But for more than a year, the Emirates has been secretly bolstering the Rapid Support Forces, or R.S.F., the paramilitary group fighting Sudan’s military for control of Africa’s third-largest country.

Map shows areas of conflict in Sudan.

A Times investigation last year detailing the Emirati weapons smuggling operation was confirmed by U.N. investigators in January, when they cited “credible” evidence that the Emirates was breaking a two-decade U.N. arms embargo in Sudan.

Now, the Emiratis are amplifying their covert campaign. Powerful Chinese-made drones, by far the largest deployed in Sudan’s war, are being flown from an airport across the border in Chad that the Emirates has expanded into a well-equipped, military-style airfield.

Hangars have been built and a drone control station installed, satellite images show. Many of the cargo planes that have landed at the airport during the war previously transported weapons for the Emirates to other conflict zones, like Libya, where the Emiratis have also been accused of breaching an arms embargo, a Times analysis of flight tracking data found.

American officials say the Emiratis are now using the airport to fly advanced military drones to provide the R.S.F. with battlefield intelligence, and to escort weapons shipments to fighters in Sudan — to keep an eye out for ambushes.

Through an analysis of satellite images, The Times identified the type of drone being used: the Wing Loong 2, a Chinese model often compared to the MQ-9 Reaper of the U.S. Air Force.

The images show an apparent munitions bunker at the airport and a Wing Loong ground control station beside the runway — only about 750 yards from an Emirati-run hospital that has treated wounded R.S.F. fighters.

The Wing Loong can fly for 32 hours, has a range of 1,000 miles and can carry up to a dozen missiles or bombs. So far, the drones do not seem to be conducting airstrikes of their own in Sudan, officials say, but are providing surveillance and identifying targets on chaotic battlefields.

That makes them “a significant force multiplier,” said J. Michael Dahm, a senior fellow at the Virginia-based Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.

After taking off from the base, the drones may in fact be piloted remotely from Emirati soil, experts and officials say. Recently, they have been detected patrolling the skies above the embattled Sudanese city of El Fasher, where people are starving and surrounded by the R.S.F. The city is home to nearly two million people, and fears are rising that the war is on the precipice of even more atrocities.

American officials have been pressuring all the war’s combatants to stop the carnage.

Vice President Kamala Harris confronted the leader of the Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, over his country’s support of the R.S.F. when the two met in December, according to officials briefed on the exchange. President Biden called this week for an end to the “senseless war,” warning that the R.S.F.’s brutal, monthslong siege on El Fasher “has become a full-on assault.”

The crisis is expected to come up again when he and Ms. Harris host the Emirati leader at the White House for the first time on Monday.

“It’s got to stop,” John F. Kirby, a White House spokesman, said of the siege.

Both sides in Sudan’s civil war have been accused of war crimes, including brutal assaults filmed by the fighters themselves.

The war erupted in 2023, when a power struggle between Sudan’s military and the R.S.F. — a fighting force it helped create — erupted into gunfire on the streets of the capital and quickly enveloped the nation.

Sudanese military planes have bombed civilians, while rights groups accuse the R.S.F. of ethnic cleansing and indiscriminate shelling that has destroyed hospitals, homes and aid warehouses.

In El Fasher, Doctors Without Borders has accused the military of bombing a children’s hospital, and R.S.F. troops of plundering food intended for a camp of 400,000 starving people.

Aid workers are hoping to airdrop food into the city, which Toby Harward, the top U.N. official for Darfur, likened to “hell on earth.”

The Emirates insists it is simply trying to halt the war and help its victims. It has provided $230 million in aid and delivered 10,000 tons of relief supplies, and it played a prominent role in recent American-led peace talks in Switzerland.

“The U.A.E. remains committed to supporting the people of Sudan in restoring peace,” Lana Nusseibeh, an Emirati minister for foreign affairs, said afterward.

Senior American officials have privately tried to coax the Emirates to drop its covert operations, bluntly confronting it with American intelligence on what the Gulf state is doing inside Sudan, said five American officials with knowledge of the conversations.

After Vice President Harris raised American objections to the arms smuggling with Sheikh Mohammed in December, the Emirati leader offered what some officials considered a tacit acknowledgment.

While not admitting direct support to the R.S.F., Sheikh Mohammed said he owed the paramilitary group’s leader, Lt. Gen. Mohamed Hamdan, for sending troops to fight alongside the Emirates in the war in Yemen, according to two American officials briefed on the exchange.

Sheikh Mohammed also said he viewed the R.S.F. as a bulwark against Islamist political movements in the region, which the Emirati royal family has long considered a threat to its authority, the officials said. (The Emirati government did not respond to questions about the conversation.)

“They can’t lie to us anymore, because they know that we know,” said one American official who, like others, was not authorized to speak publicly about the intelligence.

Relief organizations are particularly incensed with the Emirates, accusing it of running “a Potemkin aid operation” to disguise its support to the R.S.F., according to Jeremy Konyndyk, president of Refugees International and a former Obama and Biden administration official.

“They want it both ways,” he said of the Emiratis. “They want to act like a rogue, supporting their militia client and turning a blind eye to whatever they do with their weapons. And they want to appear like a constructive, rules-abiding member of the international system.”

Sudan’s civil war has turned the country, perched strategically on the Red Sea, into a global free-for-all. Iran has supplied armed drones to the Sudanese military, which has fought alongside Ukrainian special forces in the capital, Khartoum. Egypt has also sided with the military.

Russia has played both sides. Wagner mercenaries initially supplied missiles to the R.S.F., United Nations inspectors found. More recently, officials say, the Kremlin has tilted to the military, offering it weapons in exchange for naval access to Sudan’s Red Sea coast.

The Houthis of Yemen sent shiploads of weapons to Sudan’s military, at Iran’s behest, and gas-rich Qatar sent six Chinese warplanes, American officials say. (Qatar and the Houthis denied sending military aid.)

The Emirates has sent an array of weapons as well, officials have concluded.

“The delivery of drones, howitzers, multiple rocket launchers and MANPADS to the R.S.F. by the U.A.E. has helped it neutralize the air superiority” of Sudan’s military, the European Union ambassador to Sudan, Aidan O’Hara, wrote in February in a confidential memo obtained by The Times. (A MANPAD, or Man-Portable Air Defense System, is a type of antiaircraft missile.)

The memo contained other startling assertions: that Saudi Arabia has given money to Sudan’s military, which used it to buy Iranian drones; that as many as 200,000 foreign mercenaries were fighting alongside the R.S.F.; and that Wagner mercenaries had trained the R.S.F. to use the antiaircraft missiles supplied by the Emirates.

The Emirati role appears to be part of a broader push into Africa. Last year, it announced $45 billion in investments across the continent, analysts say, nearly twice as much as China. Recently, it has expanded into a new business: war.

It turned the tide of Ethiopia’s civil war in 2021 by supplying armed drones to the prime minister at a crucial point in the fight, ultimately helping him emerge victorious. Now it appears to be trying to repeat the same feat in Sudan with the R.S.F.

Last year, when cargo planes began to land at the airport in Amdjarass, 600 miles east of the Chadian capital, Ndjamena, the Emirates said it had come to establish a field hospital for Sudanese refugees.

But within months, American officials discovered that the $20 million hospital quietly treated R.S.F. fighters, and that the cargo planes also carried weapons that were later smuggled to fighters inside Sudan.

The Times analysis of satellite images and flight records showed that the Emiratis set up the drone system at the same time they were promoting their humanitarian operation.

During a lengthy phone call in early May with his Emirati counterpart, President Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, cited American intelligence that had been declassified so that it could be shared with a foreign official. The evidence documented Emirati military support to the R.S.F., two American officials briefed on the exchange said.

But the American candor appears to have had little impact. The Emirates has only doubled down on its support to the R.S.F. in recent months, American officials and witnesses in Chad say.

Fewer cargo flights now land at Amdjarass airport, where they can be easily detected, but a greater proportion of supplies arrives by truck, often along routes that bypass major cities and towns, officials say.

Traces of Emirati-supplied weapons are also being found on the battlefield. Human Rights Watch recently identified Serbian-made missiles, fired from an unidentified drone, that it said were originally sold to the Emirates.

“It’s very clear: The U.A.E. is sending money, the U.A.E. is sending weapons,” said Succès Masra, a former prime minister of Chad.

After complaints from Western officials, he said, he told his nation’s president, Mahamat Idriss Déby, that allowing the Emirates to funnel weapons through Chad was a “huge mistake.”

Nothing changed. The Emirates promised Mr. Déby a $1.5 billion loan, nearly as big as Chad’s $1.8 billion national budget a year earlier.

The Emirates supports the R.S.F. in other ways, too. Earlier this year, an Emirati private jet carried the paramilitary force’s leader, General Hamdan, on a tour of six African countries, where he was treated like a head of state.

Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up the nation, is the hub of the R.S.F.’s business empire, which is anchored in gold trading. The U.S. Treasury has imposed sanctions on what it calls an R.S.F. “front company” and recently listed seven Emirati companies under investigation on suspicion of being linked to the paramilitary group.

General Hamdan’s 34-year-old brother, Algoney Hamdan, has lived in Dubai since 2014 and was singled out by American sanctions. Yet he is now an interlocutor for stuttering peace efforts. Speaking in Switzerland during last month’s talks, Mr. Hamdan brushed off the U.S. measures against him.

“If it brings peace to Sudan, they can sanction as many companies as they want,” he said.

Mr. Hamdan conceded that some R.S.F. troops had committed abuses, but insisted the Emirates was not backing the R.S.F.

“There is no proof of anything,” he said. “It’s just false propaganda.”

The Emirati operation in Chad has deeply worried the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, one of the world’s oldest and most venerable aid movements.

It learned only from news reports that the Emirates Red Crescent had established a hospital in Amdjarass, said Tommaso Della Longa, a Red Cross spokesman. The Emirates Red Crescent, which is funded by the Emirati government, did not inform the international federation, as it should have, he added.

The Emiratis eagerly touted their largess. The government’s publicity showed workers unloading cargo pallets and treating patients under the Red Crescent logo — an emblem dating back to the 1870s that is legally protected under the Geneva Conventions. Misuse of that symbol is a potential war crime.

Worried that its reputation for neutrality was at risk, the Red Cross sent fact-finding missions to Chad in 2023 and 2024, “to better understand” what the Emiratis were doing under the Red Crescent banner in Amdjarass, Mr. Della Longa said.

They found few answers.

When the officials arrived, they were turned away from the Emirati field hospital for unspecified “security reasons,” Mr. Della Longa said. The officials eventually left Chad without setting foot in the hospital.

The Emirates Red Crescent did not respond to questions.

Mr. Konyndyk, the Refugees International official, said it was “unheard-of” for an aid organization to bar its own officials from visiting a hospital that supposedly treats refugees.

“The Emirates seems to be instrumentalizing the Red Crescent as cover for well-documented arms shipments to a militia that is actively committing atrocities in Darfur.”

In June, Emirati officials said they had treated nearly 30,000 patients, and were looking to expand the hospital, but people in Amdjarass say the hospital opens for just four hours a day.

The Emirates opened a second field hospital in Chad, in the city of Abéché in April. When The Times visited the 80-bed facility in July, doctors readily offered a tour of its well-equipped wards, which the hospital’s director, Dr. Khalid Mohammed, said received as many as 250 patients every day.

A private Emirati company ran the hospital, and it had no connection with the Red Cross or Crescent, he said. But the hospital closed at 4 p.m. each day, limiting the medical services it could provide.

The Red Cross says it is still trying to figure out what the Emiratis are up to.

“The process is not finished,” Mr. Della Longa, the Red Cross spokesman, said of the inquiry into the Amdjarass hospital. “We want to get to the bottom of it.”

As Sudan plunges deeper into what many experts called the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis, American officials say they are more sharply focused on the conflict than ever.

Antony J. Blinken, the secretary of state, organized last month’s peace talks in Switzerland despite their low chance of halting the fighting.

And Mr. Sullivan, the national security adviser, intervened directly with officials from Saudi Arabia when they appeared to be obstructing talks, said three people with knowledge of the interactions.

But the Biden administration is divided on a fundamental question: How hard should it push the Emirates?

When the U.S. envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, suggested on a podcast on Sept. 4 that he supported a boycott of the Emirates by the rapper Macklemore, who recently canceled a Dubai show over the Emirates’ role in Sudan, it provoked a furious private reaction from Emirati officials, several officials said.

“I sure didn’t have Macklemore as hero for Sudan on my bingo card,” Mr. Perriello said on the podcast.

Some senior White House and State Department officials felt Mr. Perriello had gone too far, while others cringed at the idea of cowing to the Emiratis for the sake of good relations.

The dispute reflected the limits of challenging the Emirates, a country the United States relies on for many global priorities. The Emirates is a staunch American ally against Iran, a signatory of the Abraham Accords to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, a potential player in postwar Gaza, and it has even facilitated prisoner swaps between Ukraine and Russia.

The Gulf state has shrugged off international censure before, notably over its role in Yemen, but it appears to be sensitive to growing criticism over Sudan.

When European diplomats considered last February whether the nation “would have any qualms about the slaughter and devastation” caused by its actions in Sudan, the confidential E.U. memo said, the diplomats concluded that the Emiratis “would be more concerned about any damage to their reputation rather than any sense of moral culpability.”

But whether the Emiratis would be willing to cede Sudan to one of the many rival powers piling into the war, especially Iran, is another matter entirely.

The prospect of Iran gaining a foothold on the Western shores of the Red Sea has clearly unnerved the Emirates and several other Arab countries involved in Sudan, officials say.

That sense of alarm is driving a proxy war and prompting rival powers to pour ever more weapons into Sudan, pushing the tottering state toward complete collapse.

The Emiratis say Sudanese refugees are grateful for the Emirati help. But the anger among others is growing.

Last week, when Ms. Nusseibeh, the Emirati minister who took part in peace talks in Switzerland, visited one of the hospitals in Chad to showcase her country’s good works, she was confronted by an infuriated Sudanese refugee.

“You know very well that you ignited this war!” yelled a man during a public meeting, in an exchange that quickly spread on social media. “We don’t want anything from you, except that you stop it.”

Speaking by phone, the man, who asked to be identified as Suliman out of fear of reprisals, said he hadn’t been able to contain himself.

R.S.F. brutality had forced him to flee Sudan a year earlier, joining 800,000 refugees now in Chad, he said. So when the Emirati minister sat before him, he said, he saw “the reason my house was destroyed.”

“I lost everything,” he said. “I had to get up and say what was in my heart.”

Julian Barnes and Eric Schmitt contributed reporting from Washington, and Shuaib Almosawa from Bangalore, India. Videos and graphics by Alexander Cardia and Josh Holder.

Albania Is Planning a New Muslim State Inside Its Capital


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Andrew Higgins

Reporting from Tirana and Kruje, Albania

The Muslim cleric preparing to lead what, if everything goes as planned, will become the world’s smallest state, has laid-back plans for the tiny new country.

His hoped-for Muslim state in Tirana, Albania’s capital, will be a Vatican-style sovereign enclave controlling territory about the size of five New York City blocks, and it will allow alcohol, let women wear what they want and impose no lifestyle rules.

“God does not forbid anything; that is why he gave us minds,” said the cleric, Edmond Brahimaj, known to followers as Baba Mondi, explaining how he intends to rule over a 27-acre patch of land that Albania wants to turn into a sovereign state with its own administration, passports and borders. The Albanian prime minister, Edi Rama, says he will announce plans for the entity, to be called the Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order, in the near future.

“All decisions will be made with love and kindness,” said Baba Mondi, 65, a former Albanian Army officer who is revered by millions around the world by his official title, His Holiness Haji Dede Baba. He is the paramount leader of the Bektashi, a Shiite Sufi order founded in the 13th century in Turkey but now based in Albania.

In an interview, Mr. Rama, the prime minister, said the aim of the new state was to promote a tolerant version of Islam on which Albania prides itself. “We should take care of this treasure, which is religious tolerance and which we should never take for granted,” he said.

An avowedly moderate Islamic microstate, the prime minister said, would send a message: “Do not let the stigma of Muslims define who Muslims are.”

The territory of the proposed new Islamic state is a compound in a low-rent residential district of eastern Tirana. It is just a quarter of the size of Vatican City, currently the world’s smallest country, governed by the pope, an absolute monarch.

Baba Mondi said that “size doesn’t matter,” adding, “I don’t need to be a dictator,” though he conceded that the only significant constraint on his authority will be God. After toasting visitors with raki, a fiery drink distilled from grapes, he noted that he made no claim to infallibility.

“Only God,” he said, “doesn’t make mistakes.”

The Bektashi domain features a domed meeting and prayer hall, a museum showcasing the order’s history, a clinic, an archive and the administrative offices of Baba Mondi, a cheery man with a white beard and waspish disdain for rigid dogma. Muslim extremists who set off bombs and use violence to spread their version of the faith, he said, “are just cowboys.”

Combining a loose interpretation of the Quran with mysticism, elements of Turkey’s pre-Islamic faiths and devotion to their deceased wise men, known as dervishes, the Bektashis moved their headquarters to Tirana from Turkey nearly a century ago after Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founding father of the Turkish Republic, shut down their operations.

Viewed as heretics by many conservative Shiites and Sunnis, and subjected to centuries of persecution in Muslim lands, the Bektashis have been a force in Albania and neighboring countries such as Kosovo and Macedonia since the Ottoman Empire’s conquest of the Balkans in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Members of the sect played a prominent role in Albania’s nationalist awakening against Turkish rule, promoting a relaxed version of Islam that helped rally the country’s large Muslim and Christian communities behind the secular cause of independence.

Though one of Europe’s poorest countries, Albania has a long history of helping people in need, sheltering Jews during World War II and Afghans fleeing the Taliban in 2021. Its international airport is named after Mother Teresa, the ethnic Albanian nun who was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for her charity work in India.

A team of legal experts, including international lawyers, is drafting legislation defining the new state’s sovereign status inside Albania. That will need to be endorsed by Parliament, controlled by Mr. Rama’s governing Socialist Party. It is unclear which, if any, countries will agree to recognize the Bektashis’ sovereignty.

So far, Mr. Rama, a nonpracticing Roman Catholic, said, only a few of his closest aides know about the plan and NATO allies like the United States have not been consulted.

One country that is highly unlikely to recognize it is Iran, which has many mostly underground followers of Sufi Islam, including some Bektashis, but views itself as the guardian of Shiite Islam against heterodox readings of the faith.

“The Iranians are frankly my last thought,” Mr. Rama said, noting that Albania broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in 2022 after linking it to a cyberattack on Albanian government and banking networks.

Baba Mondi has long campaigned against extremism. After Islamist militants killed 12 people in a 2015 attack on the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, the Bektashi leader traveled to Paris along with Mr. Rama, the prime minister, to join a march against terrorism.

He said the new Bektashi state might need a small intelligence service “because we have enemies too” but won’t have an army, border guards or courts. Details such as who will be eligible for passports still have to be worked out, he added, but the passport color has been decided: green, an important color in Islam. Albania allows dual nationality.

Committed to soothing rather than stoking tensions, the new state has already sworn off the curse of many nations — that of territorial ambition. Baba Mondi vowed not to make any attempt to expand his territory by grabbing back land his order once held in the Albanian capital.

The Tirana compound, which originally covered nearly 90 acres, has shrunk by two-thirds since Albania’s former communist dictator, Enver Hoxha, outlawed all religion in 1967 and his government began building warehouses on Bektashi territory in the capital. After the collapse of communism in 1991, the Bektashis lost yet more land when private developers built homes on the edge of the compound without permission.

Mr. Rama said the borders of the proposed Bektashi state would be defined by what the sect has: “What was seized is not part of that,” he said. Squabbles over property ownership, he said, would only undermine the state’s purpose as a “model of coexistence.”

“This is not a property issue but a spiritual issue,” he said.

Baba Mondi, for his part, declared the statehood plan “a miracle” and expressed hope that the United States and other Western powers would recognize his state’s sovereignty if Parliament endorses the prime minister’s plan.

“We deserve a state,” he said, “We are the only ones in the world who tell the truth about Islam” and “don’t mix it up with politics.”

How many Bektashi believers there are in the world is unclear, and even their number in Albania is subject to wildly different estimates, ranging from just a few percent of the country’s population of less than three million to many times that.

Baba Mondi said that around half the total population was Bektashi, the rest being Sunnis, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and evangelical Christians. That is almost certainly an exaggeration, but it reflected a widespread view of the sect, even among some Christians, as Albania’s national religion.

In Kruje, a town north of the capital that is the site of a castle used in the 15th century by Skanderbeg, Albania’s national hero, Ismet Kaciu, a retired Bektashi teacher, said that he had not heard of Mr. Rama’s plans to give his sect Vatican-style sovereignty over the Tirana site.

But, he said during a visit to a Bektashi shrine near Skanderbeg’s castle, he would be overjoyed if that happened. It would, he said, help to keep younger Albanians, including his own four children, who work in Italy, from drifting away from their faith and their country.

Nuri Ceni, a 79-year-old Bektashi historian, hailed the offer of statehood as “a hugely important gift” that would not only strengthen tolerant Islam inside Albania but also help spread “our message of peaceful coexistence regardless of religion or race.”

“We are against all the forms of extremism that are today so dangerous,” he added

Mr. Rama acknowledged that creating a sovereign Islamic state in Tirana would take time. “Maybe everyone will say: ‘This guy is crazy,’” he said. But, he added: “They have said that many times before. I don’t care. The important thing, crazy or not, is to fight for good.”

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Elon Musk’s X Backs Down in Brazil

Elon Musk suddenly appears to be giving up.

After defying court orders in Brazil for three weeks, Mr. Musk’s social network, X, has capitulated. In a court filing on Friday night, the company’s lawyers said that X had complied with orders from Brazil’s Supreme Court in the hopes that the court would lift a block on its site.

The decision was a surprise move by Mr. Musk, who owns and controls X, after he said he had refused to obey what he called illegal orders to censor voices on his social network. Mr. Musk had dismissed local employees and refused to pay fines. The court responded by blocking X across Brazil last month.

Now, X’s lawyers said the company had done exactly what Mr. Musk vowed not to: take down accounts that a Brazilian justice ordered removed because the judge said they threatened Brazil’s democracy. X also complied with the justice’s other demands, including paying fines and naming a new formal representative in the country, the lawyers said.

Brazil’s Supreme Court confirmed X’s moves in a filing on Saturday, but said the company had not filed the proper paperwork. It gave X five days to send further documentation.

The abrupt about-face from Mr. Musk in Brazil appeared to be a defeat for the outspoken businessman and his self-designed image as a warrior for free speech. Mr. Musk and his company had loudly and harshly criticized Brazil’s Supreme Court for months, even publicly releasing some of its sealed orders, but neither had publicly mentioned their reversal by Saturday morning.

The moment showed how, in the yearslong power struggle between tech giants and nation-states, governments have been able to keep the upper hand.

Mr. Musk has had to come to terms with that reality in other countries, including India and Turkey, where his social network complied with orders to censor certain posts. But in Brazil and Australia, he complained about government orders he disagreed with and accused local officials of censorship. His company’s responses to governments have often been in line with his personal politics.

Brazil is one of X’s most important international markets, with analysts estimating that it had more than 20 million users there. Since X has been blocked, Brazilians have flocked to the social network’s rivals: Bluesky and Threads, which is owned by Meta.

The longer X remain blocked, the more Mr. Musk risked losing market share and revenue — problematic for a company that has alienated many American advertisers by allowing users to say just about anything on the site.

Another Musk-controlled company, the satellite-internet service Starlink, was also caught in the crossfire. Brazil’s Supreme Court took $2 million from Starlink in Brazil to cover fines it had issued against X.

Many of the accounts X had been ordered to take down in Brazil belonged to prominent right-wing Brazilian commentators who had once intensely praised Mr. Musk for resisting the court’s orders. Some were now conflicted about his backpedaling.

Mr. Musk “has bowed down,” Paulo Figueiredo, a right-wing pundit who had his X account blocked in Brazil, wrote in a post on Thursday, when X first hired new lawyers in Brazil, signaling a shift in stance. “It’s a very sad day for freedom of expression.”

A day later, Mr. Figueiredo said he understood Mr. Musk’s stance “and appreciates his efforts.”

The turn of events was a major victory for Brazil’s Supreme Court and the powerful justice who has led the push to regulate online speech, Alexandre de Moraes.

Justice Moraes has become one of Brazil’s most polarizing figures since the nation’s Supreme Court granted him broad authority to order tech companies to take down content that he deems a threat to Brazil’s institutions.

Since 2019, he has ordered social networks to take down at least 300 accounts, according to a New York Times analysis of a portion of his court orders, which had been leaked or released publicly. For more than half of those accounts, Justice Moraes did not provide details in the orders for why they should be taken down. He has generally issued such orders under seal, but The Times analyzed orders published by X and U.S. congressional Republicans. There are likely many more orders that remain secret.

Justice Moraes has said that he takes down accounts that attack Brazil’s democratic institutions. When ordering X to be blocked last month, he said it was because Mr. Musk intended to “allow the massive spread of disinformation, hate speech and attacks on the democratic rule of law.”

Mr. Musk had made confronting Justice Moraes one of his pet issues this year, at times posting repeatedly about the judge, insulting him, calling for his jailing and vowing to defy his orders. The issue came to a head when X stopped complying with the judge’s orders and then closed the company’s offices in Brazil to avoid consequences.

The first signs of the reversal came on Thursday, when Justice Moraes said in a court filing that X had hired new lawyers in Brazil.

One of those lawyers, Sérgio Rosenthal, said in a text message on Thursday that X planned to comply with all of the judge’s orders to take down accounts. “The goal is to regularize the company’s situation in Brazil,” he said.

On Saturday morning, a different lawyer, André Zonaro Giacchetta, said the conditions to return to Brazil “have already been met, but it depends on the assessment of” Brazil’s Supreme Court.

As recently as Wednesday, X seemed to still be defying the court. The company appeared to use a technical maneuver to evade efforts by internet providers to block its site in Brazil, allowing it to go live for many users in the country.

The company said in a statement that its return in Brazil on Wednesday was “inadvertent.” Mr. Musk himself seemed to suggest that the return of his network was a supernatural phenomenon rather than an intentional move to sidestep the authorities.

“Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology,” he posted on X.

But Brazil’s telecommunications regulator, Anatel, said in a statement that it believed the change was “a deliberate intention to disregard the Federal Supreme Court’s order.”

​​Justice Moraes seemed to agree, issuing a fine of $1 million per day and blocking the social network again. X remained inaccessible across Brazil on Saturday.

Kate Conger contributed reporting from San Francisco, and Lis Moriconi from Rio de Janeiro. Flávia Milhorance and Paulo Motoryn contributed research.

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Attacks on Hezbollah Alter Balance of Power in Long-Running Fight


Attacks on Hezbollah Alter Balance of Power in Long-Running Fight

A focus on mutual deterrence had kept intermittent clashes along the Lebanon-Israel border from spiraling into a major war. That changed this past week.

Ben Hubbard

Reporting from Istanbul

For the second time in less than two months, Israel located and killed Hezbollah’s most senior and secretive military figures as they held covert meetings near Beirut. And in between those strikes, Israel incapacitated hundreds, if not thousands, of the group’s rank-and-file members by remotely blowing up their pagers and walkie-talkies.

Hezbollah’s response so far: calls for vengeance and routine rocket fire into northern Israel.

The assassination of the senior military leader, Ibrahim Aqeel, and other ranking Hezbollah militants on Friday capped a week that threw Lebanon’s most sophisticated political and military force into deep disarray and appeared to hail a stark shift in the calculations that had long governed the decades-old conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

Since the two forces effectively fought each other to a standstill in a hugely destructive war in 2006, Israel and Hezbollah have been arming up and preparing for the next major confrontation, feeding a situation of mutual deterrence that kept intermittent clashes along the Lebanon-Israel border from spiraling into another big war.

Israelis feared that a new conflict could include Hezbollah’s targeting of sensitive infrastructure inside Israel and well-trained Hezbollah commandos rampaging though Israeli communities. Hezbollah knew that Israel’s air force could swiftly cause extensive destruction in Lebanon, especially in the communities from which the group draws its support.

This past week, however, Israel’s leaders decided to push past that equation and crossed what had been unofficially considered red lines. So far, it appears to have worked.

“Eighteen years of mutual deterrence has now given way to a new phase of one-sided superiority on the part of Israel,” said Lina Khatib, an associate fellow at Chatham House, a London-based research organization. “The facade that Hezbollah had been presenting to the world of it being an impenetrable organization is shattered, and Israel has displayed with flair how much of an upper hand it has in this equation vis-à-vis Hezbollah.”

Both Israel and Hezbollah confirmed that Mr. Aqeel, whom Israel described as leading Hezbollah’s Radwan force, an elite combat unit, had been killed in the airstrike on Friday, and Hezbollah on Saturday announced the deaths of about a dozen other fighters, including Ahmed Wahbi, another ranking commander. The Israeli military said that at least 16 Hezbollah fighters had been killed in the strike on Mr. Aqeel, but did not identify them.

The attack, in a densely populated area south of Beirut known as the Dahiya, brought down two eight-story buildings and terrified people across the Lebanese capital.

On Saturday, Lebanon’s health ministry said the toll from the strike had risen to 37 dead, including three children, and 68 wounded. In the aftermath, Lebanese families circulated images of missing relatives on social media, including children. Overall, 70 people have been killed in Lebanon since Tuesday, and about 3,000 injured.

Friday’s strike followed 11 months of tit-for-tat strikes between Hezbollah and Israel across the Lebanon-Israel border that killed people on both sides and forced about 150,000 residents to flee their homes. Hezbollah began striking northern Israel after the start of the war in Gaza last October, saying that it was seeking to bog down Israeli forces in support of Hamas, its ally in Gaza.

The Hamas assault on southern Israel on Oct. 7 that started the war killed about 1,200 people and saw 250 dragged back to Gaza, damaging Israel’s sense of security and changing how its leaders thought about the threats on their borders.

Israel launched a war on Hamas in Gaza that aimed to destroy the group. Months of cease-fire negotiations have failed to stop the violence, and the Gaza health authorities say that more than 41,000 people have been killed.

Israel’s tolerance for Hezbollah’s military presence on its northern border has also declined, and even before this past week Israeli officials regularly called for stepped-up attacks on the group.

“It has been very clear since the first months of the war that Israel is saying, ‘This threat that we lived with for 18 years, we are not able to live with it any more,’” said Paul Salem, the vice president for international engagement at the Middle East Institute in Washington. “‘We can’t have this massive force on our northern border.’”

Underpinning the status quo before the Gaza war was an Israeli resistance to risking losses and sustaining damage compared with the professed willingness of Hezbollah fighters to die for their cause, Mr. Salem said. That dynamic, too, has changed.

“The simple threat of Hezbollah causing damage no longer has the same effect on Israel that it had before Oct. 7,” he said.

This past week, Israel dramatically upended how it fights Hezbollah by infiltrating the group’s supply chain to booby-trap thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies, severely disrupting its communications, in addition to conventional airstrikes like the one that killed Mr. Aqeel and other commanders. That combination has constricted Hezbollah’s ability to respond.

“Hezbollah has been backed into a corner by Israel,” said Ms. Khatib of Chatham House. “Even if its military arsenal remains intact, its ability to deploy it has been curtailed.”

On Friday, Yoav Gallant, Israel’s defense minister, said that Israel would continue its “series of actions in the new stage” of its conflict with Hezbollah until tens of thousands of Israelis displaced from the border area can return home. Some experts view that language as suggesting that Israel’s plans could include a ground invasion.

In a speech on Thursday, Hezbollah’s leaders said they welcomed such a step. Hezbollah was formed in the 1980s to fight the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, which ended in 2000, and fighting on their own turf could give its guerrilla fighters an advantage.

Despite Israel’s superior firepower, it has not managed to defeat Hamas in 11 months of brutal combat in Gaza, whose borders are closed. Hezbollah is widely regarded as a more sophisticated force and could take advantage of Lebanon’s open borders to rearm in a way that Hamas cannot.