rfi 2024-10-18 00:12:51


EU leaders confront tough decisions on migration and asylum policies

Migration is dominating Thursday’s European Union summit in Brussels, with Poland calling for a united EU stance against Russia and Belarus, accusing them of using migrants as a weapon. Poland is also pushing for stricter laws on deporting irregular migrants, while the Netherlands mulls a controversial plan to send asylum-seekers to Uganda.

The summit will cover a range of topics, including Ukraine, the Middle East, competitiveness, and climate change. But migration, particularly how to handle arrivals coming by land from the east and by sea from the south, is expected to take centre stage.

Most EU governments see the influx of irregular migrants as a political and security risk, feeding the rise of far-right and populist parties across the continent.

Summit chair Charles Michel said leaders would focus on concrete measures to prevent irregular migration, including strengthened border control, enhanced partnerships, and reinforced return policies.

While irregular arrivals last year were less than a third of the 1 million seen during the 2015 migration crisis, the number fell even further in the first nine months of 2023 to 166,000, according to data from Frontex, the EU’s border agency.

However, Frontex reported a 192 percent surge in people arriving at the EU’s border with Belarus in January-September, bringing the total to 13,195. Arrivals in the Spanish Canary Islands also doubled, reaching 30,616.

A ‘top priority’

Diplomats note that although the overall number of arrivals is decreasing, public perception remains different, fuelled by high-profile incidents like the Solingen knife attack by an Islamic State sympathiser in Germany this August.

Migration has become one of the top political priorities in most EU countries, a senior EU diplomat said, adding that right wing politicians framed events like Solingen as a failure of the immigration debate.

“It’s populist parties using fear to turn this issue into something that helps them, and the result is that in order to battle this perception, you actually need to do something,” the diplomat added.

Germany, ahead of elections next September, has reintroduced border checks with its neighbours, suspending the passport-free Schengen zone. France, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Italy and Slovenia have also implemented border controls.

  • EU weighs creating migrant ‘return hubs’ to speed up deportations
  • First wave of asylum-seekers from Italy arrive in Albania under 2023 migrant deal

Dutch plan fuels debate

In the Netherlands, a plan to send rejected African asylum seekers to Uganda has gained support from two of the four coalition parties.

Far-right leader Geert Wilders of the PVV Freedom Party, the largest in the Dutch parliament, called the proposal “fantastic”, national broadcaster NOS reported.

He posted on social media: “Fewer asylum seekers, more Netherlands.”

Coalition partner SNC Social Contract is also “generally positive” about the idea of setting up return hubs outside the EU.

SNC MP Diederik Boomsma said the plan could help tackle the problem of rejected asylum seekers who cannot be deported, but stressed that human rights must be respected.

“People must be treated well,” he said, adding that Uganda’s track record on this issue is worrying. “That is a concern. Therefore, we need to make good agreements.”

Nicholas Opiyo, one of Uganda’s most prominent human rights lawyers and the director of Chapter Four Uganda, criticised the proposal, warning that “if rejected asylum seekers are forced to go to Uganda, they will end up in a sort of no man’s land”.

He called the plan “very concerning,” adding, “in Uganda, they have no status. In the Netherlands, they have no status. They fled their countries. You’re only putting people in further danger.”

The plan, unveiled by the PVV earlier this week, would see Uganda receive financial compensation from the Netherlands in exchange for hosting rejected asylum seekers.

It mirrors similar proposals by the UK and Denmark to send migrants to Rwanda, both of which were later scrapped, as well as Italy’s recent deal to send them to Albania.

(with newswires)


Water crisis driven by climate change threatens global food production

The world’s supplies of fresh water can no longer be counted on due to a shift in rainfall patterns caused by climate change, a major report has warned. It’s calling for global cooperation to address a problem that could put more than half of the world’s food production at risk by 2050.

Climate change, destructive land use and mismanagement of supplies has put the global water cycle under “unprecedented stress”, the Global Commission on the Economics of Water (GCEW) warned in a report published Thursday.

“Nearly three billion people and more than half of the world’s food production are now in areas where total water storage is projected to decline,” said the GCEW, a two-year research initiative set up by the Netherlands in 2022.

Densely populated regions are especially vulnerable to freshwater shortages, it said, including northwestern India, northeastern China and southern and eastern Europe.

Agriculture is impacted, with global cereal production falling by as much 23 percent if current trends continue.

  • Curbs on water as French Alps and Riviera endure painful drought
  • Europe unprepared for ‘catastrophic’ climate risks: EU agency

Vicious cycle

Rising temperatures have created a vicious cycle, leading to the loss of “green water”, the moisture contained in soils and plant life, whose evaporation provides around half of global rainfall.

High temperatures leads to drier soil, which worsens droughts and wildfires, causing more degradation and biodiversity loss, which further reduces the amount of available “green water” in the soil.

Disruptions of the water cycle “have major global economic impacts,” said the report.

The water crisis could lead to an 8 percent drop in GDP on average for high-income countries by 2050 and as much as 15 percent for lower-income countries.

The economic declines would be a consequence of “the combined effects of changing precipitation patterns and rising temperatures due to climate change, together with declining total water storage and lack of access to clean water and sanitation”.

Global cooperation

The report called for the water cycle to be viewed as a “global common good”, which governments must work together to protect.

“We are going to have to set common goals for water sustainability,” said Singapore’s President Tharman Shanmugaratnam, co-chair of the GCEW, at a briefing ahead of the report’s launch.

“Ultimately, it will require a global water pact. It is going to take several years to get there, but we are going to start that process.”

The report called for the elimination of “harmful subsidies in water-intensive sectors or redirecting them towards water-saving solutions”, noting that poor and vulnerable communities must receive particular care.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director general of the World Trade Organisation and another GCEW co-chair, said some $600 billion in annual agriculture subsidies that encourage the over consumption of water must be redirected, and that there must be a shift away from planting of water-intensive crops in unsuitable regions.

(with AFP, Reuters)


Zelensky defends ‘victory plan’ before EU leaders and NATO defence chiefs

Brussels (AFP) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday defended his “victory plan” for Ukraine to both EU leaders and NATO defence ministers at a one-day summit that was also heavily dominated by migration.

More than two and a half years into the war, Kyiv is losing new territory almost daily in its eastern Donbas region and under mounting pressure to forge an exit strategy – which it says must start with ramped-up Western support.

“Now we are on the way to Brussels,” Zelensky said in a video posted as he made the trip. “I will present the victory plan, our tool for forcing Russia to peace. All European leaders will hear how we need to strengthen our position. We need to end this war justly.”

Zelensky heads first to the EU summit where he will address the media in the late morning, with a joint press conference with NATO chief Mark Rutte later in the day – wrapping the first of two days of talks between the alliance’s 32 member states.

While calling it a “strong signal,” the NATO secretary-general cautioned Wednesday he was not endorsing Zelensky’s “whole plan” – which calls first and foremost for an immediate invitation to join the US-led alliance, a plea widely seen as unrealistic.

NATO countries have declared Ukraine to be on an “irreversible path” to membership.

But the United States and Germany have led opposition to immediate entry, believing it would effectively put the alliance at war with nuclear-armed Russia.

Washington’s ambassador to NATO, Julianne Smith, hammered the message home Wednesday, saying: “We are not at the point right now where the alliance is talking about issuing an invitation in the short term.”

The US position is unlikely to shift whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris wins the White House on November 5 – though there are fears a second Trump term could upend the support Ukraine receives from NATO’s biggest power.

Insiders agree the elephant in the room at the NATO talks will be the contest playing out across the Atlantic.

“We are in a kind of waiting mode,” summed up one NATO diplomat.

Ukrainian soldiers get crash course in combat at French military base

‘Very difficult period’

Pressed on the membership question, Rutte reiterated NATO’s party line, saying: “I cannot today now exactly sketch out what the path will be, but I am absolutely confident that in the future, Ukraine will join us.”

But Ukraine’s allies are well aware that time is of the essence.

“It’s a very difficult period, the worst since the beginning of the invasion,” said a second NATO diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity.

In addition to membership, Zelensky’s plan rejects any territorial concessions and calls for Western allies to lift restrictions on using donated long-range weapons to target Russian military sites.

According to Zelensky, an annexe – shared with the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Germany – involves deploying a “non-nuclear strategic deterrence package” on Ukrainian territory to discourage future Russian attacks.

None of the proposals have so far earned public backing from Western capitals.

For NATO in the meantime, Rutte said the focus was on keeping “massive military aid moving into Ukraine” in order “to make sure that if ever one day Zelensky and his team decide to discuss with Russia how to end this, that he will do this from a position of strength.”

For a third NATO official, the setbacks inflicted on Russian President Vladimir Putin since the invasion are already sufficient to justify seeking a negotiated outcome – rather than letting the war drag on indefinitely.

‘Various ways to define victory’

“There are various ways to define victory or to define defeat,” they said. “He has lost already because his initial aim was to capture Kyiv, to kick out the government, to send Zelensky in exile and to install a puppet regime.”

On the eve of the NATO meeting, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for exploring ways to end the war – potentially including talks with Putin.

But according to an alliance diplomat other voices still fear that anything short of an outright victory for Kyiv would spell “disaster” – ensuring that an emboldened Russia does not stop there.

High hopes were pinned on a meeting of Ukraine’s backers including Washington at the Ramstein US air base in western Germany, but the meeting was called off and may not be rescheduled before the US election.

In the meantime, as Russian forces pound its cities and infrastructure, Ukraine is pleading for stepped-up air defence systems – but no new announcements were expected from NATO on that front.


French police release anti-Western firebrand Kemi Seba without charge

Controversial activist Kemi Seba, known for his fiercely anti-Western, pan-Africanist stance, has been released from French custody without charges, two days after he was arrested in Paris.

French prosecutors confirmed on Thursday that Seba was released the day before, although preliminary investigations into his activities are continuing.

The France-born activist, whose real name is Stellio Gilles Robert Capo Chichi, was detained on Monday on suspicion of “foreign interference” in French affairs.

He has previously been sentenced in France several times for incitement to racial hatred, is often accused of antisemitism and was stripped of his French nationality in July.

Seba’s lawyer, Juan Branco, told a press conference the arrest came as part of an investigation into colluding with a foreign power to incite aggression or hostility against France and undermining its national interests.

Such charges carry a possible sentence of up to 30 years in prison, Branco said.

An aide of Seba and organiser in his social justice movement Urgences Panafricanistes (“Pan-Africanist Emergencies”), Hery Djehuty, was apprehended with him and freed at the same time. 

Celebrating their release, Seba posted on X: “We are free. Those who want to extinguish us will have to wait… We are not fighting against a country, but against a system of oppression that is suffocating Africa and the West Indies.”

  • Controversial pan-African activist Kemi Seba detained in Paris
  • Senegal celebrates pioneer of African history Cheikh Anta Diop

Anti-France, pro-Russia

According to his lawyer, Seba – travelling on a diplomatic passport issued by Niger – came to France to visit his sick father.

Branco described his arrest as “violent” and suggested it was politically motivated. 

Born in France to parents from Benin, Seba was last year accused by French lawmaker Thomas Gassilloud – then chairman of parliament’s defence committee – of being a mouthpiece “for Russian propaganda” and serving “a foreign power that fuels anti-French sentiment”.

Seba has publicly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and aligned himself with pro-Russian networks, while two groups that he founded were dissolved by France’s Justice Ministry for disseminating “racist and antisemitic” ideology.

Urgences Panafricanistes claims to fight against Western colonialism and is notably involved in protesting the CFA franc – a currency system used by 14 countries in Africa and part-managed by France.


Martinique strikes deal with distributors to cut soaring food prices

Authorities in Martinique have struck a deal with supermarkets and distributors to lower food prices, but protesters say the move doesn’t go far enough. Demonstrations over the high cost of living have rocked the French Caribbean island for weeks, some turning violent.

Prefect Jean-Christophe Bouvier on Wednesday announced an agreement between local authorities and supermarket distributors to lower the cost of some food items by an average of 20 percent.

Residents have long complained of the high cost of living on the island, where food prices are 40 percent higher than in mainland France, due mainly to import costs.

The Assembly for the Protection of Afro-Caribbean Peoples and Resources (RPPRAC), which has organised protests since the start of September, refused to sign the agreement, saying it does not cover enough food prices.

The accord was signed between local authorities, national lawmakers, supermarkets, wholesale distributors, the port and transport operators, after a seventh round of negotiations.

RPPRAC leader Rodrigue Petitot said the agreement does not go far enough. It covers “a list of 54 families of products, that correspond to the food products that are most consumed in Martinique”, according to the prefect.

Petitot says it covers 6,000 out of 40,000 products, which is not enough.

The group has called for the Minister for Overseas affairs François-Noël Buffet to travel to Martinique.

“As long as the minister does not come, no one can move around the Island,” Petitot said, referring to roadblocks and port blockages that would continue.

Local authorities have banned some demonstrations, and earlier this week extended a nighttime curfew until at least Monday.

(with AFP)


UN report warns 1.1 billion people are living in acute poverty

United Nations (AFP) – More than one billion people are living in acute poverty across the globe, a UN Development Program report said Thursday, with children accounting for over half of those affected.

The paper published with the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) highlighted that poverty rates were three times higher in countries at war, as 2023 saw the most conflicts around the world since the Second World War.

The UNDP and the OPHI have published their Multidimensional Poverty Index annually since 2010, harvesting data from 112 countries with a combined population of 6.3 billion people.

It uses indicators such as a lack of adequate housing, sanitation, electricity, cooking fuel, nutrition and school attendance.

“The 2024 MPI paints a sobering picture: 1.1 billion people endure multidimensional poverty, of which 455 million live in the shadow of conflict,” said Yanchun Zhang, chief statistician at the UNDP.

“For the poor in conflict-affected countries, the struggle for basic needs is a far harsher and more desperate battle,” Zhang told AFP.

Porridge is staving off child malnutrition in Madagascar – for nine cents a bowl

The report echoed last year’s findings that 1.1 billion out of 6.1 billion people across 110 countries were facing extreme multidimensional poverty.

Thursday’s paper showed that some 584 million people under 18 were experiencing extreme poverty, accounting for 27.9 percent of children worldwide, compared with 13.5 percent of adults.

It also showed that 83.2 percent of the world’s poorest people live in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Sabina Alkire, director of the OPHI, told AFP that conflicts were hindering efforts for poverty reduction.

“At some level, these findings are intuitive. But what shocked us was the sheer magnitude of people who are struggling to live a decent life and at the same time fearing for their safety –- 455 million,” she said.

“This points to a stark but unavoidable challenge to the international community to both zero in on poverty reduction and foster peace, so that any ensuing peace actually endures,” Alkire added.

India was the country with the largest number of people in extreme poverty, which impacts 234 million of its 1.4 billion population.

It was followed by Pakistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The five countries accounted for nearly half of the 1.1 billion poor people.

France – Syria

French judges order trial of Lafarge over terror financing at plant in Syria

French investigating judges have ordered the cement group Lafarge to stand trial in criminal court on charges of financing terrorism, as it paid off jihadist groups to keep a plant in Syria in operation until 2014, when the Islamic State armed group took control of large parts of the country.

The company, along with eight individuals, including former CEO Bruno Lafont, are accused of having “organised, validated, facilitated or implemented a policy presuming to send financing to terrorist organisations established around the cement factory” in the Syrian town of Jalabiya, according to the referral consulted by AFP.

The company, which has since been acquired by Swiss conglomerate Holcim, is accused of having paid €5 million in 2013 and 2014, via its subsidiary Lafarge Cement Syria, to jihadist groups, including the Islamic State armed group, to keep the plant operating in the face of the war.

In return for the payments, local militias allowed free movement for the company’s trucks and employees.

The referral says the company could have closed the plant at any moment, especially after learning that its payments were going to militant groups, but it did not.

Other defendants include operational managers, security officials and Syrian middlemen, though charges were dropped against former director of security Jean-Claude Veillard, who had been under investigation since the end of 2017.

The human rights organisations Sherpa and European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, plaintiffs in this case said they “welcome this significant development after eight years of legal proceedings”, but cautioned that the trial should not take attention away from the fact that the company remains under investigation for alleged complicity with crimes against humanity.

In January a judge declined to indict the company for endangering the lives of its Syrian workers.

(with AFP)

French football

France midfielder Pogba vows to fight for role at Juventus at end of drugs ban

French World Cup winner Paul Pogba on Thursday vowed to fight to regain his place in the line-up at the Italian giants Juventus once his ban for doping expires next March.

The 31-year-old midfieder was suspended from competition for four years in February 2024 after he failed a post match drugs test in August 2023.

Pogba, who scored to give France a 3-1 lead in the 4-2 victory over Croatia in the 2018 World Cup final in Moscow, appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport which said the ban should be reduced to 18 months.

“I am a Juve player and I am preparing to play for Juve,” Pogba told the Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport.

“I’m prepared to give up money to be able to play for Juve again,” he added.  “I want to come back to this club.”

Before leaving Juventus for Manchester United in 2016, Pogba won eight trophies with including four Serie A titles.

During his time in Manchester, Pogba was part of the squad which claimed the League Cup and the Europa League.


His return to Italy has been marred by injuries which kept him out of the France’s 2022 World Cup squad.

On Monday in an interview with the French sports channel L’Equipe TV, Pogba said: “Football is the strawberry cake that was taken out of my mouth. But the nightmare is over. I am really looking forward to coming back.”

His return, though, might find obstacles. Rumours have been circulating in the Italian press that Juventus want to terminate Pogba’s contract.

Newly installed Juventus boss Thiago Motta might also relegate Pogba’s role.

The former Paris Saint-Germain star took over at Juve after two seasons at Bologna. The 42-year-old ex Italy international has made a positive start to the campaign with three wins and four draws from the first seven games.

“I want to be ready to train and play with Juve,” Pogba told Gazzetto dello Sport. “I am a Juve player, in my mind, that is all there is at the moment.”


Paris unveils green ambitions for Notre-Dame Cathedral

As Paris’ Notre-Dame cathedral gears up to reopen in December, the centre of the city is on the verge of an eco-revival, with plans to bring nature to the area around the monument and many of the French capital’s most famous historical attractions.

To accompany the restoration of Notre-Dame’s spire and medieval charm, Paris City Hall announced plans on Tuesday to revamp its surroundings into a serene, green oasis.

Posting on X, Paris City Hall announced: “Development of the area around Notre-Dame will begin in autumn 2025. A major step that will accompany the reopening of the cathedral”.

The €50 million project echoes a broader, post-Olympics eco-facelift that will reshape Paris, from its historic monuments to its bustling avenues.

The reopening of Notre-Dame on 8 December promises to be an historic moment for Paris, fulfilling President Emmanuel Macron’s vow made after the 2019 devastating fire for a five-year timeline.

While the cathedral’s spire and oak-framed roof have been restored to their pre-fire glory, Paris City Hall’s plans for the area around Notre Dame are bringing something new.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and other officials Tuesday presented a project that will create 1,800 square metres of green space with 160 new trees.

The redesign includes transforming the underground parking area into a visitor space with services and amenities.

The Seine’s adjacent quays will also be turned into a new promenade along the river.

The project will unfold in two phases and is set to be completed by 2030.

  • Five years after devastating fire, race to rebuild Notre-Dame gains pace

City of Light ‘goes green’

Among the key elements of Paris’ broader green transformation is the revitalisation of spaces like the Champs-Elysées and Place de la Concorde, a redesign aimed at reducing traffic around the Arc de Triomphe, and green promenades connecting the French capital’s landmarks.

At the heart of Paris, the Place de la Concorde – home to the 3,300-year-old Luxor Obelisk – will also undergo a significant overhaul between 2026 and 2027. 

The nearby Louvre Museum – the world’s most visited – will undergo its own transformation under the “Louvre 2030” project.

While €30 million will be invested in the Champs-Elysées, beginning with the renovation of its sidewalks, tree bases, and gardens that started in preparation for the Olympics. 

  • Minister seeks to add Eiffel Tower to state heritage list amid Olympics logo row

Post-Olympic politics

However, not everyone agrees on Paris’s post-Olympics makeover. 

Hidalgo and Culture Minister Rachida Dati are engaged in a battle over the future of the Eiffel Tower, with Hidalgo proposing to keep the Olympic rings beyond the Games, which ended in August.

She has argued that the rings symbolise the “festive spirit” of the successful Paris Olympics and wants them to remain at least until the next Summer Games in Los Angeles in 2028. 

Critics, however, say Hidalgo is using the Eiffel Tower as a political billboard to boost her image before the 2026 mayoral election, in which she is expected to face off against Dati. 

Dati has opposed the plan, arguing that the tower is a protected heritage site and can’t be altered without proper consultation. 

She has gone further, launching an ultimatum to push for the Eiffel Tower to be classified as a full historical monument – something Hidalgo has resisted.

This would add extra layers of bureaucratic protection and control, potentially thwarting Hidalgo’s plans. 


Israel slams Macron as a ‘disgrace’ over French arms fair ban

Israel’s minister of defence has slammed French President Emmanuel Macron and called him a ‘disgrace’ after Israeli delegations were banned from exhibiting at an upcoming defence show near Paris.

Taking to social media on Wednesday, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant posted on X: “Macron’s actions are a disgrace to the French nation and the values of the free world, which he claims to uphold. The decision to discriminate against Israeli defence industries in France a second time – aids Israel’s enemies during war.”

The comments came after France banned Israeli firms from exhibiting at a naval arms trade show next month and is the latest incident in a row fueled by the Macron government’s unease over Israel’s conduct in the wars in Gaza and Lebanon.

The ban also follows the failure of French efforts to secure a truce in the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon and as Israel carries out more airstrikes on targets in the country.

It is the second time this year that France has banned Israel arms manufacturers from a major defence show.

In May, France said the conditions were not right for them to take part in the Eurosatory military trade show when President Macron was calling for Israel to cease operations in Gaza.

Euronaval, organiser of the event set to take place in Paris from 4 to 7 November said in a statement Wednesday that the French government had informed it that Israeli delegations were not allowed to exhibit stands or show equipment, but could attend the trade show.

The decision directly affects some seven Israeli firms.

  • France, contributing states condemn Israeli attacks on peacekeepers in Lebanon
  • ‘Shame on them’: Netanyahu slams French call to cut off Israel’s arms supply 

Macron and Netanyahu

Diplomatic sparring between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Emmanuel Macron has spiked in recent weeks after Paris had worked with Washington to secure a 21-day truce in Lebanon that would then open the door to negotiations on a long-term diplomatic solution.

Believing Israel had agreed to the terms, France and the United States were caught by surprise when the next day Israel launched strikes that killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Macron has repeatedly frustrated Netanyahu in recent weeks, following incidents where UN peacekeeping forces were caught in Israeli crossfire in southern Lebanon, and his calls for halting the supply of offensive weapons to Israel in Gaza.

On Tuesday, Macron told a cabinet meeting that Netanyahu should not forget that his country was created by a UN decision.

In response, Netanyahu’s office said that Israel was established through “the War of Independence with the blood of our heroic fighters, many of whom were Holocaust survivors, including from the Vichy régime in France” – referring to the French government that had collaborated with Nazi Germany.

(With newswires)


EU, Gulf leaders hold first ever summit to tackle Middle East crisis

Iran, Ukraine and energy security are dominating talks at the first-ever European Union-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit, which opened in Brussels on Wednesday.

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman joined five other Gulf leaders for the historic meeting with EU heads of state, raising hopes for a stronger partnership between the two blocs.

The summit comes as conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon intensify, with fears growing of a wider regional war.

“One of the objectives is to avoid a general conflagration,” a senior EU official told the French news agency AFP – referring to the escalating violence between Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

Shared concerns

While energy, trade, and climate are on the table, the main focus is the Middle East. Both sides are seeking ways to prevent the crisis from spiralling further.

“We share the same concerns about peace and security in the whole region,” said Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief diplomat.

The Gulf states have traditionally been Western allies but have developed closer ties with Iran in recent years, complicating their position.

From protector to onlooker: how France lost its influence in Lebanon

Nevertheless, the EU sees them as key players in addressing the violence in Gaza and Lebanon.

The European Union has called for a ceasefire, and Gulf nations have long advocated for the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

“The Saudis are a driving force within the GCC,” Abdullah Baabood, of the Malcolm H Kerr Carnegie Middle East Centre, told European political publication The Parliament.

“Having him there will help the relationship.”

Trade talks

The GCC and the EU have been in discussions for decades about a free trade deal, but negotiations have stalled since 2008.

Despite this, the EU remains the second-largest trading partner for the Gulf region, with total trade in goods last year valued at €170 billion.

With Europe aiming to reduce its dependence on Russian oil and gas amid the war in Ukraine, the summit is also seen as an opportunity to strengthen energy ties.

French navy deploys near Lebanon as Israel launches ground raids on Hezbollah

Human Rights Watch has urged EU leaders to address political repression, free expression, and labour rights with their Gulf counterparts.

The official summit agenda, however, makes no mention of these concerns.

“EU leaders should make it clear that the release of critics and progress on human rights are vital for bilateral relations,” said Claudio Francavilla, associate EU director at Human Rights Watch.

The outcome of the summit will set the tone for future cooperation between the EU and the GCC in both economic and security matters.

(With newswires)


Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson has requested political asylum from France

Paul Watson, the  anti-whaling activist and founder of Sea Shepherd, has requested political asylum from French President Emmanuel Macron.

Lamya Essemlali, head of Sea Shepherd France, revealed at a press conference in Paris that Watson sent a letter to Macron several days ago requesting asylum.

Watson arrest

The 73-year-old US-Canadian activist was arrested in July in Nuuk, Greenland’s capital.

Outcry in France as Greenland keeps anti-whaling crusader Paul Watson in jail

From prison, Watson “wrote a letter to Emmanuel Macron,” Essemlali confirmed, stating that he is seeking asylum in France.

Watson was detained while his ship, the John Paul DeJoria, was refueling en route to confront a Japanese whaling vessel in the North Pacific, according to the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (CPWF).

His arrest is linked to a 2012 Japanese warrant accusing him of damaging a whaling ship in 2010 and injuring a crew member with a stink bomb during an anti-whaling protest.

Greenland extends detention of anti-whaling activist Paul Watson

France, where Watson resided prior to his arrest, has asked Denmark to prevent his extradition. Watson’s French lawyer, François Zimeray, argued at the press conference that Watson merely exposed Japan’s illegal whaling activities and warned that Watson “will never get a fair trial” if extradited.

Zimeray added that “if imprisoned in Japan, he will never get out alive.”

In September, Watson’s legal team reached out to the UN special rapporteur on environmental defenders, expressing concerns that he could face “inhumane treatment” in Japanese prisons.

War in Ukraine

Ukrainian soldiers get crash course in combat at French military base

More than 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers have swapped a country at war for a military camp in eastern France, where they’re receiving a crash course in combat. But with only a few months before the recruits head to the front lines, their French trainers are seeking to recreate the conditions in Ukraine as faithfully as possible. 

“What’s striking on first contact is that they arrive in a country at peace, and there’s a stress that immediately disappears,” says Colonel Guillaume Vancina, one of the officers in charge of training the Ukrainian troops. 

“That’s a very important aspect, and one that I think allows them to work with a certain calm.” 

Some 2,300 soldiers began arriving in France from Ukraine in September and will spend around three months in training at an unnamed base in the east of the country. 

While allies throughout Europe and beyond have offered assistance since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, this is one of the largest Ukrainian contingents yet trained by another country on its own soil.  

Together with another 2,200 troops completing training in Ukraine, they will ultimately form Ukrainian Brigade Number 155 – also known as the “Anna Kyivska” or “Anne de Kiev” brigade, after a medieval Kyiv-born princess who married King Henri I and became queen of France. 

Fresh recruits 

It’s a steep learning curve for many of the recruits, Vancina told reporters last week.

“Their profiles are very varied, lots of them are conscripts but there are also volunteers.”  

While the brigade is led by an experienced Ukrainian officer and includes a “small percentage” of veterans, as a unit created from scratch and still in training, “there are a lot of new recruits in the ranks”.  

France has allocated some 1,500 personnel to prepare them for frontline combat. 

“First off there’s a whole set of basics to get to grips with, and that’s going to take a bit of time,” said Vancina. “So no, we don’t throw them straight into a combat environment, but that will come very quickly.” 

Training techniques include using simulation devices to subject the soldiers to the noise of battle. The Ukrainian military wants them to be ready for the conditions they’re heading into, Vancina said.  

“They’re very exacting. They’re at war, and they’re asking for everything they can get.” 

Battle simulation 

France’s army has also sought to replicate the terrain that Ukrainian recruits will encounter, according to General Damien Wallaert, deputy chief of air-land operations. 

“We dug over 600 metres of trenches and buried combat posts,” he said. “We took into account what they told us about the size, dimension and depth of the trenches they were digging in Ukraine, so that they could train in conditions as close as possible to the real thing.” 

For the same reason, drones are a daily part of the soldiers’ training – either as backup or to simulate threats. 

“Again, the aim is to expose them to conditions as close to reality as possible in terms of noise, stress and fatigue,” Wallaert said, “so that it’s as realistic as it can be and when the day comes, they have the right reflexes, survive the battle and win.” 

Show of support

The French officers spoke to the press on the day President Emmanuel Macron inspected the new Ukrainian brigade, accompanied by the defence ministers of France and Ukraine. 

The visit, the first time Macron has met some of the 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers that France has trained over the past two years of war, was intended to highlight the country’s continued support ahead of talks with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky. 

Zelensky has been meeting with several European leaders over the past week in a bid to get their backing for what he has called an “action plan” to pave the way for finally ending the fighting. 

He has not yet shared the details publicly, instead promising that he will discuss them at a peace conference expected in November.

The Ukrainian president has also been pushing Western countries to sign off on long-range missile strikes against Russia, using weapons supplied by Ukraine’s allies.

While the United States and others are wary of escalating the conflict, Macron has previously said that Kyiv should be free to “neutralise” Russian bases firing missiles on Ukraine.

France’s Macron reaffirms possibility of sending troops to Ukraine

This story was adapted from a report in French by RFI’s Franck Alexandre.


First wave of asylum-seekers from Italy arrive in Albania under 2023 migrant deal

A naval ship carrying migrants intercepted in Italian waters has docked in Albania, nearly a year after Rome and Tirana reached a controversial deal to process asylum-seekers.

Sixteen men from Bangladesh and Egypt disembarked from an Italian navy vessel at Shengjin port shortly before 10:00am local time on Wednesday morning and were escorted in small groups towards the gates of an Italian-run processing centre just a few metres from the vessel.

Amnesty International has called the centres a “cruel experiment [that] is a stain on the Italian government”.

Italy will run two migrant detention centres in Albania, surrounded by high walls and security cameras – one in Shengjin and the other one in Gjader, 20 kilometres from the port.

The centres will be operated under Italian law, with Italian security and staff, with judges hearing cases by video from Rome.

According to Italian diplomats, more than 300 Italian soldiers, doctors and judges are involved in the operation.


After disembarking in Shengjin, the migrants will be registered and undergo health checks.

They will then be transferred to the Gjader centre, where they will be accommodated in prefabricated houses of some 12 square metres and await the processing of their asylum claims.

Cells have been set up on site for applicants whose asylum requests are refused.

  • Albania’s controversial migrant deal with Italy sparks anger on all sides

‘Courageous’ or ‘cruel’

Rights groups have questioned whether there will be enough protection for the asylum seekers and have expressed doubts as to whether the move complies with international law.

But Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has brushed aside criticism, saying Tuesday: “It is a new, courageous, unprecedented path, but one that perfectly reflects the European spirit and has everything it takes to be followed also with other non-EU nations”.

The arrangement between the two countries is a European first, which other leaders in the region are watching closely.

The migrants’ arrival in Albania comes ahead of a European Union summit in Brussels this week, where migration is on the table.

  • EU countries tighten border checks amid security and migration fears

In a letter to member states ahead of the talks, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said the bloc would “be able to draw lessons from this [Albania] experience in practice”.

The project was agreed in a November 2023 deal between Meloni and her Albanian counterpart Edi Rama.

Set to last five years, it will cost Italy an estimated €160 million a year.

Migrants intercepted in Italian waters who are deemed the most vulnerable – like women and children – are due to be taken to Italy.

Albania’s centres will have a capacity of 1,000 initially growing to 3,000 in the long term.

(With AFP)


Mbappé to take legal action for libel over Swedish rape investigation

Paris (AFP) – Kylian Mbappe was “shocked” to see his name linked to a Swedish rape investigation and the Real Madrid and France star will take legal action for libel, his lawyer has said.

Mbappe’s lawyer, Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard, insisted that the captain of the French national team was “at ease” because “he has done nothing wrong”, after media reports in Sweden said the player was a suspect following a visit with friends to Stockholm.

A Swedish prosecutor said on Tuesday that a rape investigation had been opened without mentioning Mbappe.

Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen, as well as public broadcaster SVT, reported that Mbappe was the target of the investigation, following his two-day visit to the city last week.

Speaking to AFP, Canu-Bernard said Mbappe had “asked my office not to leave things as they are because it is impossible to allow yourself to be slandered and defamed in this way”.

“This is why we are going to file a complaint for libel.”

PSG and former star striker Mbappé begin fight over unpaid wages

Sweden’s Prosecution Authority said that the alleged rape had occurred at a hotel on 10 October but did not name a suspect and said no further information could be shared for the moment.

“In response to media reports about a suspected rape in Stockholm, the prosecutor can confirm that a criminal report has been submitted to the police,” a statement said.

According to a filing with the Stockholm district court reviewed by AFP, the alleged offence took place at the upscale Bank Hotel in the centre of Sweden’s capital.

The names of the plaintiff and the suspect were both redacted in the document.

Expressen on Monday identified Mbappe as the suspect, citing anonymous sources, while Aftonbladet and SVT said Tuesday they had also obtained information confirming Mbappe was the suspect.

Expressen said Mbappe was “reasonably suspected” of rape and sexual assault, the lower of two degrees of suspicion in the Swedish legal system.

According to the Prosecution Authority, the higher degree of suspicion, “probable cause”, is usually a prerequisite for a suspect to be remanded in custody prior to a formal charge.

Lawyer Petra Lund, who represents the plaintiff, told AFP that she “could not give any comment at this stage”.

Seized evidence

The French star was not selected for his country’s latest round of UEFA Nations League matches, and so visited the Swedish capital with a group of people from last Wednesday.

According to Aftonbladet, they dined at a restaurant before going to a nightclub. Mbappe and the group left Sweden on Friday.

Aftonbladet said the complaint was filed on Saturday after the alleged victim had sought medical attention.

Expressen reported Tuesday that police had seized some clothing as evidence, saying it consisted of women’s underwear, a pair of black trousers and a black top.

Photographs showed police officers leaving the Bank Hotel with brown bags on Monday.

Mbappe claimed in a post on X on Monday there was a link between the report and the hearing before a French league committee on Tuesday over his bitter dispute with his former club Paris Saint-Germain over what he says is 55 million euros in unpaid wages.

“FAKE NEWS !!!!. It’s becoming so predictable, on the eve of the hearing, as if by chance,” he wrote.

After the hearing, a source close to Qatari-owned PSG said the league would give its decision on 25 October.

Mbappe’s entourage said in a statement to AFP on Monday that the accusations were “completely false and irresponsible” and added that “all necessary legal action will be taken to re-establish the truth”.

Stellar career

Mbappe signed for Madrid in June after seven years at PSG and has up until now stayed clear of scandal in his private life.

The forward, who is known for carefully managing his image through a close network of family, lawyers and spokespeople, has become one of the world’s highest-paid players after a stellar career that saw him break through as a teenager at Monaco.

A 19-year-old Mbappe joined Pele as the only teenager to score in a World Cup final when France beat Croatia 4-2 to win the 2018 edition and he was voted Best Young Player of the tournament.

Four years later in Qatar, he scored a hat-trick in the final against Argentina but finished on the losing team as Lionel Messi‘s side won in a penalty shoot-out.


Floods leave 10 million children out of school in west and central Africa

An estimated 10 million children across Nigeria, Mali, Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo are unable to attend school after devastating regional flooding, the charity Save the Children has said.

The severe rains, which have damaged or destroyed schools and displaced families, have left the education system in crisis.

Displacing nearly one million people, the floods have worsened an already fragile situation.

“For many children in West and Central Africa, the start of the school year is synonymous with sadness at the sight of their homes, schools and classrooms under water,” Save the Children’s Vishna Shah-Little said.

All four countries are experiencing large numbers of children missing the school year’s start, with many schools closed due to severe damage.

The situation is especially dire in Niger and Mali, where the start of the school year has been postponed for weeks, affecting millions of learners.

Severe flooding in northeast Nigeria impacts one million, sparks disease, food shortage fears

Niger, Mali hit hard

Niger has delayed its school year by three weeks, impacting 3.8 million children. The floods have damaged or destroyed 5,520 classrooms, leaving many families without shelter.

Mali has postponed its school year by a month, with 3.8 million children affected by the delays in primary and secondary schools.

“As well as seeing their families devastated and their homes destroyed, the children have to come to terms with witnessing the flooding of their education,” Shah-Little said.

In Nigeria, 3 million children are out of school in Borno state alone. Statewide closures have put another 2.2 million children out of school due to flooding.

Across the country, 30 out of 36 states have been hit by heavy rains, leaving 269 people dead and displacing 640,000.

Appeal to donors

Save the Children is urging donors to support a scaled-up response to the growing crisis. It also called on governments to provide alternative learning options and ensure schools are resilient to future extreme weather events.

In the DRC, flooding earlier this year destroyed 1,325 schools, impacting over 200,000 children. Currently, at least 59,000 children remain out of school, with the province of Tanganyika hardest hit.

Save the Children is pushing for a global response to the climate crisis, advocating for governments to phase out fossil fuel use and protect vulnerable populations.

“We are investing in strengthening early warning systems for floods to better anticipate and prepare for such shocks,” Shah-Little added.

(With AFP)


Senegal unveils 25-year development plan aiming for economic sovereignty

Senegal’s president and prime minister unveiled the government’s 25-year development plan on Monday, pledging to build the foundation for economic sovereignty by focusing on competitiveness, sustainable resource management, and good governance.

Titled “Senegal 2050”, the plan’s objective is to increase per capita income by 50 percent in five years and to extend life expectancy by three years, while reducing the deficit and debt.

The goal is also to improve livelihoods in the West African nation.

“We aim to build a diversified and resilient economy,” President Bassirou Diomaye Faye said at the launch ceremony, on Monday.

The plans aim to triple income per capita by 2050, and ensure annual growth of more than six percent by developing competitive sectors, including a strong private sector.

“This requires the development of our natural resources, whether agricultural, mining, oil or gas, through ambitious industrialisation,” the Senegalese president said.

“We will integrate our raw materials into global value chains and we will transform our wealth, locally, in particular, thanks to digital technologies and artificial intelligence,” he also said.

Jobs for young people

Among the concrete promises announced are the one to train 700,000 young people in the next five years, to help boost job creation and fight unemployment.

“Our young talent is in desperate search of opportunities,” the president also said.

The government also wants to reduce the cost of electricity thanks to the exploitation of gas and oil, and to make Senegal energy self-sufficient as soon as possible.

Senegal begins review of oil and gas contracts in bid to reclaim resources

Senegal became an oil producer in June, while gas production is due to begin by the end of the year.

The government aims at investing in research and innovation, all for a cost of 11.1 billion euros.

But the main challenge will however be to bring a credible budget plan to support all these promises.

“If you fight corruption effectively, you will gain a lot,” Mamadou Diop Decroix, former minister of commerce under Abdoulaye Wade, told RFI.

He did not sound worried therefore, and also suggested taxing more income and increasing the tax base.

But for Elimane Haby Kane, of the Legs-Africa think tank, the authorities must work harder to really offer reliable economic development solutions that are different from previous authorities.

“Their vision can be very ambitious, but now what’s important is how to translate that vision into reality!” he told RFI.

“Much more audacity is needed in implementation to achieve these ambitions,” he insisted.


Young people hit hard by Senegal’s economic and political crises • RFI English

Aiming for more change

President Bassirou Diomaye Faye and his Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko made their first promises for economic changes seven months ago, after his landslide election victory in the March election.

Change afoot for Senegal as Bassirou Diomaye Faye readies for power

The announcement now comes as a snap legislative election is coming in November, which the president hopes will give him and his prime minister, Ousmane Sonko, a majority in Parliament to put their plans into place. 

Senegal’s president dissolves parliament, calls snap November election

Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko called on the Senegalese for patience on Monday, and asked the unions to hold on to reasonable demands.

But the expectations of the Senegalese are high in a difficult economic context and a gloomy business climate with numerous tax adjustments.


Former PSG boss Thomas Tuchel appointed England head coach

Former Paris Saint-German head coach Thomas Tuchel was on Wednesday confirmed as the new boss of the England men’s national football team.

The 51-year-old German, who claimed six trophies in his two years in the French capital, will take over from interim manager Lee Carsley in January after the draw for the qualifying campaign for the 2026 World Cup.

“I am very proud to have been given the honour of leading the England team,” said Tuchel.

“I have long felt a personal connection to the game in this country, and it has given me some incredible moments already.

“To have the chance to represent England is a huge privilege, and the opportunity to work with this special and talented group of players is very exciting.”

During nearly two years at the English Premier League outfit Chelsea, he led the side to 2021 Champions League, the Uefa Super Cup and the Club World Cup. But he left the west Londoners after the club was sold to Todd Boehly in 2022.


In his 15 months at Bayern Munich, he steered the German giants to the 2023 Bundesliga crown – an 11th consecutive Bundesliga title for the Bavarians – before an acrimonious departure involving public spats with an array of  senior players and executives.

“We are thrilled to have hired one of the best coaches in the world,” English Football Association CEO Mark Bullingham said in a statement on Wednesday.

Tuchel will be joined by his former Chelsea assistant Anthony Barry, who most recently worked with Portugal at the 2023 European championships.

“Fundamentally we wanted to hire a coaching team to give us the best possible chance of winning a major tournament, and we believe they will do just that,” Bullingham added.

“Thomas and the team have a single-minded focus on giving us the best possible chance to win the World Cup in 2026.”

Tuchel will become England’s third foreign coach after Sven-Goran Eriksson from Sweden and the Italian Fabio Capello.


Kenyan court rejects bid to stop deputy president’s ouster

A Kenyan court on Tuesday dismissed a last-minute attempt to halt the Senate’s debate and vote on the impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

“The prayer for conservatory orders is declined,” High Court judge Enock Chacha Mwita ruled on Tuesday, in the afternoon.

Gachagua had filed the court challenge to stop the upper house’s proceedings set for Wednesday and Thursday, arguing that his impeachment had been unfair and fast-tracked.

The 59-year-old has been denying all allegations and will continue to serve in his role until the Senate decides whether to approve his removal.   

Following the ruling, Gachagua’s counsel said they intended to appeal the decision.

Historic move

This attempt at impeachment is the first of its kind against a deputy president since the possibility was introduced in Kenya’s revised 2010 constitution.

In a historic move last week, the lower house of Kenya‘s parliament, the National Assembly, voted overwhelmingly to impeach Gachagua on 11 charges including corruption.

Kenyan MPs vote to impeach deputy president in historic move

The ouster would now require the support of at least two-thirds of senators to pass.

Gachagua filed the court challenge to stop the upper house’s proceedings set for Wednesday and Thursday, arguing that his impeachment had been unfair and fast-tracked.

It is one of more than two dozen court cases that have been filed against the impeachment.

On Monday, the Chief Justice Martha Koome empanelled a three-judge bench to hear and determine a case consolidating six of the petitions.

Powerful man

Gachagua is considered a powerful businessman, and belongs to Kenya’s biggest tribe, the Kikuyu.

He has weathered previous corruption scandals to become deputy leader as President William Ruto’s running mate in a closely fought election in August 2022.

But in recent weeks, he has complained about being sidelined by the president.

At the same time, he had been accused of supporting the youth-led anti-government protests that broke out in June.

After cabinet sackings, Kenya’s youth protesters call for President Ruto to go

Gachagua is also accused of threatening a judge among his impeachment charges.

On Sunday, he had said he pinned his hopes on the judiciary.

“I am a believer in the independence of the judiciary. I am certain that the courts will exercise judicial authority and protect and uphold the constitution and the will of the people,” he told a church service in central Kenya.

Kenya’s President Ruto fired most of his cabinet and included members of the opposition in his cabinet after nationwide protests against tax increases in which more than 50 people were killed.

Ruto has not commented publicly on the impeachment.

 (with newswires) 


Tennis legend Serena Williams reveals surgery to remove cyst from neck

Tennis legend Serena Williams revealed on Wednesday she was recovering after surgery to remove a cyst from her neck.

The 43-year-old former world number one posted a video on social media on Wednesday recounting that she had found a lump on her neck in May.

“I immediately went to the doc got a mri and was told I have a brachial cyst,” she wrote.

“They said I don’t need to get it removed if I don’t want. So I did not get it but it kept growing.

“I decided to get more test and 3 test and one biopsy later everything is still negative but doctors advised I get it removed asap because it was the size of a small grapefruit and it could get infected or worse leak.”

Williams stepped away from professional tennis after the 2022 US Open, the place where in 1999 she won the first of her 23 Grand Slam singles titles which included three French Open crowns. 

With her older sister Venus, she also claimed 14 Grand Slam women’s doubles titles.

During her career on the tennis court, Serena Williams amassed prize money of 90 million euros.

Forbes reported in the summer of 2023 that Williams had an estimated net worth of around 270 million euros.

“I am feeling so grateful and fortunate everything worked out,” Williams added. “And most of all I’m healthy.”


Iran Air suspends flights to Europe amid new EU sanctions

Iran Air has suspended all flights to European countries in response to new sanctions imposed by the European Union. The carrier is the only airline operating flights to EU countries.

The sanctions, announced on Monday, target Iran Air, Mahan Air, and Saha Airlines. The EU accuses the airlines of aiding Tehran’s missile and drone transfers to Russia, a claim Iran denies.

“Iran Air had to cancel flights because it will no longer be able to obtain landing permits,” said Jafar Yazarloo, spokesperson for Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation.

The suspension affects all flights to major European cities, including Paris, London and Frankfurt.

Passengers were notified of the cancellations via SMS on Monday. Many contacted Imam Khomeini Airport in Tehran, where operators confirmed the flights were cancelled due to EU sanctions.

Macron condemns Iran’s attacks, mobilises French military in Middle East

“Iran Air was the only airline flying to Europe. Now, not a single Iranian airplane will go there,” said Maqsood Asadi Samani, director of the Association of Iranian Airlines.

He added that passengers will likely need to rely on connecting flights via countries like Turkey and the UAE.

Diplomatic efforts are underway to address the situation, but no immediate solution has been announced.

Last month, the United States also imposed sanctions on Iran Air, accusing it of transporting goods for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Western powers have accused Iran of supplying Russia with missiles and drones for its war in Ukraine, which Iran denies.

(With newswires)

The Sound Kitchen

Algerian military’s ‘more important role’

Issued on:

This week on The Sound Kitchen you’ll hear the answer to the question about the new role for Algeria’s military. There’s a poem written by RFI Listeners Club member Helmut Matt, “The Listener’s Corner”, and Erwan Rome’s “Music from Erwan” – all that, and the new quiz and bonus questions too, so click on the “Play” button above and enjoy!  

Hello everyone! Welcome to The Sound Kitchen weekly podcast, published every Saturday – here on our website, or wherever you get your podcasts. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you’ve grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day”, quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so be sure and listen every week.

Erwan and I are busy cooking up special shows with your music requests, so get them in! Send your music requests to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr  Tell us why you like the piece of music, too – it makes it more interesting for us all!

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Do not give up! As Lidwien van Dixhoorn, the head of “Le Français facile” service told me: “Bathe your ears in the sound of the language, and eventually, you’ll get it.” She should know – Lidwien is Dutch and came to France hardly able to say “bonjour” and now she heads this key RFI department – so stick with it!

Be sure you check out our wonderful podcasts!

In addition to the breaking news articles on our site, with in-depth analysis of current affairs in France and across the globe, we have several podcasts that will leave you hungry for more.

There’s Paris Perspective, Spotlight on France, Spotlight on Africa, and of course, The Sound Kitchen. We have an award-winning bilingual series – an old-time radio show, with actors (!) to help you learn French, called Les voisins du 12 bis. And there is the excellent International Report, too.

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Another idea for your students: Br. Gerald Muller, my beloved music teacher from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, has been writing books for young adults in his retirement – and they are free! There is a volume of biographies of painters and musicians called Gentle Giants, and an excellent biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., too. They are also a good way to help you improve your English – that’s how I worked on my French, reading books that were meant for young readers – and I guarantee you, it’s a good method for improving your language skills. To get Br. Gerald’s free books, click here.

Independent RFI English Clubs: Be sure to always include Audrey Iattoni (audrey.iattoni@rfi.fr) from our Listener Relations department in your RFI Club correspondence. Remember to copy me (thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr) when you write to her so that I know what is going on, too. N.B.: You do not need to send her your quiz answers! Email overload!

This week’s quiz: On 14 September, I asked you a question about Algeria’s presidential elections. Held on 8 September, the incumbent, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, was reelected.

RFI English reporter Melissa Chemam followed the race closely; the day after the election she wrote an article for us, “High expectations as Algeria’s President Tebboune begins new mandate”. Her article is about what’s on Tebboune’s presidential plate economically and socially for his next mandate.

There are several worries in civil society, as Melissa noted: “The first mandate of President Tebboune saw a clampdown on civil liberties and seen the army take on a more important role.”

Your question was about the army, and its, as Melissa noted, “more important role”. In August, a few days before Tebboune declared his candidacy, a decree was issued involving the army. You were to tell me what was in that decree.

The answer is, to quote Melissa’s article: “A few days before Tebboune’s declaration of candidacy, in August, a decree was published to legalise the transfer of the senior civil administration under the direct authority of the army.”

In addition to the quiz question, there was the bonus question: “What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “red”? The question was suggested by Ashik Eqbal Tokon from Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Do you have a bonus question idea? Send it to us!

The winners are: RFI Listeners Club member Radhakrishna Pillai from Kerala State in India. Radhakrishna is also this week’s bonus question winner. Congratulations on your double win, Radhakrisha!  

Also on the list of lucky winners this week are RFI Listeners Club members Father Stephen Wara from Bamenda, Cameroon; Shadman Hosen Ayon from Kishoreganj, Bangladesh, and Atikul Islam – who is also the president of the Narshunda Radio Listeners Family in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Last but certainly not least, RFI English listener Jahangir Alam from the Friends Radio Club in Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Here’s the music you heard on this week’s programme: “Autumn” from The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi, performed by Carla Moore and Voice of Music; Traditional Chaabi music from Algeria; “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov; “The Cakewalk” from Children’s Corner by Claude Debussy, performed by the composer, and “Mr. Bobby” by Manu Chao, performed by Chao and the Playing for Change musicians.

Do you have a music request? Send it to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

This week’s question … you must listen to the show to participate. After you’ve listened to the show, re-read our article “Algeria’s Tebboune refuses France visit in snub to former colonial ruler”, which will help you with the answer.

You have until 4 November to enter this week’s quiz; the winners will be announced on the 9 November podcast. When you enter be sure to send your postal address with your answer, and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Send your answers to:



Susan Owensby

RFI – The Sound Kitchen

80, rue Camille Desmoulins

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux



By text … You can also send your quiz answers to The Sound Kitchen mobile phone. Dial your country’s international access code, or “ + ”, then  33 6 31 12 96 82. Don’t forget to include your mailing address in your text – and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Click here to learn how to win a special Sound Kitchen prize.

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Spotlight on France

Podcast: French song’s popularity abroad, screens in school, France’s Nobels

Issued on:

Why songs in French are attracting new audiences in non-francophone countries. How are French schools using screens in classrooms? And the history of France’s Nobel prizes.

The Paris Olympic Games and Paralympics gave French-language songs huge exposure, adding new fans to the global audience already growing on streaming platforms. But what kind of music are non-French-speakers listening to and why? A new exhibition at the recently opened International Centre of the French Language asks the question. Its curator, the music journalist Bertrand Dicale, based the exhibit on the idea that songs reveal who were are, and he talks about what popular songs reveal about France. He also highlights some surprising differences between French and foreign audiences, which have allowed stars like Aya Nakamura and Juliette Gréco to enjoy huge success abroad despite being scorned at home. (Listen @0’00)

France lags behind many countries in the use of technology in classrooms and there is no clear policy from an ever-changing education ministry. But the disorganisation may be buying educators time to consider the consequences. A report commissioned in the spring by President Emmanuel Macron advised placing limits on young people’s use of smartphones and social media, and some schools are testing a smartphone ban this year. Founded by concerned educators, the collective Pour une éducation numérique raisonnée (“For a sensible digital education”) has raised its own concerns about the push to digitise textbooks and get students learning on screens. We visit a class taught by one of its members, and see how technology is – and is not – used. (Listen @22’00)

In the midst of Nobel season, a look at some of France’s 71 prizes, from the first ever Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 to the five won by members of the Curie family for physics and chemistry. (Listen @15’00)

Episode mixed by Cecile Pompéani. 

Spotlight on France is a podcast from Radio France International. Find us on rfienglish.com, Apple podcasts (link here), Spotify (link here) or your favourite podcast app (pod.link/1573769878).

International report

Turkey deepens Somali ties with energy push, but rising Ethiopia tensions jeopardise investments

Issued on:

Turkey’s deployment of an energy research ship accompanied by a naval escort to Somalia is the latest step in deepening bilateral ties. However, rising Ethiopian-Somali tensions threaten Turkey’s substantial investments in Somalia, as Ankara’s mediation efforts  stall.

With a great deal of fanfare, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the leaving ceremony of Turkey’s energy research vessel Oruc Reis, which set sail this month to Somalia accompanied by two Turkish naval vessels.

Somali energy deal

The deployment of the Oruc Reis is part of an energy deal struck with Somalia and the latest step in Ankara’s long-term investment in the Horn of Africa nation.

Turkey has its largest embassy in the world in Mogadishu. It has a military base there. The port of Mogadishu is controlled by a Turkish company, “explained Norman Rickelfs, a geopolitical consultant.

“[Turkey] signed a defense deal (with Somalia) in February, a two-part defense deal, and then an energy exploration deal in March. So, Turkey needs Somalia and Ethiopia to play well together.”

The threat of a new conflict in the Horn of Africa has been looming since January when Ethiopia signed a memorandum of understanding with Somaliland, a breakaway state from Somalia.

The agreement gives Ethiopia secure sea access in exchange for recognizing the breakaway state, a deal condemned by Somalia for infringing on its territorial integrity.

Turkey enters fray mediating Ethiopia and Somalia’s high-stakes dispute

Somalia, Ethiopia and Turkey

Ankara which has good relations with Ethiopia, as well as Somalia has been mediating. But September’s round of talks, during which Ankara had indicated an agreement could be reached, has been indefinitely postponed.

The postponement follows Egypt signing a defense pact with Somalia in August. Last month, Egypt sent its first shipment of arms to Somalia in four decades.

Elem Eyrice-Tepeciklioglu, an African studies professor at the Social Sciences University of Ankara, warns that Egypt’s military involvement complicates Ethiopian Somali reconciliation efforts.

“There are also some hurdles on the way with some recent tensions, especially with the involvement of Egypt and its increasing relations with Somalia,” claims Eyrice-Tepeciklioglu.

Tepeciklioglu warns that the longer the Ethiopian-Somalia dispute continues, the greater the risk of contagion in an unstable region.

“The shifting alliances in the region are also a source of problem, because most of the regional countries have strained relations with each other. And then they often have conflicting interests. So this might complicate the situation,” explained Tepeciklioglu. 

 Egypt’s support of Somalia is the latest chapter in Egyptian-Ethiopian tensions. Those tensions center on Ethiopia’s damming of the Nile River, which Egypt depends on.

Cairo’s position

Cairo has strongly criticized the project, warning it poses an existential threat. “Egypt’s military deployment to Somalia is a natural progression for an actor seeking to strengthen their hand in a regional competition,” said Kaan Devecioglu of the Ankara-based think tank Orsam.

However, Devecioglu says the priority must be to prevent current rivalries from overspilling into confrontation. “Egypt already has this strained relationship with Ethiopia due to tensions over the Nile River, which makes its presence in Somalia geopolitically sensitive. The issue is not that states are rivals but ensuring they are not enemies,’ explained Devecioglu.

Egyptian President Al Fateh Sisi discussed Ethiopian Somali tensions during last month’s Ankara visit. The visit is part of rapprochement efforts between the countries. That rapprochement Ankara is likely to use to contain current tensions in the Horn of Africa.

However, some experts warn Ankara‘s mediation efforts could be running out of time.

“We see tensions escalating in the region, and we see both sides sort of trying to extract leverage and put pressure on each other,” said Omar Mahmood, a Senior Analyst of the International Crisis Group.

Mahmood says that given the Horn Of Africa is already plagued with conflict Ankara’s mediation efforts needs international support,

 “There needs to be a way to de-escalate, I think the mediation is very important. But I think there probably needs to be additional, you know, parties involved or additional pressure put on both sides in order to get to a breakthrough,” added Mahmood.

Currently, there is no new date for a new round of Turkish-brokered Ethiopian Somali talks, with Ankara saying it is negotiating with each country separately. But time is not on Ankara’s side as tensions continue to grow in the region, which is located on one of the world’s most important trade routes.

The Sound Kitchen

Four for three

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This week on The Sound Kitchen you’ll hear the answer to the question about the number of medals won by French Paralympians in the triathlon events at the 2024 Paris Paralympics Games. There’s “On This Day”, “The Listener’s Corner”, Ollia Horton’s “Happy Moment”, and Erwan Rome’s “Music from Erwan”. All that, and the new quiz and bonus questions too, so click on the “Play” button above and enjoy! 

Hello everyone! Welcome to The Sound Kitchen weekly podcast, published every Saturday – here on our website, or wherever you get your podcasts. You’ll hear the winner’s names announced and the week’s quiz question, along with all the other ingredients you’ve grown accustomed to: your letters and essays, “On This Day”, quirky facts and news, interviews, and great music … so be sure and listen every week.

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Do not give up! As Lidwien van Dixhoorn, the head of “Le Français facile” service told me: “Bathe your ears in the sound of the language, and eventually, you’ll get it.” She should know – Lidwien is Dutch and came to France hardly able to say “bonjour” and now she heads this key RFI department – so stick with it!

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There’s Paris Perspective, Spotlight on France, Spotlight on Africa, and of course, The Sound Kitchen. We have an award-winning bilingual series – an old-time radio show, with actors (!) to help you learn French, called Les voisins du 12 bis. And there is the excellent International Report, too.

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Another idea for your students: Br. Gerald Muller, my beloved music teacher from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, has been writing books for young adults in his retirement – and they are free! There is a volume of biographies of painters and musicians called Gentle Giants, and an excellent biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., too. They are also a good way to help you improve your English – that’s how I worked on my French, reading books that were meant for young readers – and I guarantee you, it’s a good method for improving your language skills. To get Br. Gerald’s free books, click here.

Independent RFI English Clubs: Be sure to always include Audrey Iattoni (audrey.iattoni@rfi.fr) from our Listener Relations department in your RFI Club correspondence. Remember to copy me (thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr) when you write to her so that I know what is going on, too. N.B.: You do not need to send her your quiz answers! Email overload!

This week’s quiz: On 7 September, I asked you a question about the Paris Paralympics 2024. You were to re-read our article “Golden glory for French para-triathletes despite delays over Seine water quality” and send in the answers to these two questions: How many medals did the French Paralympians win in the triathlon events that were held on 2 September, and: What are the three sports that make up a triathlon?

The answer is: French Paralympians won four medals in the triathlon events. Alexis Hanquinquant and Jules Ribstein both won gold in their divisions, Thibaut Rigaudeau and Antoine Perel won bronze in the competition for visually impaired athletes.

And which three sports make up a triathlon? Swimming, bicycling, and running. 

In addition to the quiz question, there was the bonus question: “What is the scariest creature you have ever encountered?”, which was suggested by Alan Holder from the Isle of Wight, England.  

Do you have a bonus question idea? Send it to us!

The winners are: RFI Listeners Club member Swapan Kumar Chandra from Kolkata, India – who is back in the kitchen with us after a long break … welcome back, Swapan! Swapan is also this week’s bonus question winner – congratulations!

Also on the list of lucky winners this week are A. K. M. Nuruzzaman, the president of the RFI Amour Fan Club in Rajshahi, Bangladesh, and Rasheed Naz, the chairman of the Naz RFI Internet Fan Club in Faisal Abad, Pakistan. There’s RFI Listeners Club member Radhakrishna Pillai from Kerala State in India, and last but certainly not least, RFI English listener Shihab Ali Khondaker from Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Congratulations winners!

Here’s the music you heard on this week’s programme: Le Boeuf sur le Toit by Darius Milhaud, performed by the Ulster Orchestra conducted by Yan Pascal Tortelier; “Love Me Do” by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, played by The Beatles; “Les Jours Heureux” by Cyrille Aufort; “The Flight of the Bumblebee” by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov; “The Cakewalk” from Children’s Corner by Claude Debussy, performed by the composer; “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, and “At The Centerline” by Brian Blade, performed by the Brian Blade Fellowship Band.

Do you have a music request? Send it to thesoundkitchen@rfi.fr

This week’s question … you must listen to the show to participate. After you’ve listened to the show, re-read our article “French far-right leader Marine Le Pen on trial for misuse of EU funds”, which will help you with the answer.

You have until 28 October to enter this week’s quiz; the winners will be announced on the 2 November podcast. When you enter be sure to send your postal address with your answer, and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Send your answers to:



Susan Owensby

RFI – The Sound Kitchen

80, rue Camille Desmoulins

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux



By text … You can also send your quiz answers to The Sound Kitchen mobile phone. Dial your country’s international access code, or “ + ”, then  33 6 31 12 96 82. Don’t forget to include your mailing address in your text – and if you have one, your RFI Listeners Club membership number.

Click here to learn how to win a special Sound Kitchen prize.

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Spotlight on Africa

What are Africa’s economic needs amid rising competition between China and the West?

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Following a month filled with key summits and continued trade negotiations across Africa, this week’s edition of Spotlight on Africa examines the growing rivalry between China and Western nations as they vie for business opportunities on the continent.

This week, our focus shifts to the dynamics of Chinese-African-Western relations.

In September, as the United States pursued investments in nuclear energy projects in Ghana and Kenya, the China-Africa forum concluded with a series of new agreements between China and a number of African countries. These deals spanned key sectors, including industry, agriculture, natural resources, and renewable energy.

China’s new strategy in Africa: is the continent getting a fair deal?

Chinese President Xi Jinping also announced that Beijing will allocate $50 billion (€45 billion euros) to Africa over the next three years.

However, China’s overall investments in the continent have declined over the past year, creating an opening for both the US and Europe, who are both eager to re-establish their economic presence in Africa.

Russia has also entered the picture.

But what does Africa really need?

To explore this, Jan van der Made and Melissa Chemam spoke with experts, including historians Daniel Large and Michael Dillon, as well as Igor Ichikowitz from the Ichikowitz Family Foundation.

Episode mixed by Erwan Rome 

Spotlight on Africa is a podcast from Radio France Internationale

International report

Erdogan’s anti-Israel rhetoric falters as Turkey loses regional clout

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has used the United Nations General Assembly to criticise Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But as Erdogan tries to lead opposition to Israel, Turkey is finding itself increasingly sidelined in the region.

At the UN, Erdogan again compared Israel to Hitler, calling for an “international alliance of humanity” to stop Israel as it did Hitler 70 years ago. However, such fiery rhetoric is finding a shrinking audience.

“It’s more conveying a message to their own base”, said Sezin Oney of the Turkish news portal Politikyol. “There isn’t an audience that really sees Turkey or Erdogan as the vanguard of Palestine rights anymore. On the contrary, that ship sailed long ago.”

Erdogan attempted to boost his image as a powerful regional player by meeting with the Lebanese and Iraqi Prime Ministers on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. But Ankara is increasingly finding itself sidelined as a regional diplomatic player.

Ankara‘s pro-Hamas approach has only marginalised Turkey in the international arena,” said international relations expert Selin Nasi of the London School of Economics. “So we see Egypt and Qatar receiving credits for their roles as mediators. And Turkey is locked out of international diplomatic efforts.”

Since Hamas’s 7 October attack on Israel and Israel’s subsequent Gaza campaign, Ankara has tried to position itself among international mediating efforts to end the fighting, given its close contacts with Hamas.

Turkish youth finds common cause in protests against trade with Israel

Mediation efforts

“Turkey was asked by the United States to speak with Hamas people”, said international relations expert Soli Ozel at Vienna’s Institute for Human Studies.

However, Ozel says the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran denied Erdogan his diplomatic trump card.

“One big blow to Turkey has been the murder of Haniyeh, with which Turkey did have very close relations. For all I know, he may even have had a Turkish passport”, said Ozel.

“And I really don’t think Turkey has any relations or contacts with Yahya Sinwar, who is officially and effectively the leader of Hamas”.

With Israel already alienated by Erdogan’s fiery rhetoric along with Turkey imposing an Israeli trade embargo, Gallia Lindenstrauss of Tel Aviv‘s National Security Studies says Turkey has nothing to offer.

Turkey flexes naval muscles as neighbours fear escalating arms race

“There are two main mediators in this conflict: Egypt and Qatar. They’re the two actors that have leverage over Hamas. Turkey, despite its very open support of Hamas, has very little leverage on Hamas’s decisions,” said Lindenstrauss.

“So Turkey is not effective – it doesn’t have the money to push Hamas in a certain direction, it doesn’t have the political leverage over Hamas to push it in the right direction. In practice …Turkey is not very efficient.

“So I don’t think it’s a mistake that Turkey is not part of this [mediation] process.”

Ankara has been quick to point out that existing mediation efforts between Hamas and Israel have achieved little, with the conflict now spreading to Lebanon.

However, some experts claim Ankara’s diplomatic sidelining has a broader message of Arab countries pushing back against Turkey’s involvement in the region.

“None of the Arab countries would like to get Turkey involved in this process,” said international relations expert Huseyin Bagci, of Ankara’s Middle East Technical University.

“Turkey could be considered by their views as the enemy of Israel, but it is artificial. The Middle East Arab-Israeli conflict since 1948 has been an Arab-Israeli conflict, not a Turkish-Israeli conflict.”

Turkey and Egypt bury the hatchet with a dozen new bilateral deals

Regional ambitions

For more than a decade, Erdogan has sought to project Turkey’s influence across the Middle East, often referring to the years of Ottoman rule as the halcyon days of peace and tranquillity.

But the latest Middle East war has ended such dreams, analyst Ozel said.

“The Turkish government thought that they could dominate the Middle East. They played the game of hegemony seeking, and they lost it,” Ozel explained.

“When they lost it, Turkey found itself way behind [the position] it had prior to 2011 when their grandiose scheme of creating a region which would be dominated by Turkey began.”

As the Israel-Hamas war threatens to escalate across the region, Erdogan’s rhetoric against Israel will likely continue. But analysts warn that outside of the leader’s conservative base at home, few others in the region will be receptive.

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Madhya Pradesh: the Heart of beautiful India

From 20 to 22 September 2022, the IFTM trade show in Paris, connected thousands of tourism professionals across the world. Sheo Shekhar Shukla, director of Madhya Pradesh’s tourism board, talked about the significance of sustainable tourism.

Madhya Pradesh is often referred to as the Heart of India. Located right in the middle of the country, the Indian region shows everything India has to offer through its abundant diversity. The IFTM trade show, which took place in Paris at the end of September, presented the perfect opportunity for travel enthusiasts to discover the region.

Sheo Shekhar Shukla, Managing Director of Madhya Pradesh’s tourism board, sat down to explain his approach to sustainable tourism.

“Post-covid the whole world has known a shift in their approach when it comes to tourism. And all those discerning travelers want to have different kinds of experiences: something offbeat, something new, something which has not been explored before.”

Through its UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Shukla wants to showcase the deep history Madhya Pradesh has to offer.

“UNESCO is very actively supporting us and three of our sites are already World Heritage Sites. Sanchi is a very famous buddhist spiritual destination, Bhimbetka is a place where prehistoric rock shelters are still preserved, and Khajuraho is home to thousand year old temples with magnificent architecture.”

All in all, Shukla believes that there’s only one way forward for the industry: “Travelers must take sustainable tourism as a paradigm in order to take tourism to the next level.”

In partnership with Madhya Pradesh’s tourism board.

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Exploring Malaysia’s natural and cultural diversity

The IFTM trade show took place from 20 to 22 September 2022, in Paris, and gathered thousands of travel professionals from all over the world. In an interview, Libra Hanif, director of Tourism Malaysia discussed the importance of sustainable tourism in our fast-changing world.

Also known as the Land of the Beautiful Islands, Malaysia’s landscape and cultural diversity is almost unmatched on the planet. Those qualities were all put on display at the Malaysian stand during the IFTM trade show.

Libra Hanif, director of Tourism Malaysia, explained the appeal of the country as well as the importance of promoting sustainable tourism today: “Sustainable travel is a major trend now, with the changes that are happening post-covid. People want to get close to nature, to get close to people. So Malaysia being a multicultural and diverse [country] with a lot of natural environments, we felt that it’s a good thing for us to promote Malaysia.”

Malaysia has also gained fame in recent years, through its numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which include Kinabalu Park and the Archaeological Heritage of the Lenggong Valley.

Green mobility has also become an integral part of tourism in Malaysia, with an increasing number of people using bikes to discover the country: “If you are a little more adventurous, we have the mountain back trails where you can cut across gazetted trails to see the natural attractions and the wildlife that we have in Malaysia,” says Hanif. “If you are not that adventurous, you’ll be looking for relaxing cycling. We also have countryside spots, where you can see all the scenery in a relaxing session.”

With more than 25,000 visitors at this IFTM trade show this year, Malaysia’s tourism board got to showcase the best the country and its people have to offer.

In partnership with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board. For more information about Malaysia, click here.

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