Hong Kong Weather Forecast 2024-04-17 10:00:10

Hong Kong Weather Forecast 2024-04-17T17:45:00+08:00

General Situation

A southerly airstream is bringing hot weather to the coastal areas of Guangdong. Locally, temperatures over most parts of the territory rose to 31 degrees or above in the afternoon. Besides, a trough of low pressure is bringing thundery showers to inland Guangdong.

Forecast Description

Mainly cloudy with a few showers. The minimum temperature will be about 27 degrees tomorrow morning. Hot with sunny intervals during the day. The maximum temperature will be around 31 degrees in the urban areas, and a couple of degrees higher in the New Territories. Moderate south to southeasterly winds.
A few showers in the following couple of days and hot during the day. More showers gradually with thunderstorms on Sunday and early next week.

Special Weather Tips

Hot weather might cause adverse health effects. The public should stay on the alert and drink more water.